Chapter 165 Blood and Lightning(2)

Chapter 165 Blood and Lightning(2)

Blood Demon raises Eric, then smashes him to the ground.

Boom! Eric hit the ground, causing a crack to appear.

Blood demon is laughing as he repeatedly smashes Eric. Eric's mask, armor, and necklace have cracks. His cape is torn.

TNNG! His necklace broke. The potions inside his storage space fell to the ground.

Blood demon lifts Eric to the air. His right hand became sharp.

He grins, then tries to pull Eric.

Blood Demon's slight delay of attack gave Eric an oppurtunity to slash his spear.

A lightning blade cut the blood whip. More lightning appeared in his left foot, then it exploded. The blood whip burst.

Eric casts earth magic. He steps on earth in the air and jumps on his back. A magic circle appeared at the tip of his spear, then threads of lightning element rotate and gather.

Flop! Eric landed on the ground as he pants heavily. He stares sharply at Blood Demon.

The blood that burst in the air reconnects with the blood whip. Blood Demon pulled the whip, then it returned into a huge fist.

Blood Demon chuckles, then he flies to Eric. He can't manipulate the blood of Eric. The blood need a processing before he can manipulate it.

"Hahahaha, Spear boy! Let me end your suffering!!!"

Eric rotates his spear as he raises it above his head. He holds the spear with his hands, then stabbed it to the ground.


The magic circle expanded, then a field of lightning rose from the ground.

"Ahhhh!" Blood Demon screams as lightning keeps hitting the whole body of the blood beast.

Eric jumped toward Blood Demon as threads of lightning rotate on his spear.

Blood Demon's right hand became a whip, then he swings it down.

Eric rotates his body to the right in mid-air as he swings his spear.


Bang! A shield formed on Blood Demon's left hand. The blood shield blocked the lightning blade, but the force pushes him to his side.

Eric follows Blood Demon. He jumped and uses a lot of mana. Purple energy covers his whole body and spear. A magic circle has formed at the tip of the spear.

Eric accelerated from the air, then stabbed his spear.


The magic circle expanded, then dense lightning spears came out of the circle.

"Ahhh!" Blood Demon screams as many lightning spears hit his blood beast form.

The bat wings are shredded. Many holes appear on the blood beast, and it can't protect Blood Demon hiding inside. Some lightning spears hit Blood Demon.

Blood tries to recover the holes in front of Blood Demon, but dense lightning spears keep destroying them.

Bang! "Ahhh!" A lightning spear stabbed Blood Demon's body and pushes him to his back.

Boom! His back hit an abandoned container. He has many stab wounds on his body. His whole body is covered with blood from himself and his collection.

Eric landed on the ground and wobbled. The purple energy that covers his whole body disappears.

Flop! He falls and lies on his back while panting heavily.

"It's over," thought Eric, but he suddenly hears a chuckle. He turned his head and feels shock.

The blood around Blood Demon moves to his body. His injuries started recovering.

He stands up while chuckling. A blob of blood floats and forms a sword as he walks toward Eric.

Eric tries to stand up.

A blood sword suddenly flew in the air.

"Acck!" Eric grits his teeth as his right shoulder is stabbed. He is stabbed to the ground by the blood sword.

The puddle of blood on the ground moves to Blood Demon, and his injuries further recover. A blob floats and forms a sword as it moves to his right hand.

Blood Demon laughs as he approaches Eric.

As Eric feels his impending doom, he feels grateful to his boss for giving him an opportunity.

He stares at the sky, and tears flow from his eyes as the figures of his parents appear in his vision.

"Father, Mother, I'm sorry that I can no longer make you feel proud as I promised."

Then the figures of his cousin and dragon guards appear in his vision, which made him smile.

"Cousin, thank you for everything. Four eyes, I'm entrusting her to you. Everyone, I feel proud to be part of Dragon Hall," Tears can't help but keep falling on Eric's eyes as he thinks of this.

Blood Demon stands beside Eric. His grin turned bigger. His face became hideous as he raises the blood sword, then he stabbed into Eric's neck.

Meanwhile, Mike is fighting a water magician.

There are fire and cracks caused by their fight.

Mike dashes to Fin as threads of fire rotate on his right hand.


Boom! The fire fist hit the ground.

Fin dodged the attack. He is lifted by a water pillar. His body started to transform. His skin turned gray, and his teeth became sharp.

A magic circle flashed on his hands, then threads of water rotate on his arms.


Shark heads that look like megalodon appeared on his hands as threads of water still rotate around his arms.

A magic circle flashed beneath his feet, then the water pillar gathered and turned into a fierce prehistoric shark.

Fin is chuckling as he stands on the floating shark.

"Stay here forever? Hahahaha. I will also tell you this: you will not stay here forever but beneath the pool where my pet sharks live!!!" shouted Fin as he aims his shark fists at Mike. The mouths of shark on his arms and water shark open.


Boom! Boom! Boom! A barrage of water bombs hit the ground as Mike keeps dodging them.

WOOSH! A fire dragon lifts him to the air, then he directs it to fly.

Mike takes a fist stance as he stands on the dragon's head. Threads of fire rotate around his hands, then he rapidly punches toward Fin.

Woo! Woo! Woo! A barrage of fire fists are flying in the air.

Fin also fired a barrage of water bombs.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The fire fists and water bombs are exploding in the air, causing so much water vapor to form.

Mike jumped toward Fin as he rotate his body in mid-air. Threads of fire rotate on his right arm and forms a giant fire arm. Marco traveled around the world to develop his fire fist. He added many skills to his technique. Now, Mike is using one of them.

Mike attacks Fin from the air.


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