Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 93: Changed Ciel?

Chapter 93: Changed Ciel?

It was already a month ever since the vacations began and with the new year, every student was on their way to continuing their academy life. Not only new year bring celebrations and gatherings of friends and family but also brings out the dedication of countless youth for their upcoming years.

In Pristine Academy it was the same as others except for the fact that students were particularly a lot motivated about the upcoming cross-land Tournament which would be transpiring soon after the vacation.

In the tournament, all six continents participate and give their all to become the one and only Champion who would be remembered forever in history as a Prodigy.

Except for the grand prize awaiting the ultimate champion, one could achieve and secure a great future ahead if they perform well in the tournament and shine enough to gain the attention of some special guests who would be joining to oversee the main event.

It's not necessary to win but just to perform to their best capability would be enough to have some high noble or maybe the emperor himself to provide support if the show really gains that's interest and attention.

What one could expect from the tournament which only happens once every three years and gives a chance to young warriors of the six academies to compete against each other in order to shine the brightest and prove their worth across the world.

The event is long and takes around three weeks for every match to settle down before the champion is decided. All six continents send their top four central academy prodigies to compete against the other teams in order to come out the victor.

Ranghaur has a trail of two past losses since the prior two tournaments, one of the six continents, excelled in every way and crushed the other teams overwhelmingly. There was no competition to say so, just people fighting to achieve what they couldn't since one of the teams was way above them all.

But this time things were bound to change since like Ranghaur everyone had already their elites being trained and prepared for this tournament so they could excel in their performance and do their best to make their academy and motherland proud.


Just like everyone Seth also returned to the academy without any delay since he had nothing that interesting to do back in the dukedom. He had his fair share of family bonding and also the amount of time he was resting leisurely, the more he was getting bored.

Even more so when he has gotten out of that dungeon and explored a new side. Also, he was eager to see a certain someone whom he has neglected this long, as well.

But before that, Seth had to report to the student council office and sort out some work that must have been piling up until now. Not to talk about this upcoming tournament would only prove to be a fat ton of trouble over his shoulders and since Seth was also going to participate the amount of time he would receive to fulfill his duty as the President would only shorten.

About the sudden participation in the tournament?

Seth primarily was not that much interested in the tournament since the reward was not so enticing enough to pull him onto the stage and steal the limelight from the protagonist. But now, Seth had no option because of his mother's request.

For some reason, to let him keep the Shadow Order, his mother asked Seth to participate and win this tournament for her.

For a second, Seth was in a dilemma about whether the Duchess was also suspecting him of being his son. But soon he shrugged off the thought because of two reasons.

First, that woman is not someone who would plot against him in order to confirm something, She's much of a direct and confronting type of person who believes to sort out a doubt, it's best to directly extract the truth without beating around the bush. And the second reason was that glint of mischief and ecstasy Seth saw in the Duchess' eyes which told that this woman was up to no good,

But since he had enough trust in his mother that she wouldn't harm him in any way, Seth thought there was no problem once again throwing the plot haywire for his mother this time.

""Good morning, President.""

Nodding to the respectful greeting from every council member, Seth walked into the office and steadily made his way to his seat at the center of the opposite end of the entrance where a certain silver-haired maiden stood with a stoic face.

Seth's brows raised momentarily as he had a hard time swallowing the Soul energy Ciel was giving off and also her new haircut made him a bit surprised as well. But that was not something completely unexpected just a little surprising since Seth naturally has started forgetting various events of the novel.

Ciel kept her oceanic blues eyes straight and waited for the president to rest on his seat first. Her shoulder-length hair was resting freely with some strands covering her left eye. She looked more mature and strong as well from the last time Seth saw her before the vacation.

Seth knew why she suddenly changed and what new deeds she would be showcasing in the upcoming tournament, only if his participation doesn't affect the course of action.

As the President took his seat, the other council members as well, seated themselves before they continue working their stuff Seth asked the lady standing to his left.


Seth looked inside the file resting on his desk as he heard his secretary reading out his schedule for the day.

"President has to attend three periods of Ancient History, Botany and the last would be Literature. After that, President is asked to attend a meeting in the headmaster's chamber about which I have no further information. And after a break, physical training."

Seth nodded with a frown since this sudden meeting with the headmaster was naturally out of blue. But assuming the upcoming tournament and the weight it holds, Seth could more or less already guess the content of this meeting.

Soon a small smile curved his lips as well which no one in the room was able to see as he realized that in the first period, he would be able to see his Haruka sensei after this long.

But soon those butterflies burnt ruthlessly as soon Seth saw Haruka.


It was the first period in the academy when Seth seated on the first seat and awaited the beauty. The past month he was so occupied with his work and dungeon that he never actually paid any attention to Haruka at all.

And now when he has decided to leave the empire and embark on his journey to far-off places, Seth needed to make her fall for him in one way or another so she could willingly accept him. He wasn't overestimating himself but his stubbornness for Haruka was at such a level that he was considering those means which were far from noble or heroic.

'I better ask her during lunch break as well....'

Seth who was awaiting the teacher with a smile, suddenly stiffened at his place as soon the lady entered the class.

It was not she has changed or anything. She still was as beautiful as Seth could remember but there was something on her finger that made his mind blank and heartbeat heavy passing each second.



A/N- the result of ignoring your waifu for this long. Relax guys there is no way I would be ntring Seth. It's just time to unravel his past and many more things.

Drop a comment if you are hyped~

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