The Fears Of A Billionaire

Chapter 96: The General’s Fall

Chapter 96: Chapter 96: The General’s Fall

The early morning fog in Moscow was thick, clinging to the ancient streets as Dominic and his team prepared for the next phase of their mission. General Anatoly Smirnov was a man whose power extended far beyond military lines. He was a kingmaker an indispensable figure in Russia's political and military landscape and his alliance with Kuznetsov made him the linchpin that kept the crime lord's empire protected.

The team sat around a large table in their safehouse, the tension palpable. Alyssa, Marcus, Eleanor, Laura, and Dominic exchanged glances as they reviewed the final pieces of their plan. It was more dangerous than anything they'd attempted before, but they knew it was their best shot.

"Smirnov's schedule is highly regulated," Laura said, tapping her screen to display a map of the Kremlin and Smirnov's personal residence. "He's under heavy guard at all times, and his movements are limited to secure areas. The only time he's even remotely vulnerable is when he travels between his residence and the Ministry of Defense."

"We can't hit him directly," Dominic replied. "If he goes down in a firefight, we'll be labeled as foreign operatives. We need to be smart—turn Smirnov against Kuznetsov before he even realizes what's happening."

Alyssa studied the map closely, her brow furrowed in concentration. "We know Smirnov is pragmatic. If he believes Kuznetsov is more of a liability than an asset, he'll cut ties without a second thought."

"We need to give him that reason," Marcus added. "Something concrete, something that shakes his confidence in Kuznetsov."

"Korovin's disappearance is already sending shockwaves through Kuznetsov's organization," Eleanor chimed in. "We've intercepted chatter between Kuznetsov's lieutenants. They're nervous—unsure whether Korovin was taken out by us or by Kuznetsov himself. If we can make Smirnov believe Kuznetsov is losing control, we'll have leverage."

Dominic nodded, formulating a plan. "We need to frame Kuznetsov as reckless, a sinking ship. Smirnov won't want to be caught on the wrong side of history. If we make him think Kuznetsov is being targeted by other factions. Russian or foreign he'll sever ties to protect his position."

Alyssa leaned forward. "We fake an assassination attempt on Smirnov. Make it look like Kuznetsov is going down, and he's taking his allies with him."

Laura's fingers danced across her keyboard as she pulled up more data. "I can hack into the security feeds at the Ministry of Defense. If we time it right, we can intercept Smirnov's convoy and make it look like an attack from Kuznetsov's men."

Eleanor's eyes lit up with excitement. "If Smirnov thinks Kuznetsov is trying to silence him, he'll retaliate. And when he does, Kuznetsov will lose his strongest ally."

"It's risky," Marcus said, leaning back in his chair. "But if we pull it off, we'll dismantle Kuznetsov's network from within. He won't have any allies left to protect him."

Dominic met their gazes, his voice steady. "We've come this far. Let's finish this."

The convoy route was meticulously planned—three armored SUVs, two decoys, and Smirnov's personal vehicle in the middle. Dominic and his team positioned themselves at a key junction where they knew Smirnov's convoy would pass through. The city streets were eerily quiet, the calm before the storm.

Alyssa crouched on a rooftop, her sniper rifle trained on the convoy's path. Laura monitored the security cameras, ensuring their digital footprint remained invisible. Marcus and Eleanor were stationed in a van a block away, ready to execute the second phase of the plan.

Dominic, concealed in an alley, checked his watch. "Ten minutes out. Everyone in position?"

"Ready," Alyssa responded, her voice calm and focused.

"Surveillance feeds are looped. We're clear," Laura confirmed.

"Phase two standing by," Marcus added.

Dominic took a deep breath. This was it.

The convoy appeared at the end of the street, moving at a steady pace. Dominic's heart pounded in his chest as the vehicles approached their designated ambush point. Alyssa's finger hovered over the trigger of her rifle, her eyes sharp and unblinking.

"On my mark," Dominic whispered into his comms

The lead SUV reached the intersection. Dominic counted the seconds as the vehicles rolled past. Three... two... one.


Alyssa fired a single shot, perfectly placed. The bullet shattered the windshield of the second SUV, grazing the driver's shoulder and sending the vehicle swerving out of control. The convoy erupted into chaos as the guards scrambled to react, assuming they were under attack.

Marcus and Eleanor triggered the smoke canisters, filling the street with a thick, choking fog. The security detail panicked, yelling into their radios, unsure of where the threat was coming from.

"Smirnov's vehicle is stopping," Marcus reported. "He's pinned down."

Dominic moved quickly, slipping through the fog toward Smirnov's SUV. His target was the tracker, a small device he needed to plant on Smirnov's vehicle. It would lead the Russian general straight to Kuznetsov's supposed "safe house"—a false location set up by the team.

He reached the armored car and slapped the device onto the undercarriage. Smirnov's guards were still disoriented, struggling to regroup.

"Tracker's live," Dominic said into his comms. "Phase three."

Laura activated the signal, sending false intel directly to Smirnov's security detail. On their screens, it appeared as though Kuznetsov's men were laying a trap for the general, ready to take him out.

"Smirnov's pulling out," Marcus confirmed. "They're heading for the decoy location."

Dominic grinned. "Let's see how Kuznetsov explains this."

Hours later, Smirnov arrived at the decoy safe house, his face twisted with rage. He stormed into the building, expecting to confront Kuznetsov's men. Instead, he found nothing but an empty warehouse and a series of forged documents implicating Kuznetsov in the assassination attempt.

It was the final straw.

By the time Smirnov realized he had been played, it was too late. The general's trust in Kuznetsov was shattered, and within hours, word had spread through Moscow's underworld. Smirnov was cutting ties with Kuznetsov, and anyone still aligned with the crime lord was a dead man walking.

Back at the safehouse, Dominic and his team watched as the news broke. Kuznetsov's empire was unraveling. His allies were abandoning him, and his network of protection was crumbling. The once untouchable crime boss was now vulnerable, exposed to enemies on all sides.

Dominic leaned back in his chair, his eyes hard but satisfied. "It's over for him. We finish it tomorrow."

Alyssa nodded, her expression unreadable. "Kuznetsov won't go down without a fight."

Dominic's jaw clenched. "We'll be ready."

They had come too far to fail now. Tomorrow, Kuznetsov would fall, and they would finally be free of the shadows that had haunted them for so long.

Tomorrow, the real battle would begin.

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