Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 231 - Two Hundred And Thirty-one: I Do

Chapter 231 - Two Hundred And Thirty-one: I Do

The third point of view

Some say the best day in a woman's life is her wedding day but that wasn't the case for Emily.

"Oh my God!" Her makeup artist squealed in excitement," You are like the most beautiful client I've ever attended to. Your skin is so fresh and smooth, I don't even think you need much of this cosmetics," she gushed while applying mascara on Emily's eyes, unaware that the girl was miles away from reality.

Today was finally D-Day, her wedding day, roughly a month after they got their marriage certificate.

Emily was officially two months pregnant but she had a slim frame so the slight bump in her stomach wasn't that obvious- only the seamstress could tell.

Today was supposed to be a happy day for her but her mood said the opposite. Emily had not received what she was expecting, not in this marriage with Ahmed.

The man was good, sweetening good, but it finally dawned on Emily, Ahmed saw her as a task he had to shoulder- which had to do with his past.

She was his wife and he took care of her not because he loved her but because she was his to take care of. Perhaps, others might not see that as a problem but Emily needed someone that she could communicate with on an emotional level and not just someone who made sure to provide all her needs.

It made her feel like she had returned to her father's cage but this time with a different person and reason. Adam had pampered her to the core because she took after her mother and this time, Ahmed was pampering her rotten because he didn't want her to make the same decision his mother did.

"Love would come naturally, love would come with time," Emily kept telling herself but inwardly, she had an inkling she was deceiving herself. This ...this…

"Ooh, you must be so happy you're moved to tears," The makeup artist mistook the reason for the abrupt tears.

She was so damn alone! There wasn't Niklaus to support her nor was she getting married to Judy and was pregnant with a baby with a not so bright future!

Emily cried harder.

Right now, the stylist was at a loss for words, this no longer seems like tears of Joy, her client was crying?

"Stop crying, you would ruin your makeup," she pleaded as Emily wiped her face frantically.

"I'm trying but these tears just keep falling," She complained, still wiping her eyes.

"I don't know what's tearing you up, but this is your special day. What would you do if the groom walks in and sees you like this?" The beautician cajoled her.

For some reason, that comment riled her up," I don't care! You know what? I don't think I can continue with this wedding!"

"What?!" The woman was shocked.

"I don't need this!" With a clean sweep, the makeups on the dresser were moved to the ground scaring the woman.

"I don't need you all! Get out! I don't need any of you..!"

It was at that moment that the door clicked open and Cecil walked into that scene.

"Oh my God, Emily!" She ran to the emotional mother, engulfing her in a hug while gesturing the stylist to give them some space.

"It's okay," She patted Emily on the back as she broke down in tears.

"I want my mother," She wept further.

This was the first time Emily made such an outrageous request. Her mother had died when she was young and she couldn't even remember what she looked like, if not for her picture hung on the mantel plus the constant reminder by her father that she was her replica.

Why had she requested that? Emily had gone to many wedding ceremonies and seen the way mother's supported their children. She needed that kind of support right now.

"I just want to end this," Her shoulders shook with her sob.

"What difference would it make? Emily, you're married legally to him already. You just need to be strong for the sake of your baby," she comforted the poor girl.

"I'm just so scared,"

"It's okay to be scared. It's alright, dear. I've got you," Cecil tightened her hug while Emily rested her head on her shoulder, bawling her eyes out.

They remained that way for quite a while until Emily couldn't cry anymore.

"It's everything alright here?"

Both of them pulled away with a startle when they heard the deep voice resonate in the room.

Emily was short of words when she saw her father standing in the doorway with his lips pressed together displeased.

"Oh right, it's nothing, sir," Cecil answered for Emily who was moping at him.

"It doesn't exactly look like nothing," his face was set in a scowl.

Cecil remembered Emily's pale and haggard features," She was just having wedding jitters, pretty normal for brides nothing else," She didn't forget to add," And Which has been handled properly, sir"

"Has it?" This time, the question was to be answered by Emily and not her spokesperson.

However, Emily didn't respond, rather kept her intense gaze on him until Cecil nudged her slightly on the shoulder.

She blinked as if returning from her reverie, "Ah, yes. I'm alright now,"

"That's good to know," He said, giving her a long hard look before departing her room.

Emily knew that particular look, the signature, "Don't disgrace me,"

"He hates me," Cecil was the first to say a word after her father left.

Emily plonked back down on her seat with a tired sigh," Of course, he would. He thinks you're corrupting me when in reality, you're giving me freedom,"

"Emily," Cecil squeezed her shoulder affectionately.

"I know," She nodded her head with a deep intake of breath, "I'm going ahead with the wedding for his sake," her hand rubbed her belly.

"Good," Cecil smiled, hugging her once more. The disaster was finally averted.

The makeup artist was finally let in after Emily had fully calmed down to redo her makeup. Cecil knew the pregnancy hormone had not helped with the stress, so stayed behind to help the girl relax.

It was funny how fate could mess with people's life. She had only known Emily through Maya but now, they were the best of friends and the maid of honor at her wedding.

The woman was definitely a professional cause by the time she was done with beautifying Emily, there wasn't a trace of her red, puffy eyes as a result of crying - unless someone looked very close.

Everything else passed in a blur and before Emily knew what was going on, her father was walking down the aisle.

"You look so beautiful today, just like your mother," Adam said as they walked slowly to the altar where Ahmed and the priest were already standing.

Emily didn't respond, rolled her eyes to be precise. No matter what she does, she would continue to live in the shadows of her late mother.

She looked elegant and chic in her classy and sophisticated wedding gown. It had a long-sleeved v-neck bodice that showed a moderate amount of cleavage with a flare skirt that falls from her waist to the floor. Her hair was curled and some braided stylishly with tendrils by the sides of her head.

It was an outdoor wedding and one lavishly decorated, evident of the prominent people getting married today. A lot of influential people - mostly her father's friends and associates- and her fake friends were in attendance aside from her brother, Niklaus and his daughter, Isabella - even Amanda was here.

Though it hurt Emily, she understood him, their father was not the most liked person at the moment.

She just couldn't understand him, it dawned on her that Adam married their mother out of love, then why wouldn't he let them do the same?

They- Niklaus and her - didn't have much interaction with their mother's side because their father shunned them from doing so since young - for reasons best known to him.

She hadn't given it much thought due to the fact their mother's relative also kept their distance. But now, her curiosity was piqued and she would look into that.

"Miss Emily?"

"Huh?" She was snapped from her thoughts only to realize it was time to exchange their vows and declare their commitment to each other. Oh boy, the thought made her sick in the stomach.

"Do you accept Ahmed Petrova as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

Everywhere fell silence, awaiting the bride's decision and Emily heightened the tension when she didn't reply after a minute.

She didn't glance up, feeling Ahmed's heated glance on her. Her fists were clenched by her side as she battled internally while murmuring arose from the audience.

"Emily," she heard Ahmed say her name firmly which was a reminder of what she stands to lose if she changes her mind.

"I do,"

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