The Four Swords

Chapter 72: Learning from the Best

Chapter 72: Learning from the Best

The next few hours were tense between the three of us awake in the house. Carrion's mood soured after being reprimanded by Alina. Not that it was easy to tell. The moods of Carrion were generally glum and grumpy from my limited experience.

I could, however, tell that I was far from his favorite person. As the three of us shared the traveler's fair of dried meat and hearty bread that Parker stocked the kitchen with, I could feel his gaze upon me.

The few times I glimpsed toward him, I was met with a steeled expression of distaste. I could see from his perspective that he saw me as using the women that accompanied us for my own amusement. Since this whole plan of escaping the city with this group was my idea, I was further painted in a devious light.

I was unsettled by the fact that I knew Carrion would be more interested in watching me like a hawk rather than looking out for danger for Alina. I would have to be extra vigilant to make sure all of us stayed safe.

After eating our humble meal, Alina and I played a round of checkers with an ever scowling Carrion nearby. Alina tried to start up polite conversation a few times, but I did not have the stamina to keep it up and Carrion was uninterested in any interaction beyond monosyllabic retorts.

Finally Cali woke up and joined us downstairs. She improved all the moods in the room. Alina finally had someone that could carry on a conversation. Carrion, as much as he did not want to show it, mainly had a connection to this group through his twin.

I attributed my mood shift to the fact that there was one more person in the room to direct Carrion's moodiness toward. Somehow that didn't seem completely true. I just felt a weight off my shoulders in an inexplicable way.

"You all are a sad sight to see," Cali taunted. "Did you really just sit around waiting for me to roll out of bed?"

I shrugged. Carrion gave a slight nod, almost indifferent to his sister's assessment.

"Pretty much," I responded.

"Well it's not like I could go exploring by myself and my guards here don't seem particularly adventuresome. I wish I could defend myself," Alina responded with a heavy sigh.

"I can teach you," Cali offered.

Alina's eyes lit up. She had wished to know how to fight after the gnomish prophecy, but we all got so caught up afterward that she never really got to learn. Not in any significant way.

"Really?" Alina longingly inquired.

"No time like the present," Cali picked up one of my father's swords and headed for the door. My uncle must have set them out before passing out himself.

Alina picked up a sword for herself and followed suit. I attempted to mimic Alina's actions and follow on her heels out the door but Carrion cut in, placing himself between the Princess and me. Chivalry in its most passive aggressive form.

In the field outside, Cali slowly showed Alina some of the basics of sword fighting. She started with some drills that would warm up their muscles.

I knew from all of my own training how mind numbing that becomes, but also how helpful it turned out to be. The drills they ran through helped establish footing and flow. Movement with intent can be a powerful tool when under pressure. Your muscles remember what you practice.

Alina could not match Cali's flawless gracefulness, but she was talented in her own way. The movements might not come naturally but after a few runs of the drill, she picked up the flow easily.

"Jack, come here!" Cali called me into her arena. I had hoped to keep my seat in the audience, but sadly that was not my role in Cali's mind. I stood and walked over.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Defend yourself!" Cali struck a readied stance, hoping to show Alina her opening movements in a spar. Of course she picked me. Carrion would never let her do such a thing. He was too prideful to be a demonstration dummy and would want to fight back.

Cali took a few harmless swings at me, allowing Alina to see both Cali's offensive swings and my defensive blocks up close. Somehow this felt natural. I guess I too often hid in my defense and Cali was never shy with her willingness to strike first.

At some point during the demonstration, my uncle stepped out in front of the house. He joined Carrion as a spectator before letting the urge to teach overwhelm him.

"May I interrupt?" Uncle John was more polite in the presence of Princess Alina than he would have been on our own training field with my father as my instructor.

"By all means!" Cali was not a veteran teacher. Any amount of help someone was willing to offer, she would take.

"Be careful about your footing, Your Highness. Face me, Jack. Good. Now take a few swings," my uncle instructed. I complied and my uncle blocked every one.

"Good! Now Cali, you try the same," my uncle requested. Cali swung and my uncle blocked.

"You might notice that Jack and Cali do not have the same stance. Remember that ladies generally have a different center of gravity than men and as such tend to keep their feet in not as wide of stance," my uncle explained.

My jaw dropped. In all the years my uncle helped train me, I had rarely had a lesson that did not end with at least a bruise or two. This was the kindest lesson he had ever taught and it was not even directed at me. It might also be one of the most helpful.

"But if you really want to learn, it's best to observe a sparring match closely. Maybe Jack would be so kind?" My uncle offered.

"I mean if you wanted to beat me up, you could've just said so," I chuckled hoping to lighten the spirits of the group.

"As much fun as that sounds, it might be best for Princess Alina to see how a woman moves in battle. I think you should spar with Cali."

My heart sank. So is this how I die?

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