Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Chapter 145: 145: The Murderous Demon King

Chapter 145: Chapter 145: The Murderous Demon King

Although Lin Shen had a Primeval Egg in his possession, there was one issue that troubled him.

The quality of Primeval Eggs could differ, for instance, the one used by Wei Wufu after Base Mutation turned into Mutant Steel, but the one he used turned into Super-Base Steel.

Lin Shen did not know the quality of the Primeval Egg he held, and if it was only mutant, whether using it would affect him in any way.

Lin Shen had also tried to read the information of the Primeval Egg with a mechanical wristwatch, but the result was that it could not be scanned, which made him somewhat frustrated. In the end, he decided to wait for Wei Wufu to return before making any plans.

Wei Wufu was likely to bring back another Primeval Egg for him too, and he could compare them then.

“Wei Wufu has been gone for quite a few days now, why hasn’t he come back?” Lin Shen was really not used to being without Wei Wufu by his side these days.

When the time came, Lin Shen was transported back to his own bedroom, where he lay down on the bed and slept.

Others thought he was lazy, sleeping in all day, but little did they know that every night he fought until dawn on Realm King Planet, very much like the students who slept in class but secretly studied at home.

In the square of the Dark Bird Base, a tall man, dressed in work pants, a hoodie, and sports shoes, sat on a bench with the hood pulled up, his head slightly lowered so that his face was not visible.

He sat quietly, unmoving, just watching people come and go in the square.

A young couple with a child about seven or eight years old came to the square. The child was quite mischievous, shouting loudly and deliberately running past a girl who was reading, knocking over the milk in her hand.

The girl stood up somewhat angrily and said to the child’s parents, “Can you please control your child?”

“He’s just a child, what are you making a fuss about? It’s only a cup of milk; is it really necessary to make such a big deal?” the child’s mother said dismissively, not taking it seriously.

The girl wanted to say something, but she was somewhat shy and introverted, not knowing how to argue with the child’s mother.

The child’s mother didn’t pay her any further attention, continuing to walk and laugh with her husband in the square.

Because of the arrival of this child, the square erupted into chaos.

Suddenly, the child noticed the quiet man sitting on the bench and, for some unknown reason, ran over to him, tugged on the man’s clothes, then quickly ran away, making faces at the man from a distance.

Seeing that the man didn’t react and didn’t even lift his head, the boy ran back over and kicked at the man’s leg with the tip of his foot.

His mother and father glanced over and saw that the man had no reaction, so they didn’t intervene and turned back, continuing their cheerful conversation.

“Ah!” A sharp scream erupted from the girl not far away; her eyes were wide with horror as she looked toward the direction of the bench.

Angered, she occasionally glanced at the boy and saw him kicking the man, laughing while he did so. She wanted to go over and stop him, to argue with the child’s parents again.

But when the boy kicked at the man again, the man’s hand came up, grabbed the boy’s head, and smashed it onto the ground.


Blood and bone splattered on the ground, and the steel flooring was dented from the impact.

The girl screamed in terror, and everyone turned to look in the direction she was staring, their eyes widening in the next second.

The child’s parents saw the scene and stood there dumbfounded, as if they hadn’t yet processed what happened.

Finally, the child’s mother let out a heart-wrenching scream, rushing at the man like an enraged lioness, as Alloy Carapace appeared on her body.

The child’s father also rushed forward, cursing, with Alloy Carapace manifesting on him as well.

The two of them, one on each side, howled as they threw punches at the man’s head.


Both of Alloy-encased fists struck the man’s face squarely, one left and one right, smashing harshly onto his cheeks.

If it had been an ordinary person, the head might have been blown up instantly.

But the man’s head didn’t budge, still bowed down.

The next second, he raised both hands and pressed down on the heads of the man and woman, slamming them directly onto the ground.

Two more spray-like patterns appeared on the ground, intertwining with the earlier ones, indescribably eerie and terrifying, the whole family neatly together.

Everyone screamed and fled the square, the girl whose milk had been spilled earlier by the boy went weak at the knees, wanting to run but unable to move, collapsing to the ground instead, the book in her hand also dropping to the floor.

The man stood up and began to walk slowly towards the girl.

The girl’s face was filled with terror, utterly drained of color, shocked beyond knowing what to do, and just sat there blankly.

As the man approached, the girl closed her eyes in fear, thinking she would be killed, her heart filled with dread.

But after waiting a moment, she didn’t feel her head being pressed by that bloodied hand.

Shivering all over, she still couldn’t help but open her eyes, only to be momentarily stunned by the scene in front of her.

The man was holding her dropped book in his hand, offering it back to her, just quietly watching her.

The girl finally saw the man’s face beneath the hat, half human, half steel, indescribably strange yet with an unusual charm.

The girl instinctively took the book from the man, even reflexively uttering a “thank you.”

The man gave her a slight nod, then turned and walked away.

The girl watched the man’s retreating figure, everything that had just happened felt like a dream to her.

Lin Shen, who had been busy all night, had just fallen asleep not long ago when Lei called him urgently.

“Mr. Lin Shen, it’s bad,” Lei said frantically, knocking on the outside door.

“Lei, what’s the urgency this early in the morning?” Lin Shen yawned as he opened the door.

“There’s a murderous fiend from Dark Bird Base,” Lei panted.

“A murderous fiend?” Lin Shen was slightly startled, the term was really unfamiliar to him.

In such times, was killing someone even a big deal? How could someone earn the title of a murderous fiend?

“Some freak showed up from nowhere, killed some of the Qi Family people in the square, he didn’t run, just strolls around our base, and after the Qi Family people went after him, many more got killed, utterly powerless against him, scaring the entire Qi Family into not daring to send more people,” Lei’s face turned even more unsightly as he spoke.

“That’s the Qi Family’s problem. Why are you panicking?” Lin Shen said while drinking water.

“Mr. Lin Shen, I have to panic. That murderous fiend was walking on Dark Bird Avenue, he entered your shop…” Lei said with a worried expression.

“Pfft!” Lin Shen, who had just taken a sip, sprayed out the water that hadn’t yet been swallowed, and his eyes widened as he said, “My shop? Which of my shops?”

“Where else, your Primeval Egg shop,” Lei replied.

Lin Shen dropped his water cup and ran outside; there was only Zhao Li in the shop, and her family and the Lin Family were long-time neighbors. If Zhao Li were killed in his shop, Lin Shen didn’t know how he would face her parents.

Even without that connection, Zhao Li had been with him for several years; he couldn’t just watch her die.

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