The Four Swords

Chapter 73: Clashing Opinions

Chapter 73: Clashing Opinions

Cali's expression grew into a terrifying grin. I knew she liked fighting, but she seemed to take extraordinary pleasure in the idea of fighting me. What had I done to make her want to hit me? At least that is what I thought she meant by that gleam in her eye.

Carrion cleared his throat. "I do not know if any of this is wise. We are supposed to be defending the Princess and if one of you gets hurt, we will be short a guardian."

Carrion did have a point. We were here to protect Alina. Maybe it was self-serving, but I supported his idea wholeheartedly. Cali's wide smile turned into a scowl of displeasure.

"If it is alright by everyone, let's not fully spar today. I do think it will be beneficial but that might be overwhelming for Alina this early in her training. She should master the basic movements before trying things seen in a spar," Cali offered.

I never saw Cali back down from a fight. Maybe she truly thought that was what was best for Alina.

"Instead, I can call out my moves and see how Jack responds," Cali suggested.

I felt more hopeful at that thought. I had seen Cali's skill on display before. If she wanted to destroy me, she could. Maybe with warning of what is coming, I might stand a chance at defending myself.

"Dear sister, I implore you to stop. What benefit does this provide? If Jacobson loses, you've defeated a future king. How would that make him look? If Jacobson wins then he must have injured you. How does beating a woman make him look?" Carrion spouted off.

Carrion met Cali's eyes. There was a fire ignited there that would make a lesser individual run. The siblings at some point must've gotten accustomed to butting heads. Carrion did not flinch.

Why should he? His speech was obviously stated to make me look foolish. Cali was simply a tool he was using to paint me in the worst light in front of my friends.

He wanted these ladies to abandon any notion they had of me being honorable or worthwhile. I could not fully blame him for his motives after our chat, but I did not like his tactic of using his sister.

"Well if you're so worried about our future sovereign, dear brother, then may I suggest we spar? You have not faced me in years," Cali spat. She wanted to be taken seriously as a warrior. If defeating her brother was her best course of action, she would do it.

"I will have to politely decline. I still think risking the health of a protector is foolishness," Carrion challenged his sister's tone.

"I don't know about Jack, but I don't plan on getting hurt. And since you will not spar, and I see no practice dummy, I am thankful for Jack's willingness to allow me to keep my skills sharp and teach Alina," Cali stated down her brother.

Somehow I think her turning Carrion's picture of me around to frame me as her dutiful hero, made Carrion more angry than her insistence on fighting.

Cali threw up her sword. "Jack, overhead swing." I moved my sword overhead at the last possible moment. Although this type of fighting was similar to the type that brought me into this match, her swings carried a lot more fury.

My blade took the first strike with such force that it made me stutter step backward. Cali did not stop. The fire in her eyes that Carrion set ablaze burned with passion. She was fighting her brother using me as a proxy.

How long has it been since Carrion and Cali truly crossed blades? She said they had not faced each other in years. What kept them from sparring? They were both expertly trained by their father. Both were much better students of the weapon than I had been.

If they did spar, I'm not sure who would win. Carrion's measured steps and methodical movement comprised his formidable fight style. Cali, in contrast, let her skills flow from passion, making her highly unpredictable but at times reckless.

My thoughts distracted me. I did not notice Cali changed the angle of her attack at the last moment. My sleeve took the brunt of the strike, tearing away from my arm. The blade shallowly sliced my exposed upper arm, staining the sleeve in crimson.

Cali's fury disappeared in an instant and worry covered her face. Alina gasped, shocked at the mistake. Uncle John's expression fell into displeasure. He did not enjoy that Carrion was right. Or maybe he just did not like that someone was injured under his watch.

"Well, I didn't intend on getting hurt," I tried to lighten the mood.

"I'm so sorry Jack!" Cali's face turned white. Her strikes rarely missed. I think she was in shock as much as remorseful.

"I'm fine," I tried to calm Cali. I examined the torn sleeve. Even if I took it to an expert seamstress, I'm not sure the fabric was salvageable, especially with the bloodstains.

I grabbed the sleeve and pulled at the tear, ripping a strip of fabric from the tattered garment. The shallow cut on my bicep still bled. I wrapped the cut with the new strip of fabric I just created.

I looked up to see my two best friends gawking at me. Maybe I should not have been this comfortable with getting sliced by a sword. I suppose most people don't tend to their own wounds, but I almost felt at home doing so.

Carrion did not say anything, but instead simply smiled as if he had won. In an unexpected move, he picked up two sizable sticks and handed one to me and one to Cali.

"Are you suggesting we teach Alina with sticks?" Cali muttered in disbelief.

Carrion again kept silent, but gave one affirmative nod. Cali's gawk turned into disgust. Somehow I still felt that Cali could be just as dangerous with this as her weapon if she were to fight Carrion.

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