The Fears Of A Billionaire

Chapter 97: The Last Hunt

Chapter 97: Chapter 97: The Last Hunt

The cold wind of Moscow's early dawn chilled the air as Dominic and his team prepared for the final showdown. Kuznetsov, now cornered and stripped of his allies, was more dangerous than ever. Dominic knew men like him fought hardest when they were desperate. The endgame had arrived, and the stakes had never been higher.

The team sat in their safehouse, going over the plan one last time. Maps of Kuznetsov's remaining hideouts, escape routes, and security layouts were scattered across the table. They knew he would be holed up in his most secure location a heavily fortified mansion on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by loyal guards and mercenaries.

"Smirnov's defection has shaken his confidence," Laura said, tapping the satellite images of Kuznetsov's mansion. "He's barricaded himself inside, but our sources say he's planning an escape tonight. If we don't hit him before then, he'll disappear."

Eleanor leaned over the map, her eyes sharp. "He's trying to flee Russia. We intercept him before he gets out, or we lose him for good."

"We don't have much time," Marcus added. "Once he goes dark, he'll use every asset he has left to disappear. This is our only shot."

Dominic looked around at his team. They were all tired, but focused—every move they had made, every risk they had taken had led them to this moment. "We're not letting him slip through our fingers. This ends tonight."

Alyssa, sitting next to Dominic, glanced at him, her voice steady. "What's the plan?"

Dominic exhaled slowly, knowing they were walking into a lion's den. "We split into two teams. Marcus, Eleanor, and Laura will cut off the perimeter, take out his communications, and block any escape routes. Alyssa and I will go in through the east wing. It's the least guarded, but we'll still have to move fast. Once we're inside, we take him down."

Marcus nodded, already mentally preparing for the assault. "We'll need a distraction. Something to draw his men away from the main house while you and Alyssa get inside."

Laura smiled. "I think I can arrange that. A few well-timed explosions should keep them occupied."

Dominic stood, his expression firm. "Let's move. We don't have long.

As night fell over Moscow, the team made their way to Kuznetsov's compound. The mansion loomed ahead of them, its high walls and security towers casting long shadows over the frozen ground. The area was patrolled by armed guards, but they were fewer in number than usual Kuznetsov was clearly spreading his resources thin in his desperation.

Marcus, Eleanor, and Laura set up along the perimeter, positioning explosives to create the diversion. Dominic and Alyssa crouched in the shadows, watching the guards as they moved along their patrol routes.

Laura's voice came through Dominic's earpiece. "Charges set. Ready when you are."

Dominic glanced at Alyssa, who gave him a curt nod. "We're in position. On your mark."

A tense silence followed as the team held their breath. Then, the night exploded into chaos.

The first blast ripped through one of the outer security towers, sending guards scrambling toward the fire. The second blast hit an empty vehicle, adding to the confusion. Alarms blared across the compound, and the once orderly patrols descended into a frantic mess.

"Go, go, go!" Marcus's voice urged over the comms.

Dominic and Alyssa sprinted through the chaos, moving toward the east wing. The explosions had drawn most of the guards away, but a few still remained. Alyssa took point, silently dispatching two guards with precise shots from her silenced pistol. Dominic followed closely, keeping an eye on their surroundings.

They reached the mansion's side entrance, bypassing the security with Laura's help. Inside, the air was tense, and the mansion eerily quiet. Kuznetsov's men were either dealing with the explosions outside or preparing for a final stand deeper within.

Alyssa whispered into her comm. "We're inside. Moving toward the main hall."

"Copy that," Marcus replied. "We've got eyes on the perimeter. No sign of an escape attempt yet."

Dominic led the way through the narrow corridors, his gun drawn and senses on high alert. The mansion's opulence was a stark contrast to the bloodshed and destruction outside. They moved with purpose, clearing room after room, but Kuznetsov remained elusive.

As they neared the grand staircase that led to the upper floors, the sound of footsteps echoed down the hall. Dominic signaled to Alyssa, and they both took cover behind a marble pillar. A group of Kuznetsov's elite guards passed by, heading toward the source of the explosions.

"They're heading out," Alyssa whispered. "We're clear."

Dominic nodded, but his gut told him Kuznetsov wouldn't go down without a final act of defiance. He signaled for Alyssa to follow him up the staircase, toward the heart of the mansion. The tension was suffocating, every corner potentially hiding a threat.

At the top of the stairs, they reached a large set of double doors. Dominic knew what lay beyond Kuznetsov's private quarters, the last place he could hide. He glanced at Alyssa, his voice barely audible. "This is it."

Alyssa's eyes were focused, her expression unreadable. "Let's finish this."

With one swift motion, Dominic kicked open the doors.

Inside, Kuznetsov sat behind an ornate desk, a cigar smoldering between his fingers. His cold, calculating eyes met Dominic's with a flicker of amusement, as though he had been expecting them.

"You've come a long way," Kuznetsov said calmly, his voice like gravel. "But did you really think you could win?"

Dominic leveled his gun at Kuznetsov, his voice hard. "It's over. Your empire is finished."

Kuznetsov chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "You think you've won because you've taken out a few of my men? You have no idea how deep this goes, Dominic. I'm not the only one playing this game."

Alyssa stepped forward, her gun trained on Kuznetsov's head. "Stand up. You're done."

But Kuznetsov didn't move. His smile widened, and in a single, fluid motion, he reached beneath his desk.

Dominic's instincts kicked in. "Alyssa!"

The explosion tore through the room, sending Dominic and Alyssa flying backward. Pain seared through Dominic's body as he crashed into the far wall, the sound of the blast ringing in his ears. He struggled to focus, blinking through the smoke and debris.

Kuznetsov was gone.

Alyssa groaned as she pulled herself up, blood trickling down her forehead. "Dominic...?"

He forced himself to stand, ignoring the pain. "We need to move. Now."

Kuznetsov had triggered an escape plan, a backup that Dominic hadn't anticipated. As the mansion's security systems blared, the walls began to close in. The hunt wasn't over yet.

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