Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 92: I am counting on you!

Chapter 92: I am counting on you!

"You all, whom I have nurtured all those years...tried to kill the person I hold dearest to me?! How dare you!!"

As Valarie roared violet thunder reverberated all around the room making the audience and the ones who were targeted with such scorn, shiver in fret as they dared not to lift their face in shame and terror.

In between the Shadow Order and their mistress was now laid a charred body of the person who was once called the leader of the group. But now he was just a corpse giving away the smell of overcooked meat and nothing more.

Upon Valarie's arrival, like hell has itself descended all the members of Shadow Order fell into agony and horror since they never could have thought that they would be facing their mistress today when she was away with her work.

But before Shin could have presented any word of greeting or apology he was pulverized and annihilated from existence within seconds despite the man being a second-tier warrior and war veteran to the core. That kind of prowess the Duchess held at the tip of her fingers and also the reason why even the Emperor doesn't even think of going against his sister.

Seth, who for the first time saw the true powers of his mother was awestruck and slightly terrified as well since the amount of electricity she poured in one go without anywhere near depleting her Soul energy was enough to make him dead twice over with resistance included. Despite Seth having grown exponentially strong, the difference was vivid and still far off.

Thankfully this lady was on his side and the way she showed her obsession toward Seth, he was sure that he had to not fear any massive danger until he didn't reach a decent level.

As for the remaining Six Shadow Order, then looking at Valarie's expression, it seemed their end was nearing yet no one amongst them was trying to resist since they have accepted their fate. They knew what a tremendous blunder they have partaken in, which required no other compensation other than their lives.


"Mother, I need them."

Valarie who was at her peak state of agitation calmed down a little as she heard her son whisper and how fondly he held her waist from the back. His warmth was enough to calm the lady down but she was nowhere near forgiving them.

"But they chose to stay silent and let you enter that place knowing full well how you could have d-...I...I can't even imagine what I have done if anything would have happened to you!"

There was a faint remorse and helplessness in the older woman's tone as she thought of a possible scenario that Valarie never would like to become a reality. She couldn't even imagine a life without her son and they dared to separate her from her son?!


"I know and I am not asking you to forgive them, but still for my sake, don't kill them. Please, mother?"

Valarie narrowed her gaze and glanced to her right before she saw her son's expectant gaze which was unfair through and through in this situation. Now even if she desires, can Valarie kill those maggots when her son was asking so nicely for something for the first time?

Those who were kneeling with their heart leaped in their throat and waited dreadfully for what their mistress would respond since her following words would decide their fate.

Valarie contemplated for half a minute before she sighed audibly and released all her killing intent which was subtly weighing down on everyone in the room.

"Fine you win, but you have to promise me something if you want to keep them alive."

Seth knew she would agree to his request but this sudden requirement came entirely out of the blue. He nodded for her to continue but soon a shiver ran down his spine when he saw that sadistic smirk forming across the older woman's lips.

"Nothing much just..."


[After some time]

[Inside Keith's room]

Seth sat on a chair that was resting beside the bed as his little brother who was supposed to be hating him, was actually mannered enough to stand up in greetings.

Not only that, the little brother was not even daring to rest back on the bed as he patiently waited for Seth to say something with an impatient look on his face.

"How is your training proceeding?"

Overlapping his leg on the other, Seth leaned back on the chair and asked in a casual tone.

"It's go-Why do you care about it? In the first place, does it even matter whether I would be prepared for the job or not?"

Keith, who went with the flow and was about to answer truthfully, narrowed his gaze as he spoke in slight contempt and flared back with the thoughts he genuinely harbours.

True, Seth voiced his opinion of letting Keith be a potential successor for the throne but seeing the reluctance and how their mother put up a condition regarding the matter, Keith didn't have much hope for it.

Well, he was having political and social affairs classes regularly along with his other physical training but he was not going to confess that now.

"Does it matter or not, is not the question here. Are you even worthy to call yourself competent for being a Duke is what I am more concerned about since, despite my reticence to take the job, the downfall of Albeck Dukedom would be the last thing I could allow."

Keith's breath stuck in his throat as he heard the bone-chilling voice of his brother who seldom exchanged words in the past. Yet right now even though he was here and talking like never before, all Keith could hear was warning and wariness in Seth's tone.

Clenching his fist behind his back Keith responded in a neutral tone but the solemnity didn't go hidden by the other party.

"I am doing my best to be the person who if not the ruler could at least become the best support who wouldn't let any harm reach the doors of Albeck."

It was not a brother who responded but rather a responsible youngster who knew his role well and was following the path where he could make his family proud.

Seth stared at his little brother in helplessness since Seth came here to have a normal chat but somehow things elevated due to the tone Keith applied with his words.

But can Seth blame his brother for such stiffness he has adapted?

Without any further ado, Seth got up from his seat and halted his step just before his brother.

Keith felt some weight on his shoulder but he didn't move his head as he heard Seth's parting words.

"I am counting on you."


A/N:- School will resume and the main focus would be the main lead. Oof, I nearly outcast her.

Drop a comment if you are hyped~

P.S:- Don't ask me about Valarie and Seth's relationship.🤐

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