Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 96: Please don't tell me~

Chapter 96: Please don't tell me~

The person who is now known as the Student Council President Seth or the firstborn of almighty Albeck Duchess has the memory and soul of a young man in his late teens who belonged to the 21st-century world and lived as a high schooler in the Asian country, Japan.

Ryuuta Yamamoto.

Despite being said, Ryuuta wasn't actually a normal high schooler, to begin with since the time of his childhood, Ryuuta has been instilled with the principles of becoming a man worthy to protect a certain princess.

Surely it was a much-advanced generation where the Government ruled over the country and had absolute power, but it was undeniable that the authority which the ancient clans held was enormous through and through.

The government was just the puppets of what the supreme prominent clan desired to be implicated and in such numbers, there were the leading clans that have reigned over hundreds of years in the Asian continent.

The Tokugawa clan.

Being on the top of the hierarchy, it was also important for the heirs of the clan to be in their best shape and live under a promising shadow all the time so they don't get targeted by the endless enemies the clan has made over time.

The second heiress of the clan, Mayu Tokugawa who was in second in line to become the next matriarch was the same age as Ryuuta, who was a part of the branch family.

The two kids were extremely close since childhood as well which brought the decision that Ryuuta would be trained as the best servant and bodyguard for Mayu so if she ascended the throne or became a prominent face in the clan, she could be accompanied by a loyal slave.

And Ryuuta was chosen to be that slave.

Mayu was against such a decision since binding her brother by chains was not something she could ever have accepted. But he knew full well how important it was for Ryuuta to become strong to protect his 'sister' so he pursued the little girl and began his training under a strict clan that was infamous for producing powerful warriors.

The Tanta Clan.

Ryuuta was rigorously broken, boiled, and rebuilt several times at a very tender age when children should not be allowed to even be conscious of such harshness. Yet Ryuuta endured it all, both because of his family pride and the brotherly love he harbored for his sister.

He was trained in the job as a butler, assassin, robber, thief, and even in household chores as well. He was being sculpted as the perfect nanny cum shield Mayu would require shortly when she would become a known figure in society.

In between his training, Ryuuta occasionally met with his sister Mayu once in a while and comforted the over-caring girl that he was fine.

Surely, he was extraordinary for his age but there was a certain youngster among the Tanta clan whom Ryuuta was never able to defeat which worked as a motivation for the boy as he never stopped improving himself.

Seasons changed and after years of rigorous training and regular hardship, Ryuuta was offered the job working as the bodyguard of the young lady when she would be attending high school.

Ryuuta has honed his skill for this purpose so he readily agreed and at the age of fifteen, began his schooling life with his sister. Though they seldom contacted in public for starters because of Mayu's popularity and the secrecy of his job, but soon that changed because of Mayu's stubborn behavior to be close to her Nii-sama.

People knew they were cousins and Mayu was addicted to being with Ryuuta but it didn't change many views and students soon began accepting Ryuuta's presence as well.

By the time they reached their third year, Ryuuta apart from Mayu had already made four other friends with whom he relied on various times and were comfortable enough to hang out after school.

Those four were an irreplaceable part of his life, whom Ryuuta always cherished and always wanted their friendship to last as long as it could. Despite his fate being tied with Mayu, he wanted to have these four still be friends with him as well if possible.

And by luck or not, at the time of his death from what Ryuuta remembered all five people including Mayu and his four friends were together with him before Ryuuta lost consciousness and was reborn as Seth.

He often missed his sister and his friends but there was nothing he could do to meet them. He was dead for that world and even if they don't mourn his death for more than a week, he knew those five people will always remember him for their lives.

...or so he thought.


"That were not the only one who transmigrated Ryu. We all did. Me, your dear sister, Kyouko, Miyuki, and Keita as well. It was just unlike you, we five had our memories transferred partially and we were never able to take over our vessels completely as you had. Even though I am talking to you like this right now as your old friend Saito, it doesn't mean I am completely him since the consciousness of Ethan never let me take over. Unfair isn't it?"

Seth has never felt this much shock in his life to the point where he could not formulate what to say or think in order to subdue this hazy feeling growing inside his heart.

All five of them transmigrated...?

How...and why...?

And what about this complete possession his so-called old friend Saito was talking about? In the first place, Seth was having trouble believing this professor was Saito in the first place.

'No, he did say things about my past self which only someone close to me can know... '

Shaking his head, Seth disregarded the thought of this man in front being unaware of his past since there were heavy shreds of evidence to support the argument.

It was baffling and mind-numbing to think all of the five people he held close to his heart were also in this world and yet Seth never was aware of them. But something made Seth frown instantly as he looked up at the man and spoke in a doubtful tone.

"If you really are Saito, then why are you trying to get near someone whom you know I would definitely try to win over?"

Seth in his previous life was a very open man about his choices so his friends being aware of the girl he likes from any manga and novel was not uncommon. Despite Mayu being a little upset about it for some reason, he never refrained from buying the cover pictures and illustrations of the fictional characters he liked.

If the person in front really was Seth's good friend Saito then he must already know Seth's obsession with Haruka then how come he was targeting her?

There might be many things Seth wanted to ask from him but confirming that the man was really the Saito he knew was important and took priority.

"Oh my god...don't tell me you still don't understand the situation..."

Seth frowned confused about Ethan's words as he saw the man suppressing his laugh but soon the restraint was broken as the man began to chuckle loudly.

"Hahahahah!! *

The laugh continued as the man leaned back on the seat while holding his face trying to control his fun but he didn't seem to be able to as the barrage of laughter continued for good three minutes, all while Seth coldly stared at the man in wary.

Ethan got up from his seat before he took out a handkerchief from his side pocket and began wiping off the tears accumulated after the hearty laughter.

"You seriously are for real man?"

Seth remained silent as he saw Ethan begin walking around Seth as he continued with his word which poured a cold shower over the green-haired boy.

"So you are saying, all those times whenever you got cornered in between the crowd of delinquents out of nowhere, you suspect nothing of it? "

Seth's frown deepened and the delight on the man's face amplified as while walking around the boy he continued in a loud amused yet aggressive tone.

"All those times whenever an attempt to take your life was partaken... Please don't tell me you suspected nothing out of it, my dear friend~"

"The time you fell from the stairs or when thrown in front of an incoming truck on the excuse of accidental push. "

"Those times, when you found small wall nails in your lunch or when you nearly lost your leg saving your best friend named Saito, tell me, dear friend, Ryu, that you really reallllyyy didn't suspect anything? "

By the time Ethan finished reminiscing the past, Seth's face was ghastly pale, not because of the mention of the past incidents but the attempt on his life which were should not be known any anyone including Saito as well. Which implies...

Seeing Seth satisfying reaction, Ethan again sat on his seat with a malicious grin as he spoke with his killing intent spreading exponentially.

"Now you understand, my best friend~How precious were you for us? "


A/N: - Drop a comment if you got the reference for my other work. Yeah, the young man mentioned is none other than Yuuta.

I hope you guys are liking the story so far~

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