The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 455: miss anderson tracy a brave adventurer and tourist

Chapter 455: miss anderson tracy a brave adventurer and tourist

Throughout since the first appearance of the desert scorpions till the expedition team escaped to their current location, an approximate of 2 hours already passed.

As soon as they stopped, almost every tourist turned to look at one person, the only person that fell down and could no longer stand after they stopped- Miss Anderson Tracy.

After the time spent together, they already knew their names and therefore knew who this lady was. She was the tourist who suffered the first attack from the desert scorpions.

Right now, her leg already turned a shade of eerie purple while the veins all over her body were now purple. This was the visible outwards effect of people stung by desert scorpions.

On the floor, her mouth was opened, gasping for breath as tears flowed down her cheeks. Seeing this, every other tourist kept quiet, they knew that applying first-aid now was basically useless.

They spent too much time escaping, now it was too late to save her.

Amid the silence with the only sound being the heaving breaths of the other tourists, Mr. Sandstorm forced his exhausted body to go closer to her position.

The lady strained herself to turn her head to face this expedition guide. Amid the tears flowing down her eyes and the agonizing pain like needles were being poked all over her body, she forced a smile.

It was not a smile of regret but of fulfilment, a smile like she already saw everything that could be seen of the world.

This was the last expression ever on her face, her face went stiff after this. The tourist was dead.

This was not the first time that the tourists experienced death, some of them even died in the previous escape battle but seeing this sight still evoked emotions in their minds.

In the end, they simply slumped on the walls of the sandy tunnel and revealed different reactions. Some laughed, some smiled, some laughed and cried at the same time.

Perhaps, this would be their fate a few days from now but they didnt care. Just like the dead tourist, they would not regret their choice even if they died now.

I suggest we camp here and rest. Mr. Sandstorm suddenly suggested.

No tourist protested, they all tacitly agreed to it. Heaving a sigh of relief on that, as the tourists entered different positions to rest, he led his fellow locals as they dug a grave to bury the lady.

Well, compared to other tourists who died, she was lucky as she got to be buried. Also, she got an epitaph. Mr. Sandstorm hesitated for 2 minutes before writing on it.

>Miss Anderson Tracy- A Brave Adventurer and Tourist<

After that, with his fellow locals, they also found spots to sit and lie on to rest from the just concluded tedious battle.

As all the tourists slowly drifted into sleep after appointing a watch to protect them while they slept, Clarks eyes slowly opened as they flickered.

A holographic projection appeared before him.

After losing trace of the juicy humans, disappointed, the desert scorpions had no choice but to retreat back even deeper underground to their lairs.

After they left, about 5 minutes passed before a small robot dug its way out of the sandy walls of the tunnel. The small robots red eyes flickered, shifting left and right like a mischievous curly haired baboon.

The next moment, the eyes stopped and glowed a green color.

[Target Location Found!]

[Proceeding to extract target!]

With soft clicking mechanical sounds, it dug itself completely out of the sandy wall before moving horizontally through the wall like a wall gecko.

It moved in a straight line to its destination before stopping after getting to a part of the sandy wall. Nothing was visible outside, but it was not deterred as its small metallic hands transformed to form a drill.

Slowly, it drilled 4 holes into different parts of the sandy wall. A metallic grip appeared on the ends of the drill tips, then they grabbed onto something hard before pulling out slowly.

It slowly pulled out an object that was already tainted by the sand. It was strangely moist like a wet towel, but it revealed a look and glowed like a metal.

[Target Acquired: Exotic Mercury-fused Nano-Metal.]

[Type: Exotic Metal.]

[Size: Half a Meter.]

[Value: Approximately 300 million Spartan credits.]

After acquiring the target, the center of the small robot opened up before taking the metal inside. After swallowing it completely, it closed back up.

The next moment, its 4 mechanical legs glowed a blue color as it started sprinting across the walls towards the direction of the expedition team.

10 minutes later, Clarks eyes opened again as he slowly took in his robot and kept it back inside his traveling bag. The treasure retrieved by the robot was found by him during the desert scorpion attack.

This was a very popular exotic metal known by almost every soldier and mercenary, this was because it was one of the most essential metals in making war machines and exotic cars.

It was the metal that allowed 2-form guns, cars, and other war machines to change their configurations. Another fact that was that it was filthy expensive.

When Clark just found it, he was shocked. First, of the fact that the lady mercenary didnt detect it before he did, second because he didnt expect to get an opportunity to get a treasure himself.

The treasure was just hidden a few meters deep inside the sand, the lady mercenary not detecting it indirectly meant that he overestimated her means a bit.

For the past week, hes always been observing the lady mercenary, looking for any of her weaknesses to aid in his plan to rob her of her treasures.

What happened with this treasure didnt mean much, but the fact that the ladys equipment couldnt detect the treasure meant that she was probably much weaker than he thought.

This made him happier than the feeling of getting the treasure itself, after their time here the value of the treasures with this lady already crossed a billion Spartan credits which was mind-blowing. She was now a target that could no longer be ignored.

He slept, feeling like the stars were finally aligning for him.

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