The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 120: The Hunter's Association - Part 1

Chapter 120: The Hunter's Association - Part 1


'Don't do it...'


'That isn't...'


"Leave them alone!!!"


"I understood..."

"I will..."

"I will conquer the world with my own hands!"


"I will become the true ruler!"


"Jay!!! Wake up!!! Wake up Jay!!!", a female's voice was heard.

It seemed as if she was shouting and trying her best to wake Jay.

"Uhh...", Jay slowly opened his eyes which were too blurry and he could hardly see anything because of that.

"Jay!!! Doctor!!! Doctor!!", the voice shouted loudly and it seemed that it was calling the doctor.

The doctor came running and took a look at Jay.

"Oh my God!! This is indeed a miracle!!!", the doctor shouted.

He asked the female who was there to go out and then started to diagnose Jay.

Jay's senses were still dim and he was barely able to understand what was happening.

'W-what's happening...?', he could feel someone touch his hand as if he was measuring his pulses.

He could even see someone flashing the light of the torch into his eyes in order to check something.

"Uhh... this...", he slowly tried to pull himself up in order to sit.

The doctor was completely shocked to find him sitting on the bed right now.

Though his body was a bit unstable, he was able to manage sitting thanks to his hands which were supporting him.

"This...", he turned his gazes here and there only to find that he was in an hospital.

"A... hospital?", was what he said.

The doctor nodded his head and said, "Yes! It's St. Wokon's hospital!"

It was one of the greatest hospitals that was managed by the hunter's association.

Jay had only heard about it and had never come here since it was allowed for Rank B or higher rank!

Someone like Jay who was previously rank F hunter would be shooed out if he were to find anywhere near the hospital.

"Mr. Jay... let me be honest...", the doctor started to say something while removing the glasses which he was wearing.

He was bald and had hairs only near his chin. He seemed to be aged and experienced. He had thin moustaches and he was a bit over weighed.

"Yes doctor?", Jay asked.

"You has been sleeping all this time...", was what the doctor said.

"Huh...?", Jay heard something which was unbelievable.

But when he recalled the state at which his body had reached, he had no other option but to think that his body had accumulated a lot of fatigue due to which a sleep for long time was not uncommon.

"For how long have I been sleeping...?", Jay asked.

He wasn't sure about it because he didn't have his consciousness but he did know that he had slept for more than a day.

"5... totally 5...", the doctor flashed his 5 fingers and tried to tell him that 5 days had passed but even before he could complete what he wanted to tell, Jay shouted.

"5 years!!!? I have been sleeping for 5 years!? That's!!!", he too couldn't complete what he was saying because his head hurt a bit right now too because of the shock that his neurons had received.

'Ouch... my head...', was what he said to himself in his mind while placing his left hand on his head.

"Hunter Jay, you have been sleeping for 5 days! Not 5 years!", was what he said.

"Ah!? 5 days?". Jay smiled after hearing that.

"Phew... I thought that 5 years had passed and I missed the battle of proxies...", he sighed.

"Huh? Battle of what?", the doctor asked as he was confused after hearing that.

'Oops... I should probably shut my mouth for a while...', was what he thought.

"Nothing doctor... it's nothing...", he said it while averting his gazes.

The doctor didn't pry much because he knew that Jay's mind was still unstable.

"Alright then... rest for a while, I'll be back soon.", immediately after saying that he left after which the same female voice was heard again and a girl entered the room.

"Jay!!!", she shouted.

The door closed due to which the voice didn't escape the room but she did shout loudly.

"Eh? Who!?", Jay looked towards the voice onky to find that it was Mia who was shouting.

"M-Mia?", he was shocked to see her here.

She dashed towards him and hugged him because she was too happy. Tears started following down her eyes and it seemed like she was really tensed.

"W-what happened mia?", he asked.

She didn't say anything and kept on hugging him for a while. He didn't feel particularly bad and actually felt good because of Mia's scent as she was wearing a perfume.

He said, "You smell good..."

Immediately after hearing that Mia withdrew and flustered a bit. Her face was beet red and she was looking somewhere else.

It seemed as if she failed to make eye contact with Jay for some reason. He heart was beating fast and despite the tears in her eyes, the way she blushed made her look cute.

"Pffft, What happened to you?", Jay laughed.

Mia turned towards Jay and said, "Nothing... But... you..."

Her expression again became gloom all of a sudden.

"Ya? Me? What happened to me?", Jay asked.

"You... you were almost dead!", while saying this she placed both of her palms over her face.

"Huh? Almost dead?", he asked.

It could have been the case because all his neurons has been severely damaged. A lot of hormones were also produced which played a major role in increasing his strength and that was indeed abnormal and thus his body might have entered a death like state.

"Ah... I don't know how I reached there... haha..", Jay didn't want anyone to know about what had happened and he tried to hide it but it seemed like it was futile.

"Jay... we already know that you were the one who saved us...", was what she said.

"Huh...? What do you...", he flinched.

'Does she know something...?', he asked himself in his mind.

"Sigh, if you weren't there then we would most definitely be dead...", was what she said.

"Uhh... but how can you say for sure that it was me who rescued you all...?", he asked.

"Ah, didn't you see the video?", she asked.

Jay was confused about the video stuff so he asked, "Video? What video?"

He was asleep all this time and that was why he wasn't aware of it.

"Haha, if you see this you will be shocked!", Mia flashed the phone that she was having in her hand after typing something.

"Here, look at this video...", she said.

Jay took the phone into his hands and took a glance at it and the moment he did that he was completely surprised.

"This...", he was baffled by seeing that.

It was the full recording of how the hunters entered the dungeon and what and all happened. In that there was the video of Jay fighting the golden knight.

Although it was a bit blurry but everything was see. Jay's face was also clearly flashed since it wasn't that dark in the area.

Jay's eyes were wide opened when he saw that but the video was cut before everything finished.

It seemed as if the camera's battery was over and due to that not everything was able to be recorded.

Also, the voice wasn't recorded either because the mic which the hunter was having seemed to had been broken.

'Safe... not everything is here... at least the voice can't be heard!', Jay thought this and sighed.

'But... this is bad... now... I'll be in big mess!', was what he thought.

He then slowly handed the phone to Mia and then sat as a statue for a while.

It was completely silent for a while but then all of a sudden Jay asked something.

"Then... how were you all rescued?", he asked.

"Well, the S rank hunters team came to help us and found us unconscious on the ground...", was what she said.

'On the ground? If I'm not wrong, they were tied to the pillars right?', he thought.

"The lifted us and carried us back and along with us they carried you.", she lowered her gazes while saying that.

"Carried me too?", he asked.

"Yes, but the condition in which you were in was completely horrible... after we ravines consciousness we thanked the god because we were saved but only later did we find that it was you who saved us.", she said this with teary eyes.

"Uhh... that...", Jay didn't know how to respond to what she said.

"But when we saw you covered in blood... then all of us were shocked! Our Vice master and master thought that it was best to send you to this hospital and we brought you here only to find...", she paused.

"Only to find what?", he asked.

"Only to find that your brain cells and most of the neurons Of your body was severely damaged...", was what she said while crying.

"...", Jay too just lowered his head and waited for her to calm down when suddenly he remembered about his mother and sister.

"Uh, then what about my mom and sis?", he asked.

"...", Mia wiped her tears and calmed down.

Then she said, "They were also informed about this and they rushed immediately after hearing that..."

"Oh? Then where are they?", Jay asked with hesitation.

They didn't know that Jay was an hunter and now that they knew, they would be worried, and not allow him to continue that.

"Your mom... she fainted the moment she saw you covered with blood...", she said.

"What!!?", Jay shouted!

"Yes, And your sister was also shocked but nothing else happened to her, she is now sitting and taking care of your mother...", was what she said.

Jay calmed down a bit after hearing that but in reality his heart was unrest.

He wanted to take a look at his mother and find out if she was really Alright or not.

He wanted to immediately go and that was why he stood up but it seemed like Mia realized what he wanted to do so she grabbed his hand and made him sit.

The doctor had prohibited him from moving and probably that was why she was worried.

"You barely have any strength and you want leave the room?", she asked.

"Uhh that's...", it was indeed true. He tried to lift the glass in which water was kept but he failed to do so.

It seemed as if other than the strength in his legs, all other parts were experiencing numbness.

"Just sit here and relax!", was what she said as if she was ordering him.

"Alright... But can you tell me who posted that video? Shouldn't the hunter association take care of it?", he asked.

She was about to say the reason for why they did that when suddenly they saw someone opening the door and entering the room in which he was resting.

"Yes, it is our job to take care of it and that is why we have come here!", was what the person who entered said.

He looked like in his 30s and was too strong too. He seemed like some high official and had come to say something to Jay.

"To take care?", Jay asked.

"Yes, our president would like to talk with you...", was what the man said.

He had deep brown hairs and had a piercing sharp eyes. It was as if he could look through anyone and tell if they were lying or not.

"President?", just as Jay had asked this, he suddenly felt a powerful aura coming towards him.

His instincts which were probably dormant resurfaced again.

It was someone who was extremely powerful was walking towards him but the aura which he felt from the golden knight was definitely stronger than this.

And that was why he was unfazed. Just because his mind was unstable, he flinched.

A tall and well built man who seemed like that of a wrestler walked in.

He was 45-50 years of age but even right now he could emit such a strong aura and be in perfect shape.

"Hello, Mr. Jay, it's nice to meet you, I'm Jake... you can call me JK!"


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