Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Chapter 144: 144 The Hidden Benefits of Primeval Eggs

Chapter 144: Chapter 144 The Hidden Benefits of Primeval Eggs

Although the difference between a Frost Swordsman and a Frost Warrior is just one character, this attribute is much stronger than the other two Frost Warriors of Lin Shen.

“This thing is even fiercer than Big Red Bull’s attribute, and it also has three full skills, all of which are mutations,” Lin Shen thought with joy in his heart.

Around the other two Frost Warriors, only the hardness is 41, while the other attributes are much lower.

Although they also had three skills, each had only one mutant skill, and the others were enhancements, which were a lot less than the Frost Swordsman.

“Finally, I have a more versatile pet,” Lin Shen put away the Frost Swordsman and continued on his way back to Dark Bird Base.

While Lin Shen and his group were at the Frost Giant Tree, other families found quite a few Realm King Towers, with people constantly challenging the towers, and some had successfully reached the ninth floor.

Every Mutator that challenges the Realm King Tower will have their name appear on the tower body of all the towers as soon as they pass the first floor.

The top-ranked was Ouyang Yudu, who was also the only one to reach the top floor of the Realm King Tower and take away the reward.

The rest of the challengers had reached only as high as the sixth floor, which was after Ouyang Yudu reached the ninth floor. They had studied Ouyang Yudu’s challenge footage and made preparations.

Now many people are studying the Realm King Tower because the reward Ouyang Yudu received turned out to be a top-tier Pet Launcher with a firing speed of 41 and could be filled with ten capsules at once.

What was even more unexpected was that the reward at the top floor of the Realm King Tower was just a minor reward, and the challenger who ultimately ranked first would receive an even greater reward.

But for now, no one knows when the challenges of the Realm King Tower will end.

After the encounter with the Frost Giant Tree, Lin Shen didn’t dare to teleport randomly to Realm King Planet anymore. After returning to Dark Bird Base, he chose to use the mechanical wristwatch to teleport to the grassy slopes of Realm King Planet to hunt poisonous insects.

It may be slower, but it’s safe.

In recent times, humans have encountered fewer members of the Ultra-Burn Tribe on the Realm King Planet, which made Lin Shen somewhat worried.

He knew that 30,000 Ultra-Burn Warriors had entered the Realm King Planet; the ones humans had killed were probably less than 3,000. The whereabouts of the remaining Ultra-Burn Warriors were always a hidden danger.

On the grassy slopes of the Realm King Planet, Lin Shen could no longer remember how many times he had been there.

Every day at home, Lin Shen would sleep and eat during the day, and at night, he would set the time to enter the Realm King Planet to look for Mutant Poisonous Insects. When morning came, he would return.

By repeatedly sweeping the grassy slopes every day and searching for various Steel Poisonous Insects, he finally raised his Base Mutation rate to ninety-nine percent.

“The last one.” Lin Shen caught a mutant Iron-winged Red Silkworm and immediately drank all the Base Mutation Fluid it released.

Under the operation of Evolution Theory, the Base Mutation rate finally reached one hundred percent.

Theoretically, Lin Shen was now certain to successfully ascend to Alloy Level, provided he had an Alloy Level Base Mutation Egg.

Only Alloy Level would work, neither Steel Level nor Crystal Base would do—this process couldn’t go wrong.

But there was one exception to the type of egg, and that was the Primeval Eggs.

Lin Shen had previously asked Wei Wufu in detail about Primeval Eggs, which aren’t classified as Steel Level, Alloy Level, or Crystal Base. As long as it’s Base Mutation, one can use Primeval Eggs to ascend.

However, aside from the very first use of a Primeval Egg for Base Mutation, which allows for an extremely thorough metamorphosis of the body, the effectiveness of using Primeval Eggs for subsequent advancements to Alloy and Crystal Base levels was not as strong.

Upon first using a Primeval Egg for Base Mutation, the resulting Base Mutation Carapace was guaranteed to be one hundred percent encompassing, without any gaps or deficiencies.

Furthermore, the Innate Skills bestowed by Primeval Eggs were particularly unique and difficult to find in other Base Variant Creatures.

Most importantly, after Base Mutation with a Primeval Egg, one’s physical condition would be stronger than that of a typical Mutator, with some hidden benefits.

For example, recovery ability after injury, endurance to temperature, and enhancements to hearing, vision, smell, and physical strength, could all potentially be increased to a certain extent.

The benefits acquired from using different Primeval Eggs were not exactly the same.

These benefits were limited to the first use of a Primeval Egg; ascending from Steel to Alloy Level was merely an internal promotion of Base Mutation substances, which had a smaller impact on the body compared to the first time.

In other words, ascending from Steel to Alloy Level primarily enhanced the strength of the Base Mutation Carapace and provided a new Innate Skill.

There were benefits to using a Primeval Egg at this time as well, ensuring a one hundred percent chance of acquiring a new Innate Skill, without risk of failure, and this skill was likely to be quite special, depending on one’s luck.

However, if one could find a mutated Alloy Base Mutation Egg, and knew the Innate Skills possessed by the creature, one could selectively use a specific Base Mutation Egg to acquire the desired Innate Skill instead of randomizing with Primeval Eggs, thus avoiding conflicts between Innate Skills.

Wei Wufu once cited an example of a person who, after Base Mutation using a Primeval Egg, acquired an Innate Skill that enhanced sword-type weapons, making it a powerful skill that enabled him to unleash sword aura-like strength with a sword at the Steel Level.

When he ascended to Alloy Level, he once again took a chance with a Primeval Egg and ended up with an Innate Skill that enhanced spear-type weapons.

It was clearly impractical for one person to use both a sword and a spear; the skills did not stack, which was essentially a waste.

Therefore, most Mutators only chose Primeval Eggs for their first Base Mutation and later promoted themselves with different Base Mutation Eggs according to their needs.

Lin Shen currently held a Primeval Egg in his hands, and if he used it to ascend to Alloy Level, he could only gamble on his luck to acquire an Innate Skill that suited him.

The reason Lin Shen considered using a Primeval Egg was not purely for the chance of gaining an Innate Skill.

Another important reason, as Wei Wufu had told him, was a secret known to very few on their mother planet.

This was because only one person on their mother planet had successfully used four Primeval Eggs for Ascension, and that person was from the Wei Family, so only members of the Wei Family knew this secret.

All of Wei Wufu’s evolutions involved using Primeval Eggs, and the one he gave to Lin Shen was also meant for his own promotion to Crystal Base Level.

Ascending with four Primeval Eggs allowed for possession of a Double Life Base, and that was the real reason Wei Wufu chose Primeval Eggs for his evolution.

Typical Ascenders could seize many Spirit Bases, but they could only have one Life Base.

However, that Ascender from the Wei Family who ascended with four Primeval Eggs possessed a Double Life Base, a rarity even among the Powerful Cosmic Races.

Yet, Ascension with four Primeval Eggs was exceedingly difficult; while ordinary Primeval Eggs were relatively easier to find, the Primeval Egg needed for Ascension was not the same as an ordinary one and was even rarer.

With the support of the Wei Family, Wei Wufu was destined to ascend with four Primeval Eggs.

It was not going to be so easy for Lin Shen to ascend with four Primeval Eggs.

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