The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 133: Potions

Chapter 133: Potions

MANA POTION (60% Purity)- 1 (50 points)

Mana potion created by one of the top alchemists of the era using the most precious of the treasure one could find in the world. This potion was concocted from the essence of a dying Mana Core tree which are only found in the sacred forest of the elves. Although there are countless Mana Core tree inside the sacred forest, this potion is a once in a life time find because normally for a Mana Core tree to die, it takes almost a million year. For a portioner to find the essence of a Mana Core tree, is a means for them to take their crafting skills to the next level as they can create countless numbers of potions using just one essence.

This potion restores 50% of mana of the consumer in an instant, this potion was diluted before adding his to the list of rewards in this trail, considering the trails difficulty and level cap this step was necessary. But still, use this potion with caution, there is a risk of having a mana over flow while consuming this potion, if your body fails to control the mana that surges. In an instant after consuming this potion, the mana may start rampaging inside your body and destroying it completely in the process.

Only use when in a dire situation, the essence of Mana Core tree is not something any being can consume even if its just a tiny potion. That said elves have a natural tolerance for these essence as they are naturally blessed with mana core of their own from birth, of course there are other races as well who have tolerance to this essence but still dont be foolish enough to think you belong to one of those races, whatever race you belong to please be extremely cautious consuming this potion.

Elves huh? Only heard of them in fantasy novels, if what this description says is real that means they really do exist? And on top of that that they are talking about the sacred forest I wonder that place looks like, maybe someday I would get a chance to roam the sacred forest. I really miss living inside Hell, although that place was very dangerous, after spending such a long time there I feel like that has almost become like a home to me huuufffff Kang-Ho exhaled with a tinge of sadness in his voice as he thought back to the days when he lived in Hell. For kang-Ho it was not like he didnt like being with his family, he would trade everything even his life to be with his family but after spending so much of his time living in the Hell Kang-Ho had made it into his second home in his mind.

The thing that reminded Kang-Ho about the Hell was the word sacred forest, because of the presence of so many powerful ancient creatures and life forms Kang-Ho associated the word sacred forest with Hell he lived in. the most notable thing about Kang-Ho right now was that he wasnt even a tad bit bothered by the fact that he just found out, a race like Elves existed somewhere in this world and not in some fantasy novels.

By this point Kang-Ho had seen a lot of things, which logically should not possibly exist in this world. Kang-Ho even felt as if he should not exist at all, a human living for more than 400 years? Kang-Ho wondered what world is he even living in anymore?

Kang-Ho had stopped caring abut logic long ago, when he saw the rabbit coming for his life, he right now wouldnt even be surprised if sun and the moon suddenly disappeared out of nowhere. Kang-Ho knew that without power there was no point in wondering about these things right now. He knew that if he grew stronger, he could come to find the truth of the world eventually, so all of his focus was on how to grow stronger faster.

Kang-Ho closed the holographic image of the description of the mana potion and started looking through the other potions that were present inside of the list of items that were present on the holographic image. Kang-Ho was soon disappointed as there were only trash items remaining in the list of items. After looking at the descriptions of all of the items that were in the list Kang-Ho came to a conclusion that, the remaining items were only above average quality items found for people below level 150.

There were normal health potions, mana potions, poison potions. There were even some poisons, weapons and some of the essential items needed for a hunt the items were not over powered like the ones that Kang-Ho read the description of before. These items were a little better than the items that he could buy from outside. Though Kang-Ho felt a little disappointed after finding out about this, he couldnt complain because he was running out of supplies as is, so getting even these common items was like a blessing for him.

On top of that Kang-Ho was happy about one more thing, 20 of these health potions costs only 1 point. Without any hesitation Kang-Ho bought a bunch of potions using his points. Kang-Ho knew that if he wanted to continue his hunts all alone like right now, he would need a lot of potions to help him get through this trial especially if the entire trail is filled with monsters like the stalker bats and the bat king. Kang-Ho knew his limits so he didnt hesitate even a second while spending some of the points he had on the item in the shop.

Kang-Ho had bought a lot of health potions, a few mana potions as he still didnt have that many skills up his arsenal that he could use and deplete his mana, although he still didnt feel it necessary to buy mana potions, he still bought a couple because during fights deciding life and death no one can predict what can really happen, so he still took few of them just so he can regenerate his mana to full for a couple of times.

There was another reason why Kang-Ho bought these mana potions, although he felt these potions were not worth anything after seeing the two potions from before but compared to the potions sold in the black markets these potions were a lot more effective and purer. So, Kang-Ho decided to just buy some and find out how much it can be sold for outside the mass dungeon, after all he had plans of moving out of Busan and shifting to Seoul, for that he would need astronomical amount of money, he thought these items might sell for some money and help him a little with the money problem.

Other than those things Kang-Ho had also bought a few poison potion, poisons so that he could take down his opponents with less effort, some stamina potions, etc. Kang-Ho had also bought a weapon, surprisingly after searching through the list Kang-Ho came upon a weapon as well, the weapon was a halberd, he didnt even check the stats of the weapon he just bought it because it had been a while since he used halberd, he wanted to use it again after seeing the halberd.

Kang-Ho after realizing that he still hadnt inspected the stats of the halberd, took it in his hand and was about to use his skill juts then he remembered something and looked towards the holographic image.

Is this all that is for sale in this place? Kang-Ho thought just then the image changed once more in front of his eyes.

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