The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 454: escape

Chapter 454: escape

At the front of the escaping expedition team, the lady mercenary and Mr. Sandstorm only noticed the commotion when the petite lady was already submerged by the desert scorpions.

None of them had much of a reaction to it, but they had different thoughts in their minds about what exactly happened.

For the lady mercenary, as she already clashed with her before, she was pretty sure that it was virtually impossible for such a cunning gold-digger to be so easily submerged in the horde. Her eyes narrowed on coming to this conclusion.

Despite the suspicions in her heart, she did not stop her actions to go confirm as she knew that tiding through this horde was the priority.

She lashed her whip again at the desert scorpions pushing their way towards her, while her sword attacked even faster at them.

In the middle of the team, the tourists were exposed to even more danger after the petite lad was submerged by the horde, directly increasing the danger those in the back faced.

Despite this, the locals and the bodyguards could not render their help immediately. They knew that doing that would only make their defense formation fragile, which indirectly meant danger.

Seeing all these, Clark immediately deduced that if nothing was done, 2 or perhaps even 3 tourists would die while tiding through this escape.

Pull and shoot your weapons at them. Clark yelled while pulling his pistols trigger at a desert scorpion that came too close.

He did this to help the tourists, but also to help himself as his virtual vision already detected some stronger enemies coming ahead them.

The tourists that were at the front of the formation didnt react immediately to the call, but those at the back who directly faced the danger reacted instantly.

They pulled out their weapons before pulling the trigger while fumbling to make sure that the exotic pistols didnt drop from their hands.

They did it in panic while not expecting much, but the effects was immediate.

Even if they were novice with weapons, with more than half of the formation already being covered by the experts, leaving them with just the job to shoot at their back was not too difficult a task.

All they had to do was pull the trigger, and each bullet found a target as the desert scorpions were too big and numerous to miss.

Of course, just that was not able to grant them all-round protection from the dangerous raving scorpions, most especially when they could simply attack with their tails from a distance, but Clark was with them.

As a 3rd rank high-grade soldier and one of his caliber, Clark was able to easily fool the others, shooting accurately to diffuse any fatal danger while shooting like the others when everything was normal.

With this, no life was lost immediately and no one discovered his disguise.

Despite this meticulous set-up by the expedition team, the scorpions were still plenty dangerous and other tourists in the team suffered injuries.

The tourist suffering most was the one that was attacked by the first exobeast desert scorpion. Due to the circumstances, first-aid could not be administered on the spot and the poison already affected her severely.

2 other tourists supported her, taking her along in the escape but she already lost a lot of blood, and her eyes were already growing dizzy.

If not attended to soon, she would soon be labeled a dead tourist.

8 minutes later after the petite lady was submerged inside the desert scorpion horde, she appeared again to the shock of the remaining survivors.

She had blood all over her body, and her already tattered clothes were even more tattered now. She had a large bleeding cut on her cheeks, and 2 stab injuries from the scorpion tails were on her chest and abdomen.

The only things still intact on her body were the mechanical hijab and her traveling bag. Seeing her emerge alive, the other tourists were shocked but no one made a sound as they continued their escape.

Just a minute after the petite lady appeared again, the lady mercenary gave a stern warning to the others- exobeasts were here.

Instantly after the warning was given, a tail that was far thicker than the others shot at the expedition team. The lady mercenary parried the strike, while Mr. Sandstorm attacked from the side.

As they unleashed a barrage of attacks at their front, the exobeasts were finally revealed. There were 4 exobeasts, three with 2nd rank high-grade strength while the last had 1st rank strength.

Mr. Sandstorm nor the lady mercenary tried to fight them directly, they instead cooperated to push a hole through them to pass through. A bitter battle started immediately as the huge desert scorpions fought to prevent it.

Amid a fierce battle, the lady mercenary opened a path through which she quickly rushed in. Those behind her helped to widen the opening, allowing the tourists that were behind to pass through.

With motivation from Clark, the civilian tourists shot with their weapons to aid those that could fight, making the escape a little easier but it didnt mean much.

2 minutes later, the first tourist died, ripped apart by 2 scorpions. Another one died a minute later which freaked the tourists out.

Such a death rate made them frightened but remembering Mr. Sandstorms rules before they came for the expedition, the 2 tourists holding the tourist who lost a leg persevered and held her.

Mr. Sandstorm worked hard, trying to cover any openings but he was not a superhuman as another tourist died before they crossed through the desert scorpions completely.

Now, there was no desert scorpions standing blocking their front, they were all behind them and in unrelenting pursuit. In such a scenario, the locals and Mr. Sandstorm showed their specialty.

As the expedition team escaped, the locals followed at the back of the formation while triggering various hidden traps that closed the tunnel behind them.

Walls rose up, spikes emerged from the sandy walls; these and a lot more coming out helped the team to finally escape far away.

A few dozen minutes later, they stopped to rest as they were exhausted.

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