The Fears Of A Billionaire

Chapter 91 - 91 The Final Reckoning

Chapter 91: Chapter 91 The Final Reckoning

The air in the safehouse was thick with anticipation. Dominic crouched by the window, watching the convoy of black SUVs snake its way through the trees. Volkov's men were closing in, and there was no mistaking their intent.

Alyssa moved up beside him, her gun loaded and her face set in determination. "They're coming fast, Dominic. We've got maybe five minutes."

Dominic nodded, scanning the treeline. "We'll hold them off as long as we can. Marcus, Laura, cover the rear. Eleanor, lock down our systems. No one gets in or out without my say."

The team moved into position, the weight of the situation clear in every step they took. The safehouse had been fortified for scenarios like this, but Dominic knew Volkov's men weren't ordinary soldiers. These were seasoned mercenaries, lethal and ruthless.

"They'll try to breach through the back," Marcus said as he took up his position near the rear exit. "I'll cover this side with Laura."

Laura had already locked in her sniper rifle, eyes sharp as she peered through the scope. "Let them come."

The sound of the SUVs skidding to a stop outside the safehouse sent a ripple of tension through the group. Doors slammed, followed by the faint click of weapons being drawn. Dominic exchanged a quick glance with Alyssa.

"They're here," she whispered.

Dominic steadied himself, the cold edge of reality setting in. "Ready?"

The question hung in the air for a beat, but they all knew the answer. There was no turning back now. The battle for survival had begun.

Outside, the mercenaries moved with military precision, fanning out as they approached the safehouse. Their leader, a scarred man with a cold stare, barked orders through a silent hand signal. They weren't here to negotiate. This was a kill mission.

The first wave came fast.

"Contact!" Laura shouted from her position, her sniper rifle already firing.

The bullet hit its mark, and the first mercenary dropped before he even knew what hit him. The others scattered, diving behind cover as gunfire erupted from both sides. The quiet forest exploded into a symphony of chaos.

Dominic and Alyssa opened fire from the front windows, pinning down the advancing group. A hail of bullets hit the reinforced walls of the safehouse, sending shards of wood splintering into the air.

"They're trying to flank us!" Alyssa yelled over the gunfire.

"I see them," Marcus replied through the comms. "Laura, keep them pinned. I'll cover the side."

Marcus moved swiftly, ducking through the hallway to the rear of the house, his assault rifle ready. He fired a quick burst, forcing the approaching mercenaries to retreat behind a cluster of trees.

Eleanor, meanwhile, was hunched over her laptop, furiously typing as she worked to keep their communications secure. "I'm blocking all signals. They won't be able to call for reinforcements," she said, her voice tight with concentration.

Dominic fired again, but he knew they couldn't hold out forever. "We need to push them back or we'll be overrun."

Alyssa nodded, her eyes steely. "We're not letting them take us down here."

Suddenly, an explosion rocked the side of the safehouse, the force of it throwing Dominic and Alyssa to the ground. Dust filled the air as the walls shook.

"They've got explosives!" Laura shouted from her position. "They're going to blow the place down!"

Dominic scrambled to his feet, blood trickling from a cut on his forehead. "Marcus, status!"

"We're still holding, but they've got us pinned. They're getting ready for another charge," Marcus replied.

Dominic glanced at Alyssa. They had prepared for something like this, but Volkov's men were relentless. They needed to act fast.

"Fallback plan?" Alyssa asked, already knowing the answer.

Dominic didn't hesitate. "We split up. Marcus, Laura get to the secondary position. Alyssa and I will create a diversion, buy you time."

"I don't like it," Marcus replied, voice strained through the comms. "But it's the only play we've got."

Without waiting for further discussion, Dominic motioned for Alyssa to follow him to the back of the house. "We draw them away, hit them hard, and vanish."

Alyssa's face was set in determination. "Let's go."

As they exited through the back, Dominic and Alyssa moved silently through the trees, circling around to flank the enemy. The sound of gunfire echoed through the night, but the forest provided cover.

Dominic pulled out a flash grenade, motioning for Alyssa to take position. "On three," he whispered.

She nodded, crouching low.

"Three... two... one."

Dominic tossed the grenade into the center of the mercenary formation. It exploded in a blinding flash, disorienting their attackers. Without hesitation, Dominic and Alyssa opened fire, taking down several men before they could recover.

The remaining mercenaries scattered, momentarily confused by the sudden assault. Dominic pressed forward, his movements swift and precise, taking advantage of the chaos.

But just as he thought they were gaining ground, a familiar voice crackled through his earpiece.

"Dominic," Eleanor's voice came through, her tone urgent. "You need to get out. Now."

"What's going on?" he demanded, ducking behind a tree as bullets whizzed past.

"I hacked into Volkov's comms," Eleanor said, her voice tight with tension. "He's not just sending men after you. He's coming himself."

Dominic's heart skipped a beat. Volkov was coming? Personally?

Alyssa overheard the exchange and gave Dominic a sharp look. "We've got to go."

Dominic nodded. "We regroup with Marcus and Laura. Then we take Volkov down."

In the distance, headlights cut through the dark as a lone vehicle approached. Inside, Volkov sat in the backseat, his expression cold as he listened to the reports of his men falling back.

"This ends tonight," he said quietly, more to himself than anyone else.

He had underestimated Dominic once before, but never again. He was coming to finish what had started years ago.

And this time, there would be no escape.

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