The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 94: An Interesting Reunion

Chapter 94: An Interesting Reunion

There is no use of I walk slowly...", he immediately used stealth and ran with all his might inside the cave.

His eyes were engulfed in flames as if he was determined to do something.

"Don't worry Sebas... I'm on my way!"

He rushed inside and dashed at a high speed while using stealth and dash skill simultaneously.

He didn't want to waste even a single moment at all because even a single moment could change many things.

"Sebas, can you hear me? Se-", he suddenly paused.

It was as if something was holding him down and preventing to move further ahead.

Probably it was his instincts because he was feeling a heavy bloodlust from the inner parts of the cave.

On top of that there was a large amount of killing intent being released.

However, that didn't restrain Jay from moving ahead nor did it break his dedication.

He still continued moving forward while being cautious when suddenly he heard some noise.




It seemed as if there was some sort of fight going on inside. Jay immediately rushed towards thy place only to find something from the shadows attacking Sebas and Katherine at the same time.

"Sebas! Can you hear me?", Jay asked once again.

"Eh? Master!!?", instead of using telepathy, he shouted loudly which Katherine couldn't understand.

"Sebas? Focus in the fight!", Katherine seemed to be exhausted as if she had been fighting for a while now.

Jay was about to get closer to then and take a look at the thing that was attacking them and had put them in such a predicament when suddenly he heard someone speak.

"ANOTHER TRESSPASSER? HOW DARE YOU ENTER MY TERRITORY!?", the voice was too deep upon hearing which, chills ran down Jay's spine.

But for some reason instead of being scared he was confused. It was as if this voice was also somewhat familiar to him.

"This...", he tried to recall all the person and everyone speaking till now from the day he had been awakened in a reverse manner.

He started from the present day and slowly went one day back and another day back and that way he finally reached the day when he was awakened.

"It can't be... it's you?", he smiled and immedaoeyky walked ahead while disabling his stealth mode.

Earlier his presence was not being felt and was completely hidden but the being was so powerful that it could detect the heat that was being generated from the body due to which it could tell that another person had trespassed.

But now when Jay finally removed the stealth from himself, the mythical being could finally know Jay's position accurately. So it immediately aimed towards him in order to attack with a strong magic when it suddenly paused.

"Human!? Is that you!?", two huge red eyes were glaring at Jay from the dark.

Sebas and Katherine has already paused as per Jay's orders and stepped back a bit.

"Haha, yup! It's me. I didn't expect to see you here...", Jay was laughing loudly as if he was familiar with the supernatural being.

"Oh my, you seem to have become quite bold, human.", slowly and steadily the being started to show itself.

Sebas and Katherine were staring at the being and then at Jay since they literally didn't know what was happening.

"Master...", Sebas wanted to know what actually was the case.

So Jay immediately said, "Haha, I guess it would be a rare opportunity to find him. Anyway, let me introduce him... he is one of the Great Dragons - The Legendary Black Dragon!!!"

The moment Jay said that. Both Sebas and Katherine, immediately kneeled in front of him.

It seemed as if they were trying to ask for forgiveness to the black dragon. They were even apologising to Jay because the black king and the black dragon are interconnected so going against the black king meant going against the black dragon and vice versa.

The black dragon was slowly walking and finally came out of the shadows.

"We are truly sorry great dragon, we didn't", suddenly Sebas paused when his gazes fell on the black dragon.

"...", he couldn't say anything else after looking at the dragon.

Even Jay who was speaking boldly just now couldn't say anything else. He himself was awed after looking at the dragon.

"P-pfffftttt!!! Hahaha hahahahaha!", Jay started laughing bizarrely as if he had seen a clown.

"Hahahaha, oh my god! What the heck is this? Hahahaha.", his laughter was uncontrollable.

Even if he wanted to stop himself from laughing, he couldn't.


The dragon looked towards Jay and asked, "What's wring with you Human? Have you gone crazy!?"

The dragon didn't seem to understand the reason for Jay's laughter.

"Hahaha, ya! I guess I have finally gone crazy! Pfffttt Hahahaha!", his own stomach had started to pain due to laughter.

The dragon turned its gazes towards Sebas and Katherine and found that they too intended to laugh but were somehow controlling themselves.

"HUMAN!!! CEASE YOUR LAUGHTER, AND TELL ME THE REASON RIGHT NOW!!", the dragon seemed to be agitated and angry because of Jay's laughter.

"What should I say? Hahaha, just look at yourself! What's up with you!?", Jay asked this somehow while laughing continuously.

The dragon was still not able to understand so he asked right away, "Tell me clearly! Don't mock me!"

Jay lessened his laughter and then walked towards the black dragon and whispered something in its ears.

"I should see myself in water? What will I get by doing that?", the dragon felt that Jay was trying to dodge the topic so it wasn't ready to do that.

"Haha, you won't understand... fine don't look at water, just turn your gazes towards that huge crystal.", Jay pointed out towards a crystal that somewhat looked like diamond but had greenish shiny colour with great lustrous nature.

The reflections were easily seen from that.

The dragon didn't understand so he decided to do what Jay had asked.

He immediately turned his gazes towards the crystal only to find himself being awed after looking at it.

"Huh...? W-wh-whaaaaaaaaatttr!!!?", the dragon roared loudly which echoed throughout the cave.

"Hahahahaha, did you get now why I was laughing!?", Jay said this after looking at the embarrassed black dragon that was closing its eyes tightly.

"How did this happen!!?", he himself was comepletely stunned after looking at his own reflection.

The huge and gigantic black dragon, due to whose wrath the world world feared once upon a time, was now looking like a small cute doll.

It was as if it had undergone transformation and now it was the size of the wolf's pup - Wolfy.

It was looking cute like a stuff toy. It had purple-black gleaming gem like eyes that were sparkling.

The so called frocious dragon was kow just like a kid dragon in front of them due to which it was completely embarresed.

"Quiet!!! Don't laugh!", he was hiding his face with the small hands of his on seeing which Jay walked towards it and patted him.

"Haha, don't worry, we aren't teasing you or something. It's just that you were so funny. Your voice was like that of a great dragon while your looks were so-so! Hahaha!"

The dragon couldn't deny it because what he was saying was the truth.

"Hmph! It is your fault in the first place anyway!", the dragon seemed to be pouting.

"Huh? What did I do? Haha.", Jay thought that the black dragon was just joking however what he was telling was the truth.

"Sigh, you absorbed almost entire of my mana including my life force. Along with that, you absorbed all the cultivation that I had did for years! So obviously my body shrunk!!!"

Jay was shocked when he heard that because he wasn't aware of this.

"Haha, I'm sorry... I didn't know...", Jay was apologetic but the black dragon didn't mind it anyway because he was already his proxy!

"Ah, don't worry about it Human. Just focus on increasing your strength.", the dragon for some reason wasn't sad or angry at all.

However Jay felt that it really was his fault for making the great dragon so helpless that it couldn't even kill 2 vampires when they entered.

"No wonder you couns t detect me when I used my stealth.", Jay assumed that the dragon was powerful enough to detect Jay even when he was using stealth and that was why he was sad for causing him so much trouble.

"Uhhh... never mind!", the dragon said this.

Jay thought that it had forgiven him so he said, "Thank you for forgiving me."

The dragon suddenly stares at Jay and said, "Who said that I forgave you? You need to compensate for what you have done!"

"Ha?", for a second Jay had started to respect the dragon even more but after hearing what the dragon said he had to withdraw his thoughts.

"Yes, Human... take me with you to the place where you live."



There was completely silence for a moment.

"Are you kidding me!!!!?", Jay shouted.


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