The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 121: The Hunter's Association - Part 2

Chapter 121: The Hunter's Association - Part 2

"J... K?", Jay could feel the energy that was being radiated from the man who was called as the president.

He had heard many things about him and he had a lot of achievements too and probably that was why he could rise up to the peak.

He alone could take care of at least 5-10 S rank hunters and probably that was why he was ranked as SS Rank hunter.

Out of the 10 SS Rank hunters that was present around the world, he is easily ranked around top 5.

There is almost no one who doesn't know about him.

'Why is that man here personally? He even rejects the calls of the president of the country, but he has come to see me? There is something else...', was what Jay was thinking in his mind.

He thought that this action was without a doubt suspicious as the man who never even considered about the people who were at his same level was literally visiting someone who was low ranked.

Even his ID card was old and was mentioned that he was F ranked which was even more weird.

Jake turned towards the the official who had entered earlier as if he wanted to say something but just by eye contact the official was able to understand what he wanted to say.

"Miss Mia, would you kindly leave Hunter Jay and president alone for a while...", was what the officualnasked politely.

"Oh! Sure...", Mia was completely surprised on seeing the president due to which she has turned like that of an statue.

She immediately stood up and left in hurry. The official closed the door and stood there whereas the president walked towards Jay and sat on a chair.

"So hunter Jay... let's get down to the topic right away...", was what the president said.

"Yes...", Jay too agreed and nodded his head.

"I've come here to recruit you to the Hunter Association...", the president said this with a dominating tone.

"R-recruit?", Jay asked.

"Yes...", he smiled.

"But why me? I am just an F rank hunter...", was what Jay said.

"...", the president was quiet for a while and then immediately stood up.

He walked towards the window and said, "I don't think that's the case here..."

"Huh?", Jay flinched.

"No F ranked can clear three dungeons while going solo...", the President said with a dominating tone.

"T-three...?", Jay didn't seem to understand.

He didn't even know that he had cleared 3 dungeons on his own but then again when he recalled the president seemed to be right about it.

"The first was the dungeon with brains...", he started listing all of them.

'Ya... I cleared that without a doubt...', he thought.

"The second was the Invisible dungeon!"

'Ya... that's true but how did he know about that?', Jay's eyes widened.

"And the third was the Sky dungeon which became a mystery...", the president finally finished listing and then turned towards Jay.

Jay seemed to be just putting on a fake Smile on his face because he wanted to avoid revealing everything about himself.

The president then turned towards the official that was standing there who nodded his head.

The president then smiled and sat at the seat.

"Looks like our suspicion was right...@, the president said while smirking.

"Huh? Suspicion?", Jay failed to understand what the president meant by that.

"Yes, we didn't know if it really was you who cleared the other two dungeons but after looking at your reaction, it's confirmed that you were the one who cleared them too...", he said it while laughing.

"Huh?", Jay was surprised after hearing that.

'Uhh, he trapped me and confirmed it from me?', he realized that not my was the presidents piwer Amazing, he also had a cunning mind which was to be noticed.

"Sigh... well there is no use in hiding it now anyway...", was what Jay said.

"Yes, it was me who cleared those dungeons...", Jay said it quite boldly.

Both of them observed him and understood that he was quite different from other hunters for some reason.

"Haha, now that you admitted it, what would you say to the proposal?", the president asked.

"Ah, about the recruitment?", Jay asked.

"Yes, about the recruitment... we would be giving you 1,000 million won just as a signing bonus!", the president said.

"Haaa!!?", Jay was shocked by hearing the money.

"Are you kidding me? That amount... just as a signing bonus?", Jay asked.

"Yes, it's something which I can promise you with...". Was what the president said.

'That amount of money would help me a lot... mom and sis could live comfortably from now on...', he started to think about it and the president waited patiently.

'Lub Dub Lub Dub'

His heart was also beating quite fast because he was given a golden opportunity.

He wanted to drive away all the money related problems and other financial problems and for that a better opportunity that this couldn't be attained.

He wanted to accept it right away, but for some reason his instincts stopped him.

He glanced at the president again and when he did that he could see a unique flare in his eyes.

It was a spare of someone who was fighting or having a battle.

The president was experienced without a doubt and this he wouldn't plan on doing that would become a loss for him.

That was why Jay had to think about it. He finally understood the reason for the flare in the presidents eyes. It was as if he was fighting a battle mentally and the person against whom he was fighting was Jay!

'Hmm, it seems as if he knows my true abilities...', was what Jay thought.

It was quite interesting if he were to join the association as he would receive a lot of help but at the same time he would basically be shackled.

That was something he didn't want to happen. He didn't have any plans of joining any guilds at all.

All he wanted to do was hunt monsters, complete missions and protect his loved ones but more than all of these, there was something he aspired from the start.

'I want to be the strongest hunter...', that was what he aspired.

Even when he was facing death, he just thought about it. But that wasn't the only reason as to why the great dragon Akaluman bestowed him his power and title of being proxy.

There was something else that was quite intriguing about him.

He was thinking about everyone around him and all the events that had happened to him because in being affiliated with the hunters association would basically make him trapped in a prison which he didn't want to be.

After thinking for a while he gave a straight answer, "No, I cant join the association."

The president glared at him with man eating eyes. It was one of the most fiercely glares which Jay had ever seen.

"And why is that? You must have a reason right?", the president asked.

Jake, the president, was surprised in the first place when he saw Jay taking some time and thinking about it since most of the hunters would most readily accept the invitation and would join almost immediately.

He was even more surprised when he saw Jay rejecting his offer which was completely unpredicted.

It was the same for the other official who was standing there. He too could hardly believe at what Jay said because getting an offer to join the hunter association and that too directly from the president was once in a life time offer.

'I wonder what reason he will give...', Jake wondered while staring at Jay.

Jay thought for a minute by lowering his head and then immediately he answered, "It's because I have unfinished business..."

"Unfinished business?", both Jake and the other official asked in unison.

"You are literally rejecting the presidents offer just because of something which you haven't finished yet?", the other official shouted.

The president was just glaring at Jay and then in a moment he flashed his right hand and asked the official to pause.

"You say that you have some unfinished business... so will you join the association after the business is finished?", Jake asked.

"...", Jay kept quiet for a while.

His head was lowered the whole time but after hearing that, he slowly raised his head.

He had a fierce glare in his eyes too which could be comparable to that of Jake.

"Will your association be worthy enough to have me after I finish the job?", Jay asked with arrogance.

Jake and the official was completely surprised when they heard this.

It was literally the first time when someone had said them something like this.

Not only that, they could see Jay smiling which felt as a taunt to them.

"YOU!!!", the official shouted but once again the president asked him to quiet down.

"Interesting... so you are telling me that you will be much stronger than now?", Jake asked.

Jay smiled and just sat like that without specifically telling anything else.

But it seemed like Jake successfully understood Jay and thus immediately stood up.

He started walking towards the exit and the other person opened the door.

Jake had placed just one of his foot outside when suddenly he paused.

He threw a card towards which he grabbed swiftly.

"This is hunter re-evaluation card... come as soon as you get discharged and get yourself re-evaluated and after you finish the so called job, we will see if you were really speaking the truth or were just brewing lies...", he said this and left and so did the official.

"Hunter re-evaluation...?", Jay asked himself.


"Now that I think of it I intended to go there earlier too...", he said to himself while scratching his head.

"Alright... lets go tomorrow...", was what he wanted to say but after looking at his body he decided to go sometime later.

"Hmm... now it's quiet here... let's take a look at the system..."

Immediately as he told that he opened the system only to find a huge influx of many messages at the same time.





The sound kept ringing in his ears continuously for a while and all he did was just take a look at how many messages he had got.

"Seriously... 80 notifications? That's probably the first time I've got so many...", was what he said.

"Sigh... now I need to take a look at each of them one by one!", after saying this he immediately thought about the first notification that appeared in a time wise order.



He was completely shocked the moment he read the message and he felt like laughing at it.

"Pfftt, what's with this... haha!"



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