Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 154 154. Hidden Secret

Just as Alex removed that white face mask from his face, Sandra was shocked to her core. Her eyes went wide open, and she was not able to believe what she was seeing at all.

Yes, That face mask was as useless as trying to hide the sun with the palm of my hand but at least it let you glimpse at the direction of the sun but without it, you can't look at it.

The same thing happens here, Though she can see he was an exceedingly handsome man a little more handsome than Dick but now seeing him without the mask, She was ashamed of her previous statement.

Comparing Dick with him is like trying to compare the light of a firefly to the lustre of a moon. It is a foolish thing to do.

Alex did not look like any man at all. He looked like a divine being who walked on this mortal plane. She couldn't even look away from him, Her eyes were like a magnet attached to metal from his figure.

[Ding! +20 Favorability increased of Sandra for the host (Current: 80 (Only One))]

[Ding! +20 Favorability increased of Sandra for the host (Current: 100 (Unhealthy Obsession))]

[Ding! +20 Favorability increased of Sandra for the host (Current : 120 (Unhealthy Obsession))]




[Ding! +20 Favorability increased of Sandra for the host (Current : 200 (Unhealthy Obsession))]

'...System what just happened?'

Alex was stunned in place just like Sandra but for a different reason as system notifications a few times rang in his mind.

He did not expect this at all, He only thought he would get a quick slight increase from the face reveal to make the next thing a little easier but this is not what he expected, Even face control unicorns like Liza did not have this extreme reaction seeing his face.

This caught him off guard not giving him time to think about possible reasons, But he doesn't need to as there is a system to explain to him free of cost.

[Ding! The reason this happened host is that she is a Female Lead and not a heroine, And because of that- ]

'She did not have heavenly protection of heaven like heroines do, Which job was preventing my charm from affecting them too much, So she was feeling the full extent of my charm.'

The system took the lead to clarify the matter but Alex cut it mid-off as he gets why she showed this extreme reaction.

Like said before every heroine has the protection of heaven to prevent them from being too stimulated by the charm of other people, As they are meant to be for the protagonist, Who at best are slightly above average looking people.

But Sandra being a female lead did not have that privilege, Not because she is lower than heroines though, Rather she is 1 rank higher than them.

The reason they did not have it is very simple, FL does not need it. That protection exists to prevent the protagonist from getting green but FL did not have that problem.

In fact, the reason why she even showed this extreme reaction is that as FL, Her partner (ML) should be one in a million or even a billion in terms of looks, So in her case her status effect rather than lowering his charm lethality for her it enhances it.

After all, most of the FL are face-control women and there is also no restriction of being monogamous as some FL can even open their own harem.

[Ding! +20 Favorability increased of Sandra for the host (Current : 200 (Unhealthy Obsession))]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully raiding Sandra, A Female lead...

Rewards are being distributed...

Congratulations to the host for getting the "Hidden Secret."

Hidden Secret : As its name says this is a hidden secret, When the time is right it will reveal itself giving the host a large boost of all around.]

'Not bad, My own deus ex machina, Though I expected to receive something like this from Rebecca, not FL Sandra.'

Alex looked at the reward with satisfaction, This is his own deus ex machina, A.K.A. plot armour.

As one can tell rewards correspond to the female speciality, So Alex expected to get something like this from Rebecca as this is literally in her superpowers name, But Sandra giving this is also not that odd as FL also has her own strong plot armour.

'Now, I have one extra life.'

Alex now feels safer as now with this "Hidden Secret" thing, He can afford to make mistakes as this thing can save his ass, When needed, So he can go a little crazy if he wants.

"Sandra, What I am going to do next might sound odd or even you will feel uncomfortable for a while but you have to promise not to stop me, Okay?"

Alex was in a good mood, So he decided to also share that happiness with her. It's just that he had to be careful about his sex-related skills as once again she is not protected by heaven and hence will not be able to handle that raw power.

If he did too much he might break her completely, Which he did not want to least yet.


Sandra was just staring at his face, Alex didn't even know if she had heard what he said to her but when he got an affirmative hum or he just assumed it was an affirmative, He took that as her consent.

'System makes sure only Dick can encounter this but can't enter the room or can't do anything to stop it.'

Alex before doing anything make sure no other uninvited guest might distribute them, He only gets one chance, One chance to do it in the game shop's storeroom.

So he asked the system to make sure about perverts peeping, He can't be too relayed on Sandra's statement of the Sandra.

[Ding! -100,000 RP is deducted, System provides the protection.]

The system's voice fell and 100,000 RP of his got deducted from his savings but seeing it had now crossed the mark of 10 million, He did not care much about it.

He finally put his eyes on Sandra, Now there is nothing to do then to admire her thoroughly.

"Ahhh!~ !!"

So he just anchored his arm in her slender waist, and yanked her towards himself, capturing her in his warm arms.

This action of his pulled Sandra out of her trance, A shocked yelp escaped from her mouth, Which suddenly stopped as her eyes met with his void-like dark eyes.

She was once again lost in them, These enchanting eyes were like a wide infinite darkness of the universe, Scary but also enchanting.

Her face was just an inch away from his, She could feel his warm breath grazing past her rosy cheeks, Which flushed even more after the realisation of their current position.

Her body was tightly warping in his arms, She could feel his fastening strong heartbeats, Her heart too was racing, Her eyes were wandering between his eyes and slender lips hesitating to do what her whole mind and body were urging her to do.

Alex seeing her like this shook his head, His charm is very lethal for any non-heroine, Sandra's front of him is proof of it.

So he did what any sane person does in this situation. He grabbed her by her milky white neck with force to choke her and pushed her back till her back slammed on the wall behind them.


A pain hit Sandra's mind, her eyes in shock and confusion looked at Alex. She wanted to ask why he did this or rather she was curious about how he was this strong.

His grip on her neck was no joke. It was nearly suffocating her and that push was so strong that she was not able to put up any resistance to it. She needed an answer though why he was doing this.

"Alex wh- Mummm!!~"

But before she could say something her lips were sealed by his, He rudely bit her lips before sliding his wet slippery tongue into her mouth taking advantage of her surprise.

Sandra was confused about whether to enjoy her first kiss or try not to suffocate as he was still holding her neck blocking her airway.

"Muhmm Ummm Ahhh!~"

She wanted to say that to Alex but her mouth was blocked by his mouth, So only a seductive moans escaped from her mouth. She was trying to suppress those but she couldn't help it, He was just too good.

His tongue found her and now he was rampaging in her mouth, while she helplessly could only take wave after wave of pleasure hitting her whole being.

She was still somehow able to manage it but when his other hand sneakily climbed onto her body and strongly and rudely grabbed her boob and started foundling it, She dropped to her knees, There is no way she can fight back.

It was hurting, It was giving her so much pain and yet his savageness, the fierce raw passion of his was also igniting flames of desire in her heart.

It is weird. She hates being dominated and controlled by others. This is the reason why she left Dick in the first place and yet when Alex is doing the same thing to her rather than getting disgusted by it, She is enjoying it.

Moans after moan were escaping from his mouth as her lips were still sealed.

Alex can taste a metallic taste mixed with sweetness. He knew it was blood from her bleeding lip, So he just rubbed the tip of his tongue over it, making Sandra shiver in his arms.

Her body was heating up second by second, Her burning red hot face now was also filled with glistering beads of sweat adding a few points to her beauty.

But it was a pity that Alex, rather, was in the mood to bully her. He brought her close to climax multiple times during this small amount of time but he did not let her have her release, Making her moan in annoyance.

But he was enjoying every second of it, So it will go on for a while.


"Where had she gone? Huh, Storeroom? I did not check there, Let me take a look."

Dick searched all around but he did not find Sandra at all. He was on the verge of giving up on finding her on his own and was ready to let his man search for her but suddenly a thought of checking in the storeroom popped into his mind.

Though it was weird, he couldn't think of any reason for her to be there as her job was just to introduce the product. He still decided to go there as there was a strong feeling in his heart that she would be there.

So reached the secluded storeroom, And was ready to knock on the door ready to not receive any reply but his action was halted as he heard weird voices coming out of the storeroom.

(A/N : Question, Do you want to read the next part as an NTR (Netori) type of writing or a normal BDSM one?

* NTR (Netori)


* Both (I prefer this one)

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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