The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 117: Makruin: The Golden Knight

Chapter 117: Makruin: The Golden Knight

Jay was completely surprised after looking at the stats that were shown by the system.



Name: Makruin

Title: The Golden Knight [EPIC]

Level: 999+

Rank: SSS+

HP: 99999+

MP: 99999+

Attack: 9999+

Defence: 9999+

Speed: 9999+

-< Other Stats cannot be seen due to inferiority of the host >-


'You are kidding me... these stats...', his eyes were wide opened.

He couldn't even think anything straight right now.

Purely just by looking at stats he could say that he was completely inferior to the Golden Knight that was standing in front of him.

There was no aspect in which he was better than him. More than that he wasn't even able to look at all the stats because of his low level.

But more than that he was surprised because the stats were as if the knight that was standing in front of him was some God!

Also, this was the first time he had seen such bizarre stats. There were few instances where he failed to look into the stats that happened nearly twice but that was less scary than what he had seen right now.

"You...", he was at a loss with words. He didn't know what the right thing to do was.

Because of his overconfidence he had literally provoked a mighty being which was now walking in front of him.

The golden armour of his was shining brilliantly with the light that was emitted from the lanterns.

"So tell me Ruler Of Darkness... how does it feel to meet me after such a long time?", was what the golden knight asked.

Jay thought that it would be the best to act at this moment. If the golden knight would come to know that Jay was too weak right now then he wouldn't even hesitate to kill him.

"Certainly... it certainly feels good...", was what Jay said after deepening his voice.

Now everything was dependent on his 3rd class acting which he was performing right now.

"Ah, this is the first time you said that...", the golden knight laughed.

Even it's laughter seemed scary because all that was visible was his eyes which were shining with deep red lights.

"So tell me, how were you able to revive again?", he asked.

"Huh? W-what do you mean?", Jay fliched and asked that.

He didn't understand what revival the golden knight was talking about and he had no idea about the dark lord in the first place.

"Don't try to act innocent black king, it was you yourself who told that you will be back soon...", the masked golden knight laughed.

'Damn, what do I say now? I dont even know how the dark lord would behave at this situation...', was what he said to himself.

'Huh...?', the masked knight observed something which confused him a bit.

'Why is his hands shivering?', he asked to himself in his mind.

Jay was so nervous and scared at the moment that his hands were trembling with fear cause he was literally thrown into an unknown situation.

He didn't know what might make the golden knight angry so he refrained from saying what was unnecessary.

'The lord would never tremble in such an unsightly manner... who is he? An imposter?', the masked knight wondered.

Jay was somehow barely controlling himself but right now his instincts and every other part of his body were shouting to run away at the earliest.

'There must be a way...', Jay thought.

'No! It can't be true... no imposter can use the same magic as that if the lord... but he wouldn't even tremble in such a manner...', was what the golden knight thought.

'Hmm... it's best if I test him out...', that was the only thing that came into his mind.

'If he really is the ruler of darkness whom I know, then he would be able to dodge this quite easily... if he isn't then he would basically die!'

Immediately after thinking that the golden knight drew his sword from his waist and then in a blink of n eye vanished and appeared behind Jay.

He swung his sword with all of his might but unfortunately it missed.

"Huh...? I missed?", the golden knight himself was shocked because this was probably the second time his attack missed.

In fact Jay himself had vanished from the location.

"W-where did he go?", for a second the golden knight panicked but the moment he looked front, Jay was standing at the same position where the golden knight was present just a moment ago, while holding a sword in his hand.

Jay had the same Blood sword which he quite oftenly used and it was probably due to his habit that he drew that from the inventory.

The golden knight was completely shocked after looking at that.

'Im-impossible... didn't his power decrease...? In the previous battle he showed quite a minimum amount of power, then how did he just evade my...', the golden knight was completely confused as what had happened.

He wasn't moving even an inch because he was in a state of shock. He couldn't understand as what he had to believe.

But Jay knew precisely what had happened.

'Damn... that was close...', Jay looked towards the golden knight while thinking this.

'If I hadn't used it then...'

In reality, Jay was planning to attack the golden knight and surprise him and that was why he used the spell teleportation so that he could get behind him and hit him with all of his strength.

But unfortunately that didn't happened since the golden knight also thought about the same. Though it was for testing, he too intended to kill Jay.

'Should I say that I was lucky...?', Jay asked himself in his mind.

Jay and the golden knight covered almost equal distances which meant that the normal dashing speed if the golden knight was like that of the teleportation of Jay.

His inner thoughts were completely jumbled and he couldn't understand the situation at hand either. But regardless of whatever happened, he had to survive and save all those people too.

The confusion was the same for the golden knight too.

'Don't tell me... he was hiding his strength all along?', it seemed as if the golden knight was completely tensed.

'In the past, I could at least feel that both of our powers were of equal levels, but right now his power seems to be so low that I feel like I can kill him with just the tip of my finger...', was what he thought.

'But that speed cannot be produced with so low level of energy... there must be something more to it...', was what the golden Knight thought continuously.

'So... what do I do now...? Use stealth? Or...', it was quite hard for Jay to decide his next move.

He was already aware of the big difference in power and his intincts were also asking him to not attack the golden knight, but it seemed like he didn't have any other option.

So he decided to attack and was about to use teleportation andstealth simultaneously when suddenly he heard the knight speak.

"Lord Of Darkness...", he said in a low voice.

Jay has no hurry to throw himself to the gates of death so he just listened to what the golden knight was saying.

"I can't believe that after getting killed once, you have revived and have not only recovered your strength, but also multiplied your strength by several times...", the knight seemed to have lowered his gazes.

"I don't think that I am worthy anymore to be your rival...", was what the golden knight said while Jay kept listening.

'I don't want to experience death again... I will do anything... even throwing my honour... but I will never be killed by 'HIM' again...', was what he was thinking.

'If the Ruler Of Darkness and I combine our powers, then I'm sure that we can defeat him...', he was lost in his thoughts.

'Is this a chance...? Can I solve the matter peacefully?', Jay thought.


For some time it was completely silent when suddenly Jay decided and started to speak.

"Hear me out, I do not wish to fight you...", Jay deepened his voice till the maximum extent and said with a dominating aura.

This time the golden knight was hearing everything.

"And there seems to be some misunderstanding between us... but if we fight each other then we cannot survive for longer...", Jay was saying some random shit from some movie that he has watched.

But the golden knight was somehow relating everything that Jay was saying to his current circumstances.

'He is right... we shouldn't fight... but... should I surrender to him? I should become his servant?', it was something which even the golden knight couldn't accept because he had a great pride.

His pride would have been hurt if he were to become a servant and that was why he was hesitant.


"So, instead of fighting, let's become... COMRADES...", Jay too knew that asking him to become a subordinate would be too excessive so he decided to say the word 'Comrade'.

"Huh?", the golden knight was completely shocked when he heard that.

"C-comrade?", he asked out of surprise.

"Yes...", Jay smirked a bit after looking at the golden knight's expression.

"But..." it seemed as if the knight wanted to say something.

"But...?", Jay asked.

"What does Comrade mean?", the knight asked.



"It means Friends... or companions...", was what Jay said with embarrassment as he smirked for no reason.

"Y-you want me to be your friend!!?", the knight shouted when he heard that.

"Yes... become my friend Makruin!", Jay smiled.

He was happy cause of this because the problem seemed to have been nearly solved but then all of a sudden he felt a large amount of killing intent.

"How did you...?"

"Huh? W-what happened?", Jay was shocked to see the sudden change in behaviour.

"How did you know my real name!?", the golden knight asked immediately after which it vanished and appeared in front of him while pointing the sword at his neck.

'Huh? Did I just make the matter worse?', Jay regretted.

"Answer!!! How!!?"



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