The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 118: The Nine Abilities - Part 1

Chapter 118: The Nine Abilities - Part 1

Jay didn't know what to tell right now.

In reality he came to know about his name through the system which displayed his stats but he couldn't possibly tell him about this.

Further lore it seemed as if some memory or trauma was associated with his name otherwise he wouldn't react in such a way.

So even if he were to say that, the golden knight might think that it is just a petty excuse and nothing else and without thinking anymore, he would attack Jay.

That was not something which he wanted to happen. All he wanted was to make another ally and someone like the golden knight would be so powerful that Jay could feel reassured.

But at the same time he was feeling tensed after looking at the sudden change of mood of the golden knight.

He understood one thing that the golden knight that was standing in front of him was actually a double edged sword.

He could anytime become Jay's foe which would be really bad as Jay was too weak right now.

"Tell me Ruler Of Darkness!!! How did you know my name? Who told you!?", Makruin asked with anger and a dominating aura.

A red deadly gaze was visible to Jay from beneath the mask which was making him nervous.

"I...", Jay paused as he didn't have any other excuses to tell joe had he thought of anything.

"Yes you!!!? What!? Speak!!?", the knight could Alice his head at any instant and Jay wouldn't even be able to do anything.

He was even scared to blink his eyes as the knight's speed was terrifying.

"Listen... you want to know how I knew your name right?", Jay asked.

Makruin nodded his head after listening that.

Jay could no longer buy any more time than that. It seemed as if any more delay would be fatal so he just said whatever came to his mouth.

"I found it out the same way you found my identity!", Jay said.

'Huh? Does it even make sense?', Jay doubted his own statement and was questioning himself in his mind.

"...", the knight didn't do anything and just stood there as a statue after hearing his answer.

"So you are saying that... you found it by pure instincts?", the golden knight asked.

'Huh? Instincts?', Jay was shocked to hear that.

He thought that the golden knight might have done some investigation or some research about Jay and that was probably how he came to know that he was the Black King but now he realised that it was just some instincts.

'Obviously... he isn't some human or secretary or agent to do a background checking!', he thought.

"...", Jay didn't say anything.

"Come on! Speak... Did you just try to tell me that you found out my name with just pure instincts?", the golden knight asked.

A reddish golden aura was being emitted from his body while he asked that.

"No...", Jay replied.

"Ha! I knew it! You were lying right?", the knight asked while emitting a deadly aura.

"...", Jay had been lying form the start and it was only now that the golden knight realised that.

'Damn... what do I say now... if only I could get an excuse...', he thought when suddenly he heard the golden knight say something which made him completely shocked.

"Listen up... Jay... I am asking you the last time... how the heck did you know my name!?", the golden knight asked.

"Huh...?", Jay's Eyes bulged when he heard his own name from the knight's mouth.

It was probably the first time someone from the dungeon had taken that name.

"....", Jay paused for a while and then turned his gazes towards the golden knight.

"How...", it seemed as if he in turn was asking something.


"How did you know my name?", Jay asked he knight because he literally said 'Jay' instead of the Ruler Of Darkness or black king.

That was what had made Jay shocked. He couldn't even believe that someone could guess his name just like that.

'Could it be... that he too has a system...?', was what he thought as that was the only possibility that could have happened.

Other than that he couldn't think of it as to how he knew about his true name.

Now both of them seemed answerable to each other as both of them not only called their true names, but also asked similar questions.

"....", the golden knight paused for a while because of the sudden question.

His grip on the sword also losened a bit after hearing his question.

It seemed as if he was thinking something very hard.

"Well...", the golden knight all of a sudden started to speak.

Jay immediately looked towards him and started to listen keenly.

"Destas told me about you...", was what he said.

"Huh...? Destas?", Jay wasn't sure of this thing or person about whom the golden knight was speaking about.

In fact it was the first time he had heard such a name.

"He was the one who told that you were weak...", the golden knight added.

"...", Jay thought a bit about it and then concluded that the so called Destas was someone who was either too close to him or someone whom Jay had met at least once.

But regardless of that, he got an excuse to make right now after hearing the so callled destas' name.

"Ah, he was the one who told me your real name...", was what Jay said.

He didn't know if this truck would work or not and he was basically gambling right now.

"Huh? He told you my real name?", Makruin suddenly withdrew his sword all of a sudden.

"Haha, I can understand now...", he suddenly started to laugh.

The moment Jay saw his laughter, he understood that his gamble was a success and he too smiled.

Slowly his heart beat stabilised too which was unstable just a moment ago.

"I didn't know that you had already met with him...", was what the knight told.

"Ya, I too didn't know that he met you too...", Jay didn't want to reveal or say anything excess so he just repeated most of the parts after copying from the golden knight.

"Haha, what a coincidence...", the knight laughed after hearing that.

Jay too smiled but right now he was thinking about something else.

He wanted to save the humans who were being tied and that was why he was looking at the in a timely manner.

The knight noticed that and then asked, "Ah, are you interested in those humans?"



"Ya..", that's what he said.

"Haha; of course, I prepared them especially from you...", the knight said.

"Especially for me? I didn't get you...", Jay was confused.

He couldn't understand as why would someone prepare something for someone else who he didn't even meet yet.

The most intriguing thing was how did the golden knight know that Jay would be coming to the dungeon.

"Huh...? You didn't understand?", the golden knight asked.

Jay just shook his head.

"Have you forgotten about your 9 abilities?", he asked.

"9 abilities? What do you mean?", Jay asked because he wasn't aware of the abilities which he was speaking of.

The knight just stood there for a minute as if it was thinking something quite deeply.

Meanwhile Jay too stood in his position and everything was calm and quiet but for some reason his heart was beating fast.

He could once again hear his instincts ask him to run away.

He felt as if he was slowly nearing death as each and every moment passed by and felt that this was the silence before a great storm.

He then turned his gazes towards the knight again and could feel reddish aura emoting out of the knight's body.

It was pure killing intent which was slowly being generated while was making Jay tremble.

'No... did he find out...', was what Jay thinking.

'Should I wait here...?', he asked himself in his mind.


'No, I am unable to judge his mood and I can't gamble my life right now...', he then clenched his fist and decided to do something as he couldn't just stand there and wait for death.

'Teleport...', was what he said in his mind the moment after which he vanished towards the other side.

When he appeared, he found that the golden knight had withdrew his sword half way as if he was going to attack Jay.

'Fuck! I knew it... it wasn't so simple!', was what he said to himself.

"You...", the knight seemed quite angry.

"Who are you!?", he asked.

He knew Jay's name and the fact that he was the Dark Overlord but for some reason he asked again. It was a aid he couldn't believe it.

"Tell the truth... who are you!?", he asked again.

'What do I do? I don't think that I can escape from this situation...', was the only thing that was going in his mind.

"YOU CAN'T BE THE DARK LORD!!! WHO ARE YOU!?', the knight shouted with all its might.

Jay just stood like a statue in the same position but it was not due to his own will. Even if he wanted to move he wasn't able to.

He could see the knight walking towards him slowly and the killing intent also increased.

It seemed as if the knight was saying something but Jay failed to hear that.

The only thing that was ringing in his ears was a sound.


Then all of a sudden a message appeared in front of him whose sound also couldn't be perceived by him even though it used to transmit directly to his brain.


[Due to being exposed to excessive sound, the ear drums have been ruptured.]

[Activating skill regeneration]


[Skill Regeneration couldn't be activated]

[Initiating Self Heal program due to the failure of activating Skill Regenration]

[Program starting]

[User's body will be controlled by the system unless and until the wound is healed]

[Self Heal started]

Expected time for complete healing: 00:00:02:00 [ 2 minutes ]



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