The God Of Power

Chapter 49 - 49

Chapter 49: Chapter 49

"How did you not turn into nothingness?" the Void Lion demanded, enraged.

"Simple, my Red Wind is protecting me from the pure Void Energy. It doesn't follow the rules, you overgrown kitten," Sky retorted, his voice dripping with arrogance.

"How dare you disrespect me! I will destroy you and feed your soul to our goddess, our queen, the great Void Queen Yami!" the Void Lion roared, its eyes glowing red with hatred.

"Yami, yes, I will kill her too. It's her fault my parents died to you filthy abominations," Sky growled, his voice laced with malice.

"Sky! What's up with you? Why are you talking like that?" Yumeko asked, concerned.

"Yumeko, can't you tell this is the true me? My hatred, my rage, my pain, and my will to kill," Sky said, glaring at the Void Lion.

"No, the Sky I know is a kind and gentle person. He wouldn't talk about killing people," Yumeko protested, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Hmph. Yes, but that version of me is a weakling who let his mother die. Who will be the cause of our death? He's a disgrace. Forget him, focus on me, the new and improved Sky," Sky said.

"No, that's not true!" Yumeko shouted, her voice filled with conviction. "You're not a disgrace, and you didn't let your mother die. You did the best you could. I know you're still hurting, and I'm here for you. But this isn't you. This hate and rage, it's not who you are."

"Enough! You dare have this petty squabble in the middle of our battle. You have some arrogance, human," the Void Lion roared out. Before the eye could even see, he was in front of Sky with his claws raised above Sky's head, ready to pierce his skull.

"Sky!" Yumeko and Layla screamed as they were about to jump and save him, but suddenly Sky caught the Void Lion's claws.

"How is he able to catch my claws?" the Void Lion thought, shocked.

"How can I explain this? You see, beast, there is a difference between you and me. If you think I'm still that naive weakling who let his mother die to one of your filthy kind creatures, then you are sadly mistaken. That kid is gone, lost in our subconscious. You see, after the loss of my mother and the near-death experience, I was born from the hatred we felt. Every time that bastard Noboru refused to train me, every time those nobles mocked my parents' death and their status as powerless and lower than trash, I became stronger. Now I will show you the difference between you and me," Sky said, gripping the Void Lion's claw tighter, crushing it and sending the beast flying.

"No. My Sky is perfect," Yumeko yelled, tears streaming down her face.

"Yumeko, are you okay?" Layla asked, worried. "Hey Sky or whoever you are now. You're making Yumeko cry. I'll have you know that's not something a real man would do, but I can see you're not a real man. You're a weakling."

"Quiet yourself, Layla. She will learn, as will all, that I am the perfect, more better version of Sky. Call me... yes, that will be a good name Red Sky."

"How dare you ignore me. I've had enough!" the Void Lion roared, his voice filled with anger.

"I'll deal with you later. You're weak. I have to convince Yumeko to be mine rather than that weak counterpart of mine that will get her killed," Sky said as he, with a mere push gesture, sent a wave of red wind, sending the beast flying away.

"Now then, Yumeko, listen to me, my darling. This is the true me, the one who will get us out of this mess and stop the Void from destroying the world. All I ask is you forget that loser and join me," Sky said, his voice smooth as silk.

"No! I don't care what you say, you're not the Sky I know. The Sky I know is a kind and gentle person who would never hurt me," Yumeko said, her voice resolute.

"You being a jerk, Red Sky. Go away and bring us the real Sky," Layla said, getting in front of Yumeko.

"How dare you, woman. Do you not realize you're talking to a superior being?" Red Sky said, his voice filled with indignation.

"I don't care. I'm not afraid of you. Now give us back our friend, or I'll make you," Layla challenged, her voice firm.

"Oh yeah, and how are you going to do that? You're just a weak, powerless human. After all you, like my counterpart, are affected by void energy. Me, on the other hand, I'm different, stronger, better," Red Sky said.

"We'll see about that," Layla replied, her expression fierce.

"Yumeko, please, don't be upset. This is the way things have to be. We can't afford to be weak. I have to be strong to protect you, and if that means losing my counterpart, so be it. But I can't have you questioning my actions," Red Sky said, his voice calm and even. "And your father, I've seen the hatred he has for me for you liking me. I will handle him too. Oh, and your stepbrother and his mother who made your life hell and had your mother killed, I will handle them too. No one will hurt you or me ever again."

"That's not what I want, and it's not the Sky I love. The Sky I love is a kind and caring person, who would never hurt me or anyone else. Please, come back to us, the real you. Don't let the hate and rage consume you. Please, Sky." Yumeko begged as Red Sky turned mad. He is suddenly in front of her, his hands around her neck.

"What the heck do you mean that I'm not the one you love? You love that weakling who got his mother killed? The failure. I'm the perfect version of him. I'm the one who will protect you. The one who will defeat the void and the ones who caused the war. You are mine. I won't take no for an answer," Red Sky said as he moved his hand down, holding her face to him.

"No, Sky is not a failure. He's the one I love. Please, come back to us, the real you. Don't let the hate and rage consume you. Please, Sky." Yumeko said as she began to feel weak.

"Quiet, Yumeko. Let us celebrate my awakening with a kiss," Red Sky said as he pressed his lips against hers, her first kiss.

"My... My First Kiss! That was meant to be for Sky not you! You are the worst, Get off of me!" Yumeko yelled as she struggled to break free.

"I'm the best. That kiss proves it," Red Sky said, his eyes wild. "Your mine. All Mine not that loser weaklings but mine." Red Sky said madly

"No i am not. I won't accept this, no matter what you do, you're not the Sky I love. You may have his body, his power, and even his memories, you can even take my first kiss i've been saving for him but you will never have his soul or my love," Yumeko declared, her voice filled with conviction.

"You're right. The real me would not have let you get hurt or my mother die. So that means I am the so called rea weak Sky. I am not that abomination you claim to love especially not when I'm stronger than the disgraceful version of me. I will defeat the void and have you ," Red Sky said as the aura started to get bigger.

"Hey Sky. No, Red Sky, how dare you take Yumeko's first kiss without her consent," Layla said as she ran in to punch him.

"Oh, you are a feisty one. Let me show you the power I gained, but you do look good. Perhaps I should do what my weak counterpart is too weak and unworthy to do and take you as my woman as well. After all, like Yumeko's dad, when I become Wind God, I will need multiple women," Red Sky said as he looked Layla up and down, admiring her beauty.

"Oh, heck no, you won't. You're not the real Sky. Now, give us back the real one," Layla demanded, disgusted her voice filled with rage and disgust.

"Women, will you quiet down? You get to be with the strongest wind user that even ascends you grandfather, and you're talking about getting back some weakling. Now be a good girl and quiet down listen and obey. Think about it, my red wind mixed wit both yours and Yumeko's children. They will be unstoppable. They will rule all even Ignarock, Terravale, The void, and the other kingdoms will submit under us." Red Sky said.

"Shut up, you're not our Sky. I don't even like him; he's like a brother to me, and that's how I know you're not him. He only loves Yumeko; you're some sick, twisted evil version of him born from his hate and negative feelings," Layla said.

"Oh, come on, Layla, you know the truth. The normal me is pathetic. I can't protect anyone, and I'm a loser. However, I will give you everything you want, everything Yumeko wants also. Yumeko, don't think I didn't notice you blushing when that loser turned into me. Love at first sight, huh? So come be my woman, and I will be your man," Red Sky said.

"I will not accept this. I love Sky, not for his body, but because he's kind and caring. He would never hurt anyone, and he's not a loser. You are the loser. You're not the real Sky, and I won't give up on him," Yumeko yelled, mad as with a single hand gesture she sent a wave of wind at Red Sky.

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