The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 175: Little Chubby Is Very Busy

Chapter 175: Little Chubby Is Very Busy

Should I help Chen Tianming or Mi Jiu? Qitian Ming was stuck in the middle, torn between the two, feeling quite helpless.

Oh well, I dont care anymore, you two just go ahead and do whatever.

With that in mind, Qitian Ming arranged a new identity for Mi Jiu: High-level Grand Mage Beginner. Instructor of the Elementary Class A Curse Beast Subject.

By the way, have you observed that girl Sui Sui? Do you know anything about her curse?

Qitian Ming thought for a moment: Yesterday, she had a practical combat training with a Dark Mage. Theres a recording. I can show it to you.

After watching the recording, Mi Jiu was also astonished: What kind of technique is this? Isnt it invincible?

Though Mi Jiu couldnt sense Sui Suis actual strength, she had a general understanding. Sui Sui couldnt inflict any damage on the Water Elemental Silver Water Dragon near the Pisces Deep Sea Palace. Given her abilities, it was impossible to block the dark spell of the mid-level Grand Mage, and even ignore her defense.

Exactly! So Im wondering if her curse is related to this

Mi Jiu shook his head: No, Chen Tianming and I suspect she doesnt have a curse.

Qitian Ming was taken aback: No curse! How is that possible?

For years, countless scientists had been searching for a way to eliminate their own curses, to no avail. And now, there was someone seemingly immune to curses right in front of them.

Mi Jius voice turned serious: The day she was at the Star Array, her curse star didnt resonate at all. When I returned and checked using the star instrument from my constellation, I couldnt find the curse star with that number.

Qitian Mings mouth hung open in shock, his face full of disbelief. She doesnt have a curse star how can she use magic techniques?

Mi Jiu shook her head. If she knew the answer, she wouldnt have to ask. She said lightly: Alright, arrange my schedule, and make it a heavy one. Ill only teach Elementary Class A.

Qitian Ming hesitated for a moment: Does that mean you want to separate the new students from the old ones? Can you handle the new students?

Qitian Ming didnt want to disrupt the teaching progress of the other students in Elementary Class A.

Mi Jiu nodded: Sure, its fine. As long as Im teaching Chen Ling and Sui Sui. By the way, whats Chen Tianmings role here?

Qitian Ming had a somewhat awkward expression upon hearing this: Well youll find out when you see him.

Alright, Im leaving. Remember, keep this quiet.


At that moment, Yan Ran happened to arrive at the office.

She exchanged a glance with Mi Jiu but didnt recognize her, as Mi Jiu had already changed her appearance using a special device.

Dean, whos that? Shes so beautiful!

Qitian Ming responded calmly: Thats a new instructor, Chu Jian. Youll be colleagues from now on. Take care of her, dont provoke her, she has a formidable background.

Yan Ran nodded: Oh.

Why are you here to see me?

Cough, Dean, I have an unusual request.

What? Just tell me.

Can I teach Elementary Class A?

Qitian Ming: ???

You well the problem is, youre a middle and high-level combat instructor. If you go teach a Elementary Magic class, what will you do with your proficient and advanced classes?

No worries, no worries, Ill teach both. Isnt it just a few more classes? It wont be a big problem!

Qitian Ming sighed helplessly: Arent you tired?

Not at all! I actually feel quite free~

Qitian Ming sneered: If I dont offer you extra pay, will you still go?

Yan Ran paused for a moment, her smile instantly fading from her face, but she still said: Alright Ill go.

Upon hearing this, Qitian Ming chuckled: Alright, I got it.

Okay! Thank you, Dean! Please schedule more classes for Elementary Class A, and Ill make sure to train them well.

Sure, sure, go ahead Qitian Ming was just about to sit down.

Knock knock! Someone knocked on the door twice.

The sound made Qitian Ming stand up again, thinking that the Star Leader had returned. Taking a closer look: Wang Defa?

Dean. Wang Defa respectfully saluted and then walked in.

Qitian Ming breathed a sigh of relief: Whats the matter?

Wang Defas expression hardened: Dean, I have an unusual request.

Qitian Ming: Youre not thinking of becoming an instructor for Elementary Class A, too, are you?

Surprised that his intentions were bluntly stated, Wang Defa also complimented: No wonder youre the Dean, you can see right through my thoughts at a glance.

Qitian Ming: Hehehe youre an alchemy teacher isnt it a bit early for a beginner mages to learn alchemy?

Wang Defa hurriedly shook his head: Dean, our academy starts alchemy too late.

After a brief thought, Qitian Ming found his point somewhat valid. Alchemy had never been a strong point of the Aries Academy. Their focus had always been on combat! Fight without end, never stop.

However, alchemists were gradually gaining attention among the masses. For instance, the Capricorn Academy, known as the Divine Elixir Academy. That academy prioritized alchemy, and students made pills some they kept for themselves, others were collected by the academy and sold.

So, the Capricorn Academy, where people made pills, and the Cancer Academy, where they made machines, had a substantial income. These two academies were in competition when it came to wealth.

One sold necessities for the common people, the other sold indispensable items for adventurers. No matter how many products they produced, someone would buy them, and the prices were quite high.

As a result, these two academies were swimming in wealth. Once they became prosperous, they could provide better resources for their students. Qitian Ming had looked on with envy.

Alright, since you put it that way, you can teach all the Elementary Magic classes.

Wang Defa: ???

Youre trying to exhaust me, arent you?

Whats wrong? Not willing?

No problem, Im willing, more than willing! Its my duty for the academy!

Qitian Ming: No extra pay though.

What the heck? Thats not acceptable!

Qitian Ming sighed: Alright, I got it. I have other matters to attend to, so go about your business.

Thank you, Dean Qi!

Afterward, Wang Defa left the room, and as he departed, a sense of joy filled him: Finally, he had a chance to settle the score for that slap and that kick.

That unforgettable incident from that day, it was etched in his memory! Whenever he thought about it, hed deduct 10 points from Chen Lings score

If he knew that the angrier he got, the happier Chen Ling would be, he probably wouldnt know how to react.

After he left, Qitian Ming sat in silence at his desk, looking at the academys course schedule. He felt completely overwhelmed there was so much to do, and he didnt want to deal with it. What a hassle!

Once these tasks were completed, he still had to go out and capture Dark Mages! He still owed Chen Ling seven of them, and there were three in the association. The remaining four, he would have to capture himself!

Just thinking about it gave Qitian Ming a headache

Why did Chen Lings arrival in the academy suddenly bring about so many additional tasks for him to handle?

The course schedule for Chu Jian (Mi Jiu) naturally had to be personally arranged by Qitian Ming. The course arrangements for Yan Ran and Wang Defa were delegated to his subordinates.

As a result, in the afternoon, another beautiful female instructor was parachuted into Elementary Class A!

Ellie introduced her with delight:

This is the new instructor, Chu Jian.


Wow, so beautiful!

The male students were immediately excited.

Chu Jian wore a simple and clean uniform, black stockings, high heels all of which had the male students salivating.

Boys from neighboring classes were crying with regret. They bitterly wished they had been born in Class A! Class A not only had good-looking students but even the instructors were more attractive than those in other classes!

Chu Jian smiled, walked gracefully to the podium, and sweetly said: Hello, everyone~ Im your instructor for the Study of Curse Beasts. I

What the heck!?

As she spoke, Chu Jian glanced at the adorable students before her and immediately spotted Chen Tianming disguised as Mi Yao. The most conspicuous figure in the entire class was Mi Yao. Because she wasnt wearing the academy uniform.

She instantly guessed it was Chen Tianming.

The smile on her face froze, and her expression immediately turned serious. Chen Tianming!

Do you have some serious illness or something

Its one thing to cross-dress! I could even understand if you did it because youre afraid Chen Ling will recognize you. But why does this disguise look so much like me!?

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