Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 230 - Two Hundred And Thirty: Shape Her The Way I Want

Chapter 230 - Two Hundred And Thirty: Shape Her The Way I Want

The third point of view

"I've discovered a secret route we can pass through and transport our goods without the minor disturbances across the Caribbean," Emerald handed a map to Sakuzi who sat on his desk, cupping his chin with a lackadaisical look on his face

"Sakuzi?" Emerald called, yet there was no answer.

"Sakuzi?" He repeated.

"I heard you the first time, I'm not deaf, Emerald" Valentino yawned loudly.

He gave the map a lazy glimpse, resuming his bored stance which caused a frown to plaster on Emerald's face.

Sakuzi had been breathing down their neck about them tracing that route and now they successfully did it, he didn't even give it as much as a stare- which was totally unlike him.

"What is the matter, Sakuzi?" Emerald inquired, having a feeling something must be weighing him down.

"When is my baby girl going to wake up?" He sighed like a devastated widower mourning for the loss of his wife.

The doctors had successfully saved her life and were past the danger period, but the problem? She was in a coma.

Thankfully, Princess wasn't in a vegetative state so everyone had high hopes of her waking up safely.

Perhaps, it might not be to the others however, it was a great relief to Emerald that the girl was in a stable condition - it limited the number of bodies he had to bury. Maya's survival was the major dictator if the doctor gets to live or die.

"The doctor says she would be up in no time," he said to Valentino.

"The doctor gave no precise date," he moped.

"They're neither gods nor magicians but humans who study the human body and try to come up with a positive report," he pointed out.

"Maybe, he's not qualified?" He pondered.

"One more and he'll be the twentieth doctor you've fired already," complained Emerald.

"My daughter deserves the best,"

"Your daughter is becoming an experimental organism for each doctor to test out their thesis,"

Sakuzi shot to his feet, banging his head on the desk as his eyes flashed, "Who used my daughter as a lab rat?!"

"I meant literally," Emerald was quick to add.

Seriously, that damn old man. He still had his surviving two sons running the family business back home but here he was, fawning over his daughter.

Well, one couldn't blame him. He had always wished for a girl child -one he could pet and spoil- it was sad that madam couldn't give him one when they were still together.

"Hmm," was all he said and sat back down but the disapproval on his face was apparent.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door that broke the sudden silence between them.

"Come in," Sakuzi ushered whoever was at the door in.

"What is it?" He asked the guard who came into his office.

"The doctor is here to see you," he notified him.

Valentino's eyes brightened at the prospect of good news," Of course, let him in. Do I need to tell you guys what to do every time?!"

The guard scurried away, his feet carrying him out of the room as brisk as a Jaguar.

The doctor walked in looking a bit anxious with his head lowered. He had heard about his forerunners - the doctors before him- and couldn't tell if they had been killed or returned to their homes safely.

How was he even kidnapped?

He was returning home after a long day at work when that huge, tall man - he doesn't know his name - called him, and the next thing, someone snuffed out his light from behind. He awoke and found himself here.

Though they treated him well, very well, to be honest, the doctor still desired to leave this place; there was no place like home.

"Hey, doctor, I bet you came with good news," Sakuzi left his desk to happily welcome him.

The man gulped, "I came with a bit of both,"

"What do you mean?" His expression shifted.

"I-I came with bad news and good news, which do you want to hear first?" He summoned the courage to say.

Sakuzi's hands on his shoulder tightened, the doctor could see his death now - the man would toss him down the bridge the way his daughter did.

Of course, most of the doctors- the ones who survived? he had no idea- knew they were treating Maya, the girl making the headlines on the news recently, but none dared to expose the news for the safety of their life and family.

The doctors who had been "ended" by Sakuzi were mostly quake practitioners whose luck ran out by falling into the wrong hands aka these gangsters.

"Well," Sakuzi's hand on his shoulder loosened a bit, "Hit me with the bad news first so I could punch some faces before celebrating the good news," he made his choice.

The doctor's pulse raced but he tucked the fear on his features and revealed," Your daughter is pregnant,"

"What?!" Both - Sakuzi and Emerald - said at the same time. They had not seen that one coming at all.

"What do you mean she's pregnant?!" Sakuzi was furious.

The doctor tried to step back but his glare cut him and he answered instead, "She's pregnant with babies"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Valentino was still wrapping his head around all these revelations.

"It means she's gonna pop two melon-sized humans from her [email?protected] in months to come," Emerald explained crudely which made Sakuzi's head swirl- the narration was quite detailed.

"That son of a biscuit!" Sakuzi's face grew with rage. He had not spent much time with his daughter and she was already going to birth two creatures that would take her attention from him. Not to add the agony she would go through in the process.

"I should just kill that bastard," Sakuzi mumbled without knowing Emerald heard him.

"Just what I was thinking! What would it be? Death by asphyxiation? Drowning? Dismemberment? Arson? I have the duct tape and body bag already or maybe we can just cut off his member as a lesson?"

" You dumb …" Sakuzi kicked him in the feet but Emerald was not affected by the pain, if anything he was the one who winced.

"Use your brain sometimes!" He wagged his finger at Emerald, having a hard time ignoring the stabbing pain on his feet.

"What did I do wrong? You were the one who wanted to kill him, I merely suggested methods on how to end him," he asked innocently.

"Don't you get it? Princess would be pissed if she wakes up to find out I touched the father of her kid, no, kids," he corrected and clicked his tongue, "How annoying"

"We could get rid of the pregnancy," Emerald suggested once again.

Sakuzi scowled at him, "Don't make me make you their babysitter, no, you're going to be their babysitter," he glanced up at the doctor without noticing that Emerald had frozen like a popsicle out of shock.

The man hated children, those annoying little squirrels that never ran out of energy. He couldn't believe Sakuzi would do that to him, this was the worst nightmare ever.

"What's the good news?" He focused back his attention on the doctor who was covered with sweat.

He had heard all their talks about murdering the father of the child. The people were not just brutal, they were animals!

*Sob*sob, he wanted to live. He hadn't even told his love interest he loved her, what kind of cruel fate was this?


"Huh? Eh?" He was awoken from his reverie

"What is the good news?" Sakuzi repeated himself. He hated repeating himself and was considering how to get rid of this dumb doctor when he heard …

"Your daughter has awoken but ..."

Valentino didn't wait for him to finish the rest of his statement and zoomed off like the Flash to her room.

"P-princess!" Sakuzi was out of breath by the time he got to her room, heaving like a snoring gorilla and scaring the poor girl who shrank away from him.

"Oh, thank god, you're awake, Princess" he still went after the girl who was bothered by his presence.

"Who are you?" The girl scrutinized the man before her and for some reason, he didn't seem like a bad person.

"Princess, I'm not going to hide it anymore, I'm your father" he patted his chest, "I'm not your sugar daddy but your real father," he disclosed, expecting her to blanch from shock but all he saw was confusion with a flicker of curiosity.


"Is that my name?" She asked.


At that moment, the doctor with his chest heaving- evidence of his short sprint - and Emerald arrived.

"Doctor, something seems to be wrong with -"

"She appears to be displaying signs of amnesia," the doctor said breathlessly, leaning against the wall," That was what I was trying to say but you ran off like the Tasmanian devil cartoon…" he attempted a joke but their glare cut him off which made him clear his throat awkwardly.

Sakuzi gestured to Emerald to follow after him and they went to a corner of the passageway and began their hushed discussion.

"Do you know what this means?" Valentino asked the huge man.


"This means that with her memory gone, I can now shape her the way she was supposed to be if Angela had done the right thing by giving her to me,"

"In one word, you're about to change her personality?"

"Not her personality but her entire life; Maya's gone, my princess resides in there now. No one is to know she's alive, silence the doctor,"

Sakuzi changed his mind afterward, "No, pay him off but give him quite a scare - only because he restored Princess's life,"

He turned to leave when he remembered, " Give the pilot a call, we're leaving this country instantly"

Then he walked into his daughter's treatment room, it was time to change some things.

Heaven has given him a second chance!

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