The God Of Power

Chapter 48 - 48

Chapter 48: Chapter 48

The group ran through the destroyed city, the carnage and destruction surrounding them serving as a stark reminder of the recent conflict. As they approached the city's edge, they noticed the sky filled with black clouds, emanating a sinister aura.

"What is going on?" Yumeko asked, her eyes widening at the sight.

"It's the Void; it's spreading," Sky said, his voice filled with fear.

"We need to stop it," Layla said, her resolve unwavering.

"But how?" Yumeko asked, feeling helpless.

"Like at home, we need to hold it off until it can't remain stable anymore, and then we need to get to the Lava Temple to stop the Disciples of Darkness," Sky explained.

"Right," Layla said, her gaze fixed on the ominous sky.

"Let's go," Sky said, leading the way toward the edge of the city. "Prepare for battle."

"Right," Yumeko and Layla said in unison.

"Are you sure, His Majesty the Fire God commanded that we go to the Lava Temple and secure the Braveheart Shield!" Fire General Kai interjected.

"I won't let another person die to the Void like my mother did," Sky roared. "If you want to make your way to the Lava Temple, by all means, go, but I'm going to stay and fight here! So either follow the Fire God's orders or stay and fight for your people—the ones you are meant to protect."

"I'm sorry, Lord Ignis's orders are absolute. I will meet you there. What about Lady Layla and Lady Yumeko? Are you going to stay with Sky and fight or follow your Wind God's orders and come with me to the temple?" Fire General Kai inquired.

"Sorry, Fire General Kai, but I'm staying with Sky," Yumeko replied.

"Me too, I can't leave these lovebirds alone, or the next thing we know, Wind God Kaze Hayashi will kill Sky," Layla teased.

"Hey!" Sky and Yumeko protested in unison, while the Fire General let out a sigh of disappointment and departed for the temple, mumbling about "stupid reckless children."

As the group neared the edge of the city, they could feel the ominous aura growing stronger. The full force of the Void's aura hit them, nearly knocking them off their feet.

"This is bad," Yumeko murmured, her skin crawling.

"I know," Sky agreed, his expression serious.

"Well, we can't let the Void spread any further," Layla declared, steeling herself.

"Right," Yumeko said, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

"Let's do this," Sky said.

The trio charged forward, ready for battle. As they approached the city's edge, they were greeted by a horrifying sight. Void Beasts, grotesque monsters made of Void energy, were swarming the area, destroying everything in their path. The monsters turned their attention toward the group, their eyes glowing red with hatred.

"Prepare yourselves!" Sky yelled, charging into the fray.

Yumeko and Layla quickly followed suit.

"Yumeko, activate your Wind Sage Mode, and Sky, try not to use the Red Wind form. We don't want you passing out again, especially during a Void invasion," Layla instructed.

"Right," both Yumeko and Sky said in unison.

Yumeko quickly began to envelop herself in the wind.

"Wind Sage Mode!" she shouted as the wind picked up around her.

Yumeko aimed her hand at a horde of Void Beasts.

"Wind Slash!" Yumeko yelled as a powerful wave of wind sliced through the horde of Void Beasts.

Meanwhile, Sky was busy fighting off a horde of Void Beasts. "Raging Winds Fist!" Sky yelled as he sent several punches coated in wind at the beasts, killing them all in one blow.

"Wow, that was impressive, Sky," Layla complimented. "But compared to this, it's nothing," she said as she pulled out a sword.

"I can't wait," Sky said. "What kind of sword is that?" he asked, curious.

"It's called the Wind Dragon Sword, and it was forged from Wind Dragon scales," Layla explained. "You might want to find something strong to hold on to and watch this."

"Wind Sword Technique: Swirling Tornado!" she yelled and started spinning a wind aura, pulling the wind into her sword and forming a tornado that sent the beasts flying.

"Damn, that's cool," Sky said. "But I'm not one to be outdone."

"Wind Tornado!" Sky said as he put his hand out and formed a tornado, sending it at the beasts.

"Wow, that was pretty good," Layla remarked, impressed.

"Thanks," Sky replied, grinning.

"So, are you two done flirting?" Yumeko asked, annoyed.

"What? No, Yumeko. Layla isn't the one for me," Sky said, not wanting Yumeko, the girl he loves with all his heart, to think he loves Layla.

"Yeah, Yumeko, Sky is just a friend, nothing more," Layla said, trying to reassure Yumeko, her friend.

"Sure, whatever, but we have to take care of the rest of these Void beasts," Yumeko said, turning her attention back to the task at hand.

"Right," Sky and Layla agreed, following her lead.

"Let's do this!" Yumeko declared, charging forward.

"Yeah!" Sky and Layla yelled, following her.

"Wind Sword Technique: Dragon Fang!" Layla said as she slashed her sword, sending a dragon-like attack at the Void beasts.

"Wind Tornado!" Sky yelled, sending a tornado at the beasts.

"Wind Sage, Swirling Claw!" Yumeko shouted, her hand forming aura claws that glowed a greenish color as she slashed through a group of Void Beasts.

After a while of taking down the beasts, the Void unleashed a giant beam of energy and took the form of a colossal creature with giant fangs and a lion-like mane.

"This doesn't look good," Yumeko said.

"I agree. That's a Void Lion, a high-ranking beast from the Void, made from pure Void Energy. It's a lot harder to kill than those weaklings," Layla explained.

"So what should we do?" Yumeko asked, unsure how to proceed.

"Guys, I'm sorry, but I will have to use that power, the Red Wind Aura. I can't afford to let you die here," Sky said as he walked up to the giant beast.

"Wait, Sky, don't be reckless!" Yumeko shouted, concerned for his safety.

"It's okay. I won't be reckless," Sky assured her, his voice steady and confident.

"You better not, or else Yumeko will get her father, the Wind God, on you for hurting his baby girl feeling," Layla warned, making Yumeko laugh.

"Yeah, you better not," Yumeko teased, grinning.

"Fine, I'll be careful," Sky conceded, rolling his eyes.

"That's all I ask," Yumeko replied, her expression softening.

"Okay, here goes," Sky said, preparing himself for battle.

"Good luck, Sky

," Yumeko said, offering him an encouraging smile.

"Thanks, Yumeko. I'll really need it," Sky replied, his expression serious.

"Good luck, Sky," Layla said, wishing him luck.

"Thanks, Layla," Sky said, returning her smile before he turned to the beast.

"So, puny human, do you think you can defeat me, the Lion of Yami?" the beast taunted.

"Hmph, I don't think so. I know so," Sky retorted.

"You know, mortal, you shouldn't disrespect me. Unlike those other pathetic Void beasts you killed, I am chosen by Yami. I am made of pure Void energy, which means that whatever I touch turns to nothing, is erased from existence. Do you now see, mortal, why I'm the best of the best? Now, say goodbye," the Void Lion said and unleashed a purple ray at Sky.

"Sky!" Yumeko cried.

"Don't worry, Yumeko," Sky said, unharmed. As Yumeko looked at him, she couldn't help but blush at his defined body, his spiked-up hair, and the red wind swirling around him. Yumeko knew this form was strong, but she still couldn't believe Sky's Red Wind didn't follow the rules and protected him from the negatives of pure Void energy. The Red Wind was the only thing keeping him safe.

"It's that power again," Yumeko said to herself, worried. Layla put her hand on Yumeko's shoulder, offering comfort.

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