The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 93: Dual System - Part 2

Chapter 93: Dual System - Part 2



[The Dual System is a Hybrid or a Complex Of both the systems]

[Both systems can be separated or fused based on the host's needs.]



"Oh my God... this is indeed different from the previous system...", Jay was shocked when he saw that both the system's not only fused with each other, both of them existed at the same time parallels with different name.

It meant that both could be separated and used individually or could be used simultaneously after fusing them again.

But the most shocking this was that it was considered as a hybrid system!

"Hmm... I understand.", Jay was somewhat satisfied with the answer but had another question in his mind about it.

"Tell me, will there be any upgrades or system rebooting during which I will be unable to use the skills?", Jay thought that this was a major problem because the skills should have become his own. But whenever something would happen to the system, it would be reflected on the skills.

That was what he was worried about and he really hoped that such an error he fixed.



[No upgrades temporarily. The system doesn't own any rights to the skills that the host will gain.]


"...", Jay felt as if his eyes would pop out. He was staring at the answer too intensely. He couldn't believe that what he wanted was actually provided to him and that too the system said that he would be having full rights over the skills.

But that rose another question in his mind which he immediately asked, "Then what about the past skills? Will I not be able to gain full rights over them?"

He was glad enough after hearing that he would gain rights over the upcoming Skills but he also wanted to use the last skills, which he was comfortable with right now, to use freely.



[Those Skills will be fused to form original skills. The 'Dual System' will delete them after replicating them to form an original one.]

[Do you want to start the process?]

-> Yes

-> No


"Hmm...", Jay thought for a while after reading all that.

He indeed wanted to use all those skills as soon as possible and wanted to have them as their own but he wasn't sure if he could trust the system.

The system had indeed given him new skills which were literally fantastic that's why he wanted to click 'yes', but he had some more questions which he wanted to ask sinhebrefrained from immedaoeyky accepting the start of the procedure.

"Well, for now I don't want to choose because I still have one more question left... I'll choose after that, it's fine right?"





He smiled after hearing the answer and then immediately asked the question which had been bugging him from a while.

"Why does it show that I am level 1 when I should have been at least level 80 according to the previous system...?", he finally asked the question and waited for it to answer.

He was eagerly waiting to find out if it was a bug or an error or something else.



[The levels indicate the completion points of the host to move into next rank!]


"Ha? What do you mean by that? Give an example if you can...", Jay couldn't understand the system's words.

It sounded mysterious so he wanted an example to understand it perfectly. However, he didn't expect the system to actually give an example.



[It means that to reach the next rank, one needs to reach a level of 100.]

[Example:- The host was level 68, and rank B previously when checked. After gaining a large amount of Exp, the host's level reached 100 due to which the host was promoted to Rank A]


"Ohhhh!!!!", he finally understood what the Leveling up meant.

It wasn't the total actual level. It was just like experience points that were required to level up and attain a rank.

"Hmm... is it the same for beasts too?", was what he asked himself.

He had seen many beasts but their ranks and levels were quite different. Also the monsters and bosses had different ranks too.

So he wondered if they too had to go through something similar as him.

"But if I'm still just an A ranker, then how was I able to defeat S rank monsters and A rank monsters that easily?"

He thought deeply in this topic for a while and even before he had realised 30 minutes had already passed by.


"Huh...!? What was that sound?", Jay turned his head here and there.


He heard the sound again which felt somewhat familiar to him as if he had been hearing that quite oftenly.

"Master!!! Woof woof!"

"Huh? Woof woof? Wolfy!!?", he immediately looked towards the bathroom and wondered if Wolfy was still inside there.

He immediately rushed there and shouted but there was no result. However it seemed as if the voice was coming from the place where Jay was sitting earlier.

He immediately went back to that place and then shouted, "Wolfy, Wolfy! Where are you!?"

"Master I'm here!!!", the wolf pup immediately replied.

But Jay could only hear its voice and counts see him when he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to undo the [Stealth] mode.

"Oops...", he immediately disabled the stealth.

"Haha, sorry Wolfy, I forgot..."

Wolfy seemed a bit mad at earlier but then it calmed down.

"It's fine master... don't worry woof woof.", the pup was also smart so he didn't complain or pry anymore.

Jay too stopped asking questions to the system because he didn't want to crack his head.

He had many questions as - If stealth mode doesn't allow anything to touch the person, then how does he breath? The oxygen molecules should just pass through him!!! - but he didn't want to break his head while figuring to much of logic.

"Sigh, now there is not much to do. Let me just rest. It's been a long time since I have slept peacefully...", and just as he had told this, he suddenly heard someone calling him and saying something.

"M-master... place... dra... des...", the voice was breaking and nothing was heard properly.

"Sebas? Is that you? What are you trying to tell?", the voice was definitely the same as Sebas but it was as if something was blocking the voice.

"Sebas...?", Jay was getting tensed because Sebas has never contacted Jay on his own accord other than important matters such as his belongings that were left in the dungeon.

Also, Jay had clearly told him to contact when he faces any danger due to which Jay got even more worried and thought about going there immediately.

But he didn't know what the dangers might be and if he were to use teleportation and land at a weird place then that might have become fatal!

"Wolfy, can you open up a portal to where Sebas is?", this was the only option left and probably the best way.

"Yes master...", the wolf tried to forge a portal that would connect to the cave.

A circular blue-black Portal was formed towards which Jay was moving when suddenly the portal broke.

"Huh? It shattered like glass pieces... what happened?", he immediately turned his gazes towards the pup who was shivering tremendously.

"Wolfy? What happened?", it was the second time Jay saw Wolfy trembling in such a way.

He understood that there was definitely something wrong inside the cave that was making Wolfy tremble and probably that was what blocking the connection between Sebas and Jay.

"Damn... what's going on...? Don't I have any way other than teleportation?", after thinking for two minutes he decided to use teleportation but only to appear outside the cave.

From there he intended to walk inside.

"Wolfy, I'll be right back. Don't cause trouble here and..."

Even before he could finish saying anything, the pup immediately came closer to Jay and clinged to his leg.

"Master... don't go.", it seemed as if the pup didn't want Jay to leave. It might have been its six sense that sensed the danger but Jay couldn't possibly just sit back either.

If he hadn't checked what was inside the cave, then it might have become a bigger problem in the future!

"Ah, are you worried about me Wolfy?", Jay immediately asked to which Wolfy nodded its head.

Jay smiled a bit and said, "Don't worry Wolfy, if I really feel that it is dangerous then I will immediately come back using teleportation."

Immediately after saying that he teleported right away and appeared in front of the cave.

"Oh my God... this... this amount of mana is unusual! Just how dense is it?", saying this he started to walk towards the cave's entrance.

There is no use of I walk slowly...", he immediately used stealth and ran with all his might inside the cave.

His eyes were engulfed in flames as if he was determined to do something.

"Don't worry Sebas... I'm on my way!"


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