The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 174: Star Leader’s Disguise

Chapter 174: Star Leader’s Disguise


Shortly after, they immediately sent someone to handle it. In just over ten minutes, Chen Tianming transformed himself into a girl named Mi Yao.

This girl somewhat resembled a certain individual

That person was Pisces Star Leader Mi Jiu.

They even shared the same surname; the reference was pretty obvious.

Qitian Ming was utterly speechless about this If you transformed like this and got discovered by the Pisces Star Leader, are you sure you wont get beaten to death?

Chen Tianming cleared his throat and said seriously: That Chen Ling is terrifyingly powerful, so this way, I wont be easily recognized.

Qitian Mings inner thoughts: Stop explaining

Afterward, Qitian Ming, accompanied by Mi Yao, arrived at Class A.

Class A was currently in the middle of a class, learning about the foundational theory of magic-powered machines. Their instructor happened to be their class mentor, Ellie.

Everyone was listening attentively when Qitian Ming suddenly appeared: Instructor Ellie, this is a new student, Mi Yao, who was admitted out of the regular admission process.

Ellie was briefly taken aback by his words. Being admitted out of the regular process usually meant that they were a genius among geniuses.

She hadnt expected Qitian Ming to put the new student into her own class. The overall level of their class immediately soared!

Other male students were excited as well!

Wow! Another beauty!

Well done, Little Chubby! I love you!

Ellie smiled and said gently: All right! Mi Yao, is it? Welcome to join Class A!

Qitian Ming left upon seeing this. He couldnt appear overly respectful. The Star Leader intended to stay hidden by Chen Lings side, so he couldnt hinder him. If he ruined Chen Tianmings good performance, he wouldnt be able to bear the consequences.

Would you like to introduce yourself, Mi Yao?

Mi Yao shook her head: No.

Seeing this, Ellie simply smiled: Thats okay. You can find a seat wherever you like. The current students will make room for you.

Mi Yaos gaze immediately fell upon Chen Ling, who was sleeping with his head on the desk, causing her expression to change. She walked expressionlessly towards him.

Chen Tianming transformed as Mi Yao, with a height of 1.7 meters, delicate and exquisite facial features, and fair skin. She exuded an innocent college aura, completely resembling the face of a first love.

It had to be said that Chen Tianming had decent taste. Although there was quite a gap between Mi Yao and Mi Jiu, with only a slight resemblance, she was still very beautiful.

Sui Lier had been diligently taking notes, but when she lifted her head, she saw a beautiful girl walking over. Seeing the way Mi Yao looked at Chen Ling, she felt a twinge of unease.

She sensed a hint of danger.

Little did she dream that this was a man!

Mi Yao walked down the aisle to Chen Lings side and looked at the person sitting beside him. She said softly, Can I sit here?

The person sitting next to Chen Ling was a male student. Seeing Mi Yao approaching, his heart raced. Of course!

So Mi Yao sat down next to Chen Ling. After taking her seat, she leaned her head, silently observing him, completely unfazed by others gazes.

The surrounding male students shook their heads helplessly, thinking: Ah Another one of Chen Lings fangirls! Annoying!

Chen Ling! Hes not satisfied with having Sui Sui all to himself! Now hes not even leaving us a chance!

Mi Yao sat beside Chen Ling, slightly ahead of Sui Sui. She stared at Chen Ling, and Sui Sui stared at Mi Yao. She were inwardly puzzled: Why is she constantly staring at my Lord God

Stop looking! Pay attention to the class! Ugh

At that moment, Chen Ling suddenly sat up straight from his seat and turned his head to look at Mi Yao. He gave her a faint glance. Inner thoughts: Isnt that Chen Tianming? Whats he up to?

He immediately activated his mind-reading ability.

Chen Tianming appeared calm on the surface but was actually panicking inside. He quickly switched on his acting skills, bashfully turning his head away.


(How could that be Ive concealed my presence, and I used the latest disguising machine. Theres no way I could be recognized.)

(He probably didnt notice)

What he didnt realize was that Chen Ling didnt even need to look. The system scanned: Target: Chen Tianming: Forbidden Curse Master (Max Level)

Furthermore, he had shaken hands with himself; he was his target

Chen Ling didnt need to think to know what Chen Tianming was up to.

Wanting to hide and observe himself from close proximity, Chen Ling chuckled and refrained from exposing him. Then he continued to sleep with his head on the desk.

However, this scene was perceived quite differently by others!

To them, it seemed like Chen Ling raised his head, locked eyes passionately with Mi Yao for two seconds, and then Mi Yao shyly turned away. Then Chen Ling smirked coldly: Hmph, women~ and went back to sleep.

It looked like he was in a charming and affectionate pose, just like the first encounter described in campus romance novels.

In the eyes of the other male students in the class, their hearts had already sunk halfway. Internally, they were murmuring discontentedly: Ah, what a superficial world. Chen Ling, if you end up with this Mi Yao, then you can leave Sui Sui to me

Seeing Chen Ling lie down again, Mi Yao occasionally stole glances at him. However, he didnt dare to sense Chen Lings aura rashly. He intentionally concealed his aura, maintaining the level of high-level Intermediate Mage, preventing anyone from discovering his true identity and strength. He couldnt afford to expose himself due to this.

Mi Yao spent the whole morning secretly watching Chen Ling, being quite discreet about it. Since Sui Sui hadnt noticed, she earnestly focused on the class.

During lunchtime, Luo Yuxiu was naturally waiting at the door for Sui Sui.

Can I join you guys? Mi Yao whispered, This is my first time here, and Im not very familiar. Can I tag along with you?

Seeing this, Chen Ling couldnt help but sneer inwardly: Youre quite good at pretending

Of course~ Sui Sui didnt think much about it, merely upholding their principle of being helpful.

At this point, to the rear of Mi Yao, Zuo Yuan saw that she effortlessly secured a chance to have lunch with Sui Sui. She felt a bit moved, but still didnt dare to speak up.

She quietly followed them from a short distance behind.

Yuxiu~ This is Mi Yao~ Shes a new student who just arrived in our class today!

Luo Yuxiu looked at Mi Yao and furrowed her brows unconsciously: Mi Yao? She looks oddly familiar Oh, she somewhat resembles the Pisces Star Leader!

Luo Yuxiu stared at Mi Yao with a surprised expression. Sui Sui also looked closely at her upon hearing this.

She does have a little resemblance Sui Liers expression changed suddenly.

Luo Yuxiu smiled and said: But Sui Sui, you look really nice in this outfit.

Sui Sui felt pleased and turned her head, only to notice Luo Yuxius long and slender legs So long!

You look nice too your legs are so long

Then she glanced down at her own although they were slim, she felt like there was a generational difference between herself and Luo Yuxiu. She was just a child, while Luo Yuxiu was a grown-up

Meanwhile, in the office, Little Chubby Qitian Ming was startled and stood up from his seat once again.

Star Pisces Star Leader youre here too!? Little Chubby stared wide-eyed at the breathtaking beauty before him, feeling immense respect.

Seeing this, Mi Jiu said calmly: Star Leader Chen Tianming should be here already.

Qitian Ming was taken aback: Did you both plan to come?

No, dont tell him Im here. Provide me with an identity, I want to be Chen Lings mentor.

Qitian Ming panicked slightly and quickly nodded: Alright! Please wait a moment, Ill personally take care of it

With that, Qitian Ming hurriedly left his office. Meanwhile, Mi Jiu waited quietly, looking out the window with sharp eyes, her thoughts hidden.

Once outside his office, Qitian Mings first instinct wasnt to arrange an identity for Mi Jiu. Instead, he wanted to call Chen Tianming.


He suddenly realized that the transfer of power was only about a month away. At that time, it would be just when the Pisces Constellation would take over the world Wouldnt he be practically selling out the Pisces Star Leader directly? Wasnt that akin to courting death?

Next year, the Aries Celestial Academy would probably have a tough time! But the Aries Constellation was situated right above Misty Rain City Offending Chen Tianming wouldnt be a pleasant experience either.

If Qitian Ming didnt inform Chen Tianming and Mi Jiu could recognize this eccentric Mi Yao at a glance That probably would infuriate Chen Tianming

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