Chapter 164 Blood and Lightning

Chapter 164 Blood and Lightning

Gin sharply stares at Boltes as he holds his dagger in his right hand.

Boltes laughs, then the black giant flies toward Gin. The black smoke turns into many black fists, then they attack.

Bang! Bang! The black fists keep hitting the crates where Gin is jumping. A black fist opens its palm and tries to grasp him.

Gin jumped toward Boltes with somersault.

The black giant punched its right arm. The arm flies toward Gin in the air.

Shadow ball appeared on Gin's feet, and he used it to push himself to the left side while rotating his body.

WOOSH! Gin suddenly moves to Boltes from the air as he swings his dagger.

Boltes is shocked.


WENNG! The floor is cut. Boltes dodged the attack by jumping back.

Gin landed on the black giant's head, then he moves down toward Boltes.

Boltes grins as he sees Gin attacking from the air.

The giant turned while raising its left arm, then smashed it down to Gin.

A magic circle flashed on Gin's left hand, then he moves up his hand.


CRUNCH! "Acck!" Boltes sprayed out blood from his mouth. His face is frozen. He slowly looks at his chest, and then he saw a black spike that pierced his heart. The shadow behind him turned into a spike.

The black giant that almost hit Gin is frozen, then it turns into black smoke and slowly disappears.

The shadow spike retreated, and the shadow behind Boltes returned to its previous shape. Boltes fell to the floor, lifeless.

Boom! A blood spike stabbed the ground where Eric was standing.

The blood that float around Blood Demon turned into many spikes. The spikes keep trying to stab Eric.

Boom! Boom! The spikes keep stabbing the ground as Eric dodges them.

Eric moves to his back as he dodges. He moved away from the range of the blood spikes. The blood spikes moved back and turned back to their previous blood form.

Blobs of blood separated from the blood that float around Blood Demon. They float in the air and turned into arrows.


Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Many blood arrows attack Eric.

More lightning flashes on Eric's body as he avoids the attack. The arrows are missing Eric and stuck to the ground. The force and speed of the arrows became weaker as Eric moves away.

Blood demon chuckles.

"Spear Boy, moving away is useless."

Five big blobs of blood separated and float.


The five blobs mold into human-shaped blood clones. The clones raised their hands. Their hands turned into blades, then they move toward Eric, trying to encircle him.

Eric added more lightning to his spear.

The clones made an encirclement, and then they attacked together.

Eric jumped up with a backflip, then swings his spear.


Lightning blades cut the clones, then they exploded and turned into a puddle of blood.

Eric rotates his body in mid-air. He steps on earth in the air, then he moves to Blood Demon as threads of lightning element rotate on his spear.

Blood demon grins at Eric.

The puddle of blood behind Eric moved closer. They combine and form a beast.

Eric stabbed his spear to Blood Demon.


Bang! A shield made up of blood blocked the lightning spear.

Blood Demon smiles as he sees the blood sucking worm with two big fangs moving behind Eric.

The worm opened its mouth and bit Eric's head.


Lightning fell from the magic circle that Eric had quickly cast. Lightinings revolve around Eric, destroying the head of the bloodworm.

"Ahhh!" screams Blood Demon. He is hit by lightning.

Blood move above his head and blocks the lightning, then blood moved beneath his feet. He floats, then moves away from the lightning range.

The lightning storm stopped. Eric chases Blood Demon.


The blood on Blood Demon's feet has turned into a bat. It flew and dodged the lightning spear.

Blood Demon fiercely stares at Eric. More blood comes out of his storage space.


All the blood that floats around Blood Demon starts covering his whole body. The five-meter-tall blood starts molding. Limbs, heads, and wings are forming.

A five-meter-tall blood beastman appears. The head and wings look like a bat. The body is big and burly.

"Hahahaha, spear boy, be honored that you saw this form before you die. Don't worry, your blood will be included in my collection!!!"

Blood Demon rapidly flew down from the air and struck his right fist.

Boom! His big fist hit the ground, causing a big hole.

Eric jumped away.

Blobs of blood separated from Blood Demon and float in the air.


Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Many blood drops are coming to Eric.


"Ahhhh" shouts Eric as he rapidly stabs his spear.

Many shadows of a spear appear in the air and stab the blood drops.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The blood drops are being destroyed.

Blood Demon suddenly attacks from the air.

Boom! His fist hit the ground. The blood drops moving in the air move back to the body of Blood Demon.

Eric is moving to his back.

Blood Demon suddenly swung his left arm. His arm became a long whip with a sharp end.

"What?!" Eric is surprised by the sudden attack of Blood Demon. He raised his spear to block the attack.

Clang! "Acck!" The spear is pushed to Eric's right side and he is blown away.

Blood Demon laughs as he flies to Eric.

Eric hit the ground and bounced.

Bang! He hit the side of a rusty container.

Blood drips from his mouth.

"Hahahaha!" Blood Demon laughs as he approaches Eric. His swings his right hand. A blood whip flew to Eric's head.

Boom! The blade part of the whip stabbed the container.

Eric dodged the attack by jumping up.

Blood Demon's left hand has turned into a whip and tied Eric's left foot, then he swings it down.

Bang! "Acck!" Eric coughed out blood as his back hit an abandoned container.

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