Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 232 - Two Hundred And Thirty-Two: Reina

Chapter 232 - Two Hundred And Thirty-Two: Reina

*Seven years later

The third point of view

A striking woman is seen exiting the luggage collection area when an entourage of men in suits surrounded her and lowered their head saying in a chorus,

"Welcome, Princess Reina Armani Sakuzi!"

This unexpected stunt drew attention from passersby who couldn't help but get drawn to the scene. Judging from the setting, whosoever was receiving such an enviable reception must be someone of great importance.

Unknown to them all, a reporter who was captivated by the event as well, hid behind a pillar taking pictures of the scene when his camera was snatched from his grasp.

"Hey, who are you?! How dare you! Give me back my camera!" The reporter fired up, trying to snatch back his camera but the man step-sided him with ease.

"You didn't even take her best part, what a pity" The man mumbled, going through the photos with a disappointed look as if the reporter trying to get his attention was nothing but the wind blowing in his ear.

"Who are you to -" The reporter was still saying when the strange man that looked oddly intimating, took out the memory card.? He went ahead to smash the camera to the ground, stomping on it repeatedly till it was beyond redemption.

"You!" He went red in the face and eyes wide with shock staring at his damaged camera.

"I'll deal with you today," The reporter slipped out his phone from the pocket of his pants, intending to call his friends at the outgoing flight gate - stalking a celebrity- to appear and help him deal with this tall-arrogant- somehow- scary - individual - he - couldn't- defeat - by - himself.

But the man was beyond flabbergasted when the phone was also taken from his grasp and smashed to the ground also.

"You!" Veins protruded from his neck from the extreme rage he was feeling inside. He could have fought the guy but this man looked like he had been cultivating his muscles for years unlike him who was tall and scrawny; looking like something the wind could blow away by mistake.

Moreover, there was just something about him, like he was dealing with a formidable son of a biscuit or something - but his manly pride would not allow him to concede to that voice of reasoning.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you, you big bully!" The reporter raised his voice intentionally to attract a crowd. Since he couldn't defeat him one on one, he could manipulate public opinion against him.

He puffed up his chest - that should make look intimidating a bit- and looked him in the eyes, oh no, don't look - his eyes were chilling.

"I'm going to sue you for …." The reporter trailed off when he saw the man open his wallet and brought out tons of notes. Who was this man?

He grabbed the reporter's hand and placed a wad of cash, enclosing his palm around it saying," This should be enough to cover your camera and cellphone,"

He drew closer and whispered into the man's ear, "Take even a picture of Princess again and you can kiss goodbye to your family,"

Upon hearing that, the reporter stiffened, goosebumps covering his spine. What had he gotten himself into?

"Buy yourself a drink," he added some notes into the pocket on the man's shirt, patted him on the shoulder- squeezing the muscles there as a reminder of their deal- and left to receive the princess.

Filled with fear, the reporter scrutinized his environment and took off before he got himself into more trouble. He would have dropped the money- he didn't want it anymore- but he was scared the man would be angered and hunt me down once he finds out.

"Welcome back, princess," That strange man walked to the lady and bowed his head.

"Andrew," The woman drawled.

"Yes," the man still had his head lowered.

Reina pulled off her aviator glass, a tired look on her face as she asked, "Who sent these fools here?"

He lifted his head this time," I believe your father did,"

She pinched the bridge of her nose with her eyes closed as if trying to rein in her temper, "And why would he do that when I clearly told him I didn't need them,"

"I believe he didn't want you running off like the last time," Andrew answered.

"I didn't run off, I just wanted some space, is that too much to ask?" She sighed.

"Princess, your father wants you home this time," he declared.

"Fine, let's go," Reina left her baggage behind without second thought, and on cue, one of them took care of that as they left.

Anyone who passed them, turned back the second time - if they weren't shoved to the side. It was obvious that the woman being protected was of high status.

"Make way please," The guards paved a way for the princess to go through, using their body as a shield.

They knew their enemies could be hiding in the shadows and might strike upon discovering a weak spot in their array. Sakuzi would end them all if a single hair on her body gets missing.

Reina was led into the comfort of a Limousine by the chauffeur who closed the door after Andrew went in after her.

She basked in the extravagant and plush leather interior with a massage seat. It had a state of art entertainment system with fiber optic lighting. Also, there was a bar where her favorite wine was already chilled and handed to her as soon as she sat on the comfortable, styled luxurious seat.

"This is good," Reina took a sip, savoring the goodness of the wine. Over the years, her taste in food had changed but not wine; this was meant to be her buddy for eternity.

She glanced sideways, capturing Andrew by her side who stood as rigid and alert as every other of her father's men. How boring.

"You know you should relax sometimes, you look like someone who has been told the world's about to end," she joked but it didn't give the desired effect; she laughed alone.

Andrew gave her a straight look,

"The world would end for me if I don't get you safely home,"

"Just like my father, you all are so pessimistic," she snorted laughter, lowering the back seat a bit and relaxed further, "Just chill dude, relax, nothing's going to happen…."

The car was braked so suddenly that Reina was almost tossed out of her seat and the wine spilled on her.

The partition between the driver compartment and the rear passenger compartment slid open at once.

"We're being attacked!" The chauffeur announced just as the bullets rained down on them.

Andrew pushed Reina down, shielding her with his body even though the car was bulletproof.

"Activate the grenade launcher" Andrew communicated through the earpiece at the back of his ear.

"Wait a minute, this limo is equipped with the grenade launcher?" Reina was shocked to discover that.

"Ask your father, later," he answered in a hurry.

"What do you mean you can't activate? It's not a direct confrontation? Just take them out already," he ordered.

Seems their gang had been penetrated by another enemy gang, hence some members of their men becoming double agents.

Reina was surrounded by their people who would prevent any open armed confrontation and keep her safe but their formation has been destroyed and they couldn't fire a grenade at their own men.

Andrew knew they were here for Reina, everyone in the underworld - who knew about her existence- knew she was the apple of Sakuzi's eyes. Touch her, you touch Sakuzi.

Thankfully, those betrayals were outnumbered and were quickly destroyed without harm coming to Reina - the same couldn't be said for their bullet dented car.

After this, he would have to do a clean sweep and purge out those tiny spies in their gang.

"If you're done, you could get off my body or …." He saw that mischievous twinkle in her eyes, "We could have some cozy time together," she said suggestively.

"I'm sorry for that," he got off her body in a haste.

"Tsk tsk, you're no fun at all," Reina dusted herself.

Andrew couldn't help but notice the changes in her attitude. Ever since Maya, no, scratch that, Reina lost her memories, she seemed like a different person - the daughter her father wanted.

No one was to mention Maya unless you wanted a death sentence from Sakuzi.

This time around, Reina was bolder, feisty, flirty with an air of arrogance that comes with being wealthy. She was the polar opposite of her former self - Thankfully, she was still a tiny bit kind.

It was late at night, Reina had taken the night flight to escape her father - Sakuzi was smart enough to figure she wouldn't be arriving in the morning as said.

There was little to no human passing by, so there weren't any innocent casualties- aside from their men - they would just have to deal with the authorities later as usual.

They drove into the mansion Sakuzi had made livable for the sake of his daughter and not one hidden in the middle of a wood.

A chorus of "Welcome back princess" was heaped upon Raina as she walked into the foyer of the house. But she was more interested in finding that old man and she knew where he would be.

"How have you been fa...oh"

Welcome back to life with Daddy, Reina.

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