Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 166 165: Neon

"So… Mr. Anon… Let us cut to the chase… What do you want and why are you here?"

In a slightly large luxurious room which had paintings and weapons on the wall, four individuals, could be seen in the room. Two sat at the opposite ends of a brown desk, and the remaining two, stood on the left and right side of one of the men sitting in front of the desks, they're posture and attitude, denoting that they were bodyguards.

The man who had two bodyguards by his sides, wore a red looking expensive suit and in his mouth, was a Cuban cigar. The man currently had a curious and confused expression as he observed the face of the black hooded figure.

He noticed that despite the black hood covering the figure's devilishly handsome face, he could see that the man's hair was completely white, a beautiful and pure kind of white. But unlike the man's hair which was white, the eyes of the hooded figure was black, completely black. Not even his sclera was spared of the black color, making the hooded figure seem like a devil royal from the deepest parts of…

'Who is he?'

Never in his life, had the man in red suit seen a man like the black hooded figure before him.

His countenance, his calm and relaxed behavior and his eyes which made the man in red suit fearful, made him to think of anybody important called Anon.

"You don't have to think so much Mr.… Oscar, I'm here to offer you a business proposition, not harm you… as long as you don't harm me first."

The eyes of the man in red suit widened to it's limits and with a fast movement of his right hand, he brought out a pistol from underneath the table, and with cold eyes, he spoke, while aiming the pistol at the head of the black hooded figure.

"How do you know my name. Very few people know my name."

"Well I guess I'm one of the few."

A smile formed on the lips of the black hooded figure, his expression and posture, showing his nonchalance at the pistol aimed at his head.

Meanwhile the man in red suit, Oscar, had a deep furrow of his brows seeing the nonchalance of the black hooded figure before him. With a calm movement of his finger, he deactivated the safety of the pistol… his intention was to scare or at least remove the nonchalant behavior of the black hooded figure.

But the subsequent actions of the black hooded figure, fully showed the man in red suit, that his intended effect was definitely not achieved.

Anon, the black hooded figure, placed his hand in the lower pocket of his hoodie, and just as he did that…


A loud gunshot resounded in the room, and just behind the black hooded figure, was a bullet sized hole, and not only that… a cut could be seen on the side of the hood of the black hooded figure.

"What do you think you're doing? Do you think I'm joking with you? Answer me this instant… How do you know my name?"

With frigid coldness in his tone, Oscar spoke as a whitish smoke hovered from the barrel of the gun. But a second later, Oscar's eyes widened slightly when he saw the cut on the hood of the black hooded figure 'heal' itself, and the hood going back to normal in the blink of an eye.

"What in the name of-"

"You can't, and won't kill me because you don't know if I'm the only one that knows your secret…"

Unchanging and indifferent, Anon's tone and expression remained the same. Without sparing Oscar a glance, Anon continued his previous actions while speaking:

"If you kill me… something which you definitely cannot achieve… Your so called, 'private' and hidden information would be exposed to all your enemies."

Oscar's posture, expression and breathing changed as he heard Anon's words. His lips parted open, wanting to speak, but a second later, a soft thud reached his ears and his eyes moved to his desk where a small transparent palm sized vial could be seen.

"What is that?"

Those words involuntarily escaped his lips as he observed the transparent vial. His eyes squinted slightly as he noticed a white powdery substance in the vial.


With his back leaning against the chair he was sitting on, Anon spoke calmly… but his words only caused an expression of confusion to emerge on Oscar's face.

Without waiting for Oscar to speak, Anon spoke once again:

"Neon is a drug… Apart from it causing hallucinations, serenity and a state of reaching cloud nine… it also has other another effect…"

A surprised and suspicious light flashed in Oscar's eyes as he heard the mysterious Anon's words. Never did he think that the man before him would want to sell drugs to him.

Although he was in charge of an organization that sold drugs, weeds and various other sorts of narcotics, he had never encountered such a mysterious and somewhat terrifying person that wanted to sell drugs to him.

Once again, his lips parted open, wanting to speak but just like before, he was interrupted…

"…Neon can permanently add stats to any random attribute."

"… Huh?"

A baffled and stunned expression appeared on the face of Oscar as he heard Anon's words. Seconds of silence passed until Oscar's brain fully comprehended Anon's words. But despite him comprehending the words, his mind still refused to believe that Anon's words were true.

"You're lying. There's no way there's a narcotic that can do something like that."

As Oscar spoke, his eyes observed Corey, wanting to notice any sign of dishonesty, but no matter how much he looked, he found nothing but calmness and confidence from Anon's countenance.

"Just like I said, Neon is different from other types of drugs… Neon is not only available in powdered form, it's also available in tablets…"

As Anon spoke with a nonchalant tone, he brought out another vial that contained white tablets and with a soft shake of his hand, the tablets moved, producing a rattling sound as they collided with the walls of the vial.

"You can either mix the powdered form of Neon with ordinary water, or any liquid that you desire… Or you can either mix it with your weed or cigarettes, it would provide the same effects… Or you can give your customers the tablets… Or you can just sniff the powdered form like how you sniff your other low quality drugs…"

"Using Neon in any form or manner, would provide you with the same benefits… hallucinations, serenity and in increase in your stats…"

"So, Mr. Oscar, do you want to buy some Neon?"

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