The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 132: Treasures

Chapter 132: Treasures

Kang-Ho was amazed and shocked at the same time after reading the contents of the holographic image, he could have never guessed that something like this trail could provide such details. But Kang-Ho still didnt have any idea as to how he could get these items. After reading all of the contents of the letter Kang-Ho wasnt that sure about one thing, that was if the things this dungeon would provide would be worthwhile or not. But the way the letter described the items made it seem as if the items were the most sought-after items. But after reading the name of the first item on the list Kang-Ho was somewhat disappointed to say the least.

HEALTH POTION- 1 (50 points)

Health potion? Only one is available to buy from here, thats all? I can get these things for dirt cheap in the black market. How can they call these things treasure? Its not just that they say it costs 50 points for just one, after killing these bats I was able to only accumulate 40 points? Is this health potion supposed to be the treasure that people would kill over Kang-Ho was frustrated after reading the name written on the first item of the list in the holographic image, if Kang-Ho could, he would have left the trail just then and there.

Kang-Ho didnt expect that the rewards for the trail would be so mediocre. After he had risked his life coming inside the trial fighting the monsters inside, he expected to get something good like some skills, not just health potion. A vein in his head popped up as he was looking at the bottle of the health potion. He remained silent for a while as he didnt know just what to say, he was in loss for words.

How am I supposed to know if this item is good or not if I dont even know what it does. Kang-Ho was stopped right in the middle of his sentence as he was muttering words of frustration, he saw something that made him quite for some times more.

Right in front of Kang-Hos eyes another holographic image appeared out of thin air right in front of the previous one, covering the later partially. Slowly words started to appear on the holographic image which elated Kang-Hos mood a lot. Kang-Ho had a wide grin on his face as he read the content of his image, he finally felt as if the items inside the holographic image were worth it, for him to risk his life over.

Health potion created by one of the top alchemists of the era using the most precious of the treasure one could find in the world. This potion was made from the essence of one of the most rare and mysterious flower Life Bloom, people say the chances of finding even one life bloom flower in ones lifetime was 1 in a billion.

This potion can instantly restore 80% of ones health and save them from a life and death situation. There is a saying that if you still have your head intact you can still be saved after drinking this potion. This potion is only available for only one among all of the brave soul who dared to challenge the hardest of the difficulties of the dungeon.

The most heaven defying factor about this potion is, that with normal health potion it can only recover certain number of health point, meanwhile this potion has transcended the normal limitation of the health potions with the help of life bloom essence, no matter the consumers level this potion will recover 80% of health points.

The one who decided who gets this potion is you yourself, so fight with all of your might and try to acquire as many points as possible as fast as possible, because once this item is bought there would not be second one. Only the strongest and bravest of you would be able to acquire this item. Kang-Ho was once more in loss for words as soon as he finished reading the description of the potion, he could have never imagined that, they would provide such a logic defying item with just a simple name.

The thing that made Kang-Ho more amused was, that this potion recovered directly a portion of lost health without caring about the level of the person. So, if Kang-Ho got a hold of this item he could use this item no matter what level he is in while he consumed it. With other potions like the ones sold in black market it only recovered some limited amount of health potion which would someday seem just too insignificant. Kang-Ho could only guess the rarity of the life bloom flower which was used during the concoction of this potion.

Kang-Ho started to imagine all of the scenario in which he could make use of this kind of potion, after having these kinds of items in his arsenal Kang-Ho knew he wouldnt have to be worried about anything in his battles. This was a item which would help him keep his calm even when odds are stacked up against his favour. This item could give him a second life if he was ever in a life and death situation, not just that with this item Kang-Ho could even ensure the safety of his loved ones.

Kang-Ho was excited just after reading the description of the first item in the long list. There were still more to come, Kang-Ho didnt know how the points were calculated but it seemed like, if there were more people with Kang-Ho he might have had to share his points with them. That was what he figured after getting all of these clues from the writings in the images that popped up. For Kang-Ho fighting here alone was the best-case scenario, as he would be getting all of the points, which would further enhance the speed in which he could buy the items he wanted from the shop.

Even though the price of just the first item in the list seemed so high, Kang-Ho was happy that there was no competition for him to worry about, he knew that even if it took him days of fighting, he would eventually get these items.

Everything can be thought about later, but how am I supposed to read the description of the other items on the list, especially when this image is blocking the view of the other items. Kang-Ho thought while he glanced at the image that was shining in front of his eyes.

With a puzzled look on his face, Kang-Ho wondered how to remove the holographic image in front of him, which showed the description of the health potion. This was not like a vending machine where you could press a button and choose whatever you wanted. There was no instruction manual which showed how one was supposed to control the images.

Just when Kang-Ho was thinking about how to remove the image which blocked his view, the image suddenly disappeared. Kang-Ho was shocked once more, it seemed like he should just forget about common sense inside of this place as there was no way he could uncover all the secrets this place holds. Throwing all of the worries aside Kang-Ho started reading the description of other potions.

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