Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 82: Damsel in distress!

Chapter 82: Damsel in distress!

Lara could barely believe what she was witnessing currently even though there were enough attests around her to clarify that she wasn’t in a dream.

When she pathetically was getting pushed by the Greater goblin suddenly her young master stepped up and asked her to sit back and relax.

The frightening rate of his recovery made Lara baffled which despite using Advance potions would have been nearly impossible to attain. He seemed…renewed somehow.

But it was not his ridiculous recoveries which made her dazed and drown in awe; rather it was his fighting prowess that he was showcasing currently against the boss monster. She has known him for years and was apparent of his affinity with weapons and physical battles. She indeed heard from her young master’s coachman, Brad, that Seth defeated all the ambushers by himself that day but now when she was witnessing it firsthand…her jaw was left hanging.

‘When did you grow so strong….’

Back on the battlefield, a seven feet tall creature that had several runic tattoos engraved on its bulging muscles stared at Seth with its aura screaming with blood lust. The atmosphere around the two could have suffocated any average low ranker and not to talk about the physical exchange between the two which afflicted the surrounding areas as well.

Unlike when the greater goblin was fighting Lara, it no longer seemed to be carefree in its stance. There were several bruises and internal wounds inflicted on its massive stature but the creature stood firm on the ground.

Seth had no visible injury at all despite he traded quite an amount of blows with the monsters. Thanks to their mismatched speed, Seth was able to dodge those heavy strikes of the goblin’s club or he wouldn’t have been calmly mocking the creature to attack first.


The green-skinned cried before it lifted its wooden-club high in the air until it reached double of its height before hammering it ferociously on top of Seth who was some meters away.

“Yong master!”

It wasn’t the first time he heard Lara’s scream but Seth wasn’t distracted by her voice as flawlessly channeled his mana in his toes and sidestepped from his spot to dodge the attack.

The air whistled audibly before the ground trembled because of the heavy impact. The raw strength of the greater goblin was nothing to scoff about and if the attack would have hit Seth directly, then he might have received severe damage of no return.


Lifting his five feet long sledgehammer, he channeled mana in his arm and before the creature could dodge, Seth struck the broad bluntness of the weapon on the creature’s ribs which were in full exposure.


A faint groan of agony escaped its thick pale green lips before the goblin glared fiercely at the human with its red eyes shining more brightly than ever.

Seth was not concentrated on the goblin's reaction as he pumped his arm and tried to punch the same place where he hit the goblin with his hammer just a second ago. But he was caught in the middle of his approach by the huge hand of the goblin.


Seth groaned slightly before his other hand tried to hit the hammer on the Goblin’s torso. However, the creature wasn’t that slow to not block such a feeble attack. The green creature, let go of its club as he took hold of Seth’s other hand as well, making the human entirely powerless.


The floor boss growled in success as it finally managed to hold its prey in its grasp. Despite the human looking so frail in the start the human managed to damage the goblin king to such an extent was humiliating enough.

Seth was grumbling under his breath as he felt the great goblin crushing his arm at a slower pace to prolong the struggle and see the misery from him.


“Heh~ It feels nice to turn the table right?”

The goblin’s eyes widened not because of the words Seth spoke but the dangerous premonition his animalistic instincts flared at an alarming rate.

But it was too late.



The sledgehammer Seth let go some seconds ago, based on top of the Goblin’s head with a force that created a cracking sound upon the collision. The hammer was struck more than the force Seth could have applied signifying how terrifyingly he was utilizing his psychokinesis.

The Goblin let go of his hands before Seth stepped backward and dodge the massive body of the creature which fell lifelessly on the ground.


Seth called his hammer and pulled a short sword from his inventory. Plunging the dagger in the creature's head, Seth started bashing the rear end of the sword with his hammer in order to split the head of the already dead monster.


“Young master…why did you..”

“Stopped you? Well, you can see the results.”


Lara in between the battle tried to help her young master in a state of panic when she saw him being held captive by the boss monster. But her feet were not responding to her plead at all, despite her desperation to jump in there and get Seth out of danger even if it takes her life in the process.

But whatever she tried she was not able to budge much from her spot. Then the realization hit her.

Her young master was not only handling the goblin but also utilized his skill to freeze Lara at her spot so she doesn’t interfere in the battle. It further explained that being held by the goblin was actually a distraction since his main objective was to take the creature by surprise.

She wanted to complain but when she saw how skillfully Seth dealt with all the chaos, she just stood in her place without trying to protest.

But that doesn’t mean she was not angry with his rash decision and irresponsible way of fighting.

“You shouldn’t have let yourself get caught Young master, despite you had everything planned. Not everything goes as ones expect them to. What would have happened if that thing would have decided to….*sniff*….I can’t e-even imagine…”


Hearing his dear maid sobbing, Seth let go of his equipment and dashed to stand beside her before he encircled his arms around her shoulder and invited the damsel in his embrace.

“Stop crying, Lara. As you can see, I am all fine.”


Lara continued to weep in his strong arms as she felt secure and relieved at the same time upon realizing that her young master truly was safe and by her side.

Seth sighed and patted the older woman who was shedding like a little girl when suddenly his eyes traveled to the only remaining person available other than these e here. We need to make a new strategy.”


A/N:- Things will be explained on how Seth seemed so powerful all of a sudden.

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