Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 95: Old friend?!

Chapter 95: Old friend?!

"It might not be tidy but please come in."

Haruka appeared in a slight fluster before she invited Seth inside her office which was on the top floor of the academic block where all the teachers were given their private cabin to work and rest in between lectures.

Seth had thought that he would be coming to this place in the near future but never expected, it in such circumstances.

The office room was spacious with a big bracket table just opposite the entrance and two chairs arranged for visitors. There were so many files and folders arranged on the table that Seth failed to see the other side of the table. On closer inspection, he saw that most of those folders were related to her research on ancient runes and archaeological reports.

There were bookshelves all around the room which had no space left to even slide a single add-on. The room was dim and in such proximity, Seth was showered with Haruka's mature scent as the lady piled up the folder on her table.

"Then, what is it that President needed to talk about?"

As Haruka said she turned around to look at the person she was talking to, only to get startled in the end since without her knowing she was already too close to the young man, to the point where she was able to feel his breath on her face.

As a natural reaction, a blush made way on Haruka's cheeks for which she would definitely reprimand herself afterward, as the older lady took away a step to make some distance.

Seth showed no particular reaction toward the reservation she had for him since there was nothing, to begin with between them that the woman could be comfortable with Seth. And not to talk about that she was now charmed to be engaged with someone.

"Let's sit first. Shall we?"(Seth)

By now Seth has already confirmed that the mist he saw clouding Haruka's nervous system was the same thing that came to light in the novel after a decent period when someone tried to charm the protagonist for a weird reason.

However, that happens when Arata reaches the third year of the academy and was fairly popular to get targeted with such a hidden artifact, to begin with. This mental interference charmer was not something that should have appeared at this point in time and thus Seth needs to know who the heck was screwing the plot other than him and trying to steal his sensei.

'I need to calm down...'

Seth knew there were many chain occurrences of things that deviated the story from the plot. Him being still alive and healthy was a prime example of it. What Seth needed to do was to take things calmly and not get ahead of himself which he was for some time.

Offering Haruka the visitor chair, Seth took the other seat and sat while facing the lady who had a clear perplexed look on her face.

The innocence was so bright on her face that Seth was forced to rub the V in the middle of his brows to get things straight. She is too damn adorable!

"First of all, congratulations on your engagement, Professor."

Haruka might be innocent and clutz at times but she was not dumb to reveal everything just because Seth was a special student. He needed to mold the conversation even though he wanted to hear none of this engagement bullshit.

Haruka slightly panicked but soon she shook her head with a sigh and honestly received the good wishes.

"Thank you, President Seth. Although me and professor Ethan, I mean my fiance have decided to keep it a secret until we don't get married, students tend to make assumptions and flare the rumor on their own."

It was really bothersome for Haruka to hear about her personal life from the students even though she took measures to not make it obvious. She seldom tries to avoid her fiance and also tells him to interact formally with her since having a relationship while being a teacher as well was not something Haruka liked.

Seth raised his brows and had a much firmer grasp on his emotions this time as with a soft tone he asked the lady.

"So Professor is leaving the Academy soon after getting married huh? Well, there will be a lot of students including me who would be sad seeing you retire."

"N-No...I am not marrying shortly since Ethan has set the date in the seventh month...and even after marriage, I have requested to let me work as the professor."

Haruka knew that in this day and age, women were destined to marry some reliable male and become a housewife if they didn't want to be shunned by society yet Ethan agreed to her desire to let Haruka work as a professor and continue her research even after marriage.

'So he isn't in rush huh... '

Seth guessed that either Ethan or whoever was puppeting the thread from the background wasn't hurrying things with this marriage since if they want they could have made Haruka agree to marry Ethan right next week with the charmer.

And considering Haruka's family background, it would have seemed as her fortune to marry at such golden age such a strong man named Ethan.

'Then why...and why her... '


Just in the middle of his contemplation, the door of the office room parted to show the face of a certain man in his early twenties walking inside with a faint smile on his face.


With redness already making its way to her ears Haruka got up to greet the blond-haired guy who had his oceanic eyes on Haruka without minding Seth's presence at all.

"How are you dear? I missed you so much even though we just met in the morning."

Seth closely analyzed the man from top to bottom and from inside as well when he was at it. Apart from his raging soul energy which showed signs of some kind of repulsion, there was no mental interference or anything similar conjured on the man at all.

It didn't take time for Seth to consider the possibility of Ethan being the culprit as he saw the man patting Haruka on the head and the lady shyly trying to remove her from the spot because of embarrassment.

Seth's brows twitched before he got up from the seat and stood facing Ethan dead in the eye.

"Seeing you here President then that means you guys were discussing something important, right? "

Haruka turned toward the two and was confused about how to respond since what they have talked about until now didn't seem much significant.

But before she could have said something Ethan looked in her direction and informed her something which Haruka nearly forgot.

"However it would be better for you to report to the headmaster for now dear."

"Oh, lord! I completely forgot about it. Umm... Seth let's talk sometime later since I have to urgently meet the headmaster."

As Haruka said she glanced at Ethan once again and found him nodding in understanding before she hopped away in a haste.

"I will be taking my leave as well."

Seth has nothing to talk to Ethan for now until he doesn't have his research and gets rid of that mist from Haruka but just as he was about to walk away, Ethan's chilly voice grabbed Seth's attention, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Oh, don't be like that to your old friend...Ryu~"


A/N: - Drop a comment if you are hyped for the next chapter ~

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