The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 131: Old Driver

Chapter 131: Old Driver

Lu Chuang drove the truck and rammed it all the way. Relying on the huge tonnage of the truck, he slammed away the car in front of him. Definitely, he didn't have the head iron to touch the front armored vehicle, and directly bypassed and rushed towards the direction of the factory.

Feeling the movement of the truck, Clarice couldn't help asking: "Who are you, and where are you taking me?"

Seeing Lu Chuang, a man suspected to be the chief of the Sentry Secret Service, suddenly shot down two Sentry Secret Service agents, Clarice couldn't help feeling a little flustered, she felt as if she was involved in a Sentry Secret Service~ During the civil war.

Thinking about it this way, maybe Lu Chuang is planning to kidnap her as a witness to silence her?

Clarice really wanted to escape, but she couldn't do anything now, her hands and feet were shackled tightly, and her body was fixed on the seat of the car by belts, even if she wanted to stand up, she couldn't do it .

"You'll find out soon enough."

Lu Chuang didn't explain, stepped on the accelerator to increase the speed of the truck.

As the speed got faster and faster, Clarice said a little timidly: "Can you drive slowly, you are too fast!"

"Hey, you can say I'm stable, but you can't say I'm fast." Lu Chuang turned his head to look at Clarice, a little dissatisfied, completely ignoring the road ahead.

Clarice's eyes widened: "Front, look ahead! Turn your back!!"

"Don't get excited, I'm an old driver, very stable."

Lu Chuang slammed the steering wheel, and the truck, which had just picked up speed, drifted into the corner and turned into the corner with an incredible arc. With strong inertia, two Sentry Secret Service agents who were comatose flew straight up from the ground, heavily It hit the wall of the carriage, but they still didn't wake up.

Clarice was protected by a belt and was not affected by inertia, but she was also taken aback.

Who can help me!

I want to get off!

Before Clarice could speak, Lu Chuang stopped the truck and opened the door, only to see John standing outside dumbfounded.

Originally, John was hiding well in the dark, but unexpectedly a truck suddenly appeared around the corner and rushed towards him with ease. John just wanted to avoid it when he saw the truck stop in front of him.

Lu Chuang shouted to John: "It's too late to explain, get in the car."

Dressed in the Sentry Secret Service, John almost didn't realize that the other party was Lu Chuang. Hearing Lu Chuang's words, John got into the car with almost no hesitation.

"John?" Clarice couldn't believe it.

Seeing Clarice, John knew that Lu Chuang's rescue had succeeded, and said to Clarice in a deep voice: "We are here to rescue you.

Clarice was slightly taken aback, looking at Lu Chuang's back: "Is he also one of us?"

"Yes." John nodded and walked towards Clarice: "Don't move, I'll untie you.

Seeing Lu Chuang's hands touching the steering wheel again, Clarice swallowed her saliva and shook her head vigorously: "No, I'm fine like this."

John was stunned. Is this an addiction or what do you think?

It's just that Lu Chuang didn't give them time to talk, and interrupted: "Please fasten your seat belts, I'm going to speed up next.

"I have a request, can I get out of the car first?" Clarice begged.

She really didn't want to ride in Lu Chuang's car, it was too exciting, and her heart couldn't stand it.


Lu Chuang resolutely refused, and directly stepped on the accelerator.


On the other side, in an abandoned building not far from the factory.

"What to do, we're surrounded by Sentry Secret Service."

Through some gaps in the building, Marcos observed that the perimeter of the building was full of agents from the Sentry Secret Service, with cold sweat on his forehead, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "If it is really impossible,

We break out directly. "

"No, our Ability can't be used now, going out will only be a sacrifice in vain."

Sofia stopped Max's act of death. Mutants without abilities are equivalent to ordinary people, and they don't even have weapons, so why should they fight against the heavily armed Sentry Secret Service agents.

"However, we are also waiting to die here."

Marcus heard the sound and looked around, but found that he didn't see the person who spoke, and said in surprise: "Jason, has your invisibility ability recovered?"


...asking for flowers...

A row of white teeth emerged in the darkness. The invisible black Jason looked at Max resentfully. To avoid being chased by the Sentry Secret Service, they chose to hide in this dark building. The black Jason's blood is very pure, and It blends in perfectly with its surroundings.

Seeing that Jason's Ability has not recovered, Marcos is very disappointed. The situation in front of them is not good for them. Maybe they will all be wiped out here.

Lorna remained silent in the corner, with a green light flashing from both hands, but it didn't last for a second.

Lorna is trying to control the metal, and the pulse ability can indeed interfere with the abilities of other mutants, but Lorna finds that her ability is not completely disturbed like others, and she can still sense the existence of her own ability.

However, Lorna's repeated attempts all failed.

If Lorna is given a little more time, maybe she can gradually adapt to the interference of the pulse ability.

However, the Sentry Secret Service outside would not give Lorna time at all. Agent Turner, who had just arrived, took a loudspeaker and shouted towards the abandoned building where they were: "You are already surrounded, don't make unnecessary struggles , Give up resistance and surrender immediately, otherwise we will take necessary measures."

Detective Turner's proclamation added another layer of calendar to everyone in the invisible.

"You should be aware of the consequences of being caught by them. I would rather die here. I'm going to die anyway. It's better to fight them directly." Marcos said in a low voice. Others also knew that after being arrested by the Sentry Secret Service, they What result will be ushered in, there is no rebuttal to Max's words.

Only Lorna has been trying to adapt to the interference of Pulse Ability.

She thought anxiously in her heart, hurry up, hurry up!!

After waiting for a while, but still not hearing any response from those Mutants, Agent Turner's eyes flashed a cold light, and he gestured towards other Sentry Secret Service agents, and several agents slowly approached the abandoned building with guns in hand.

The few people hiding in the abandoned building could hear footsteps coming from outside.


Just when they were feeling desperate, they heard a screeching sound of tire friction resounding throughout the street.

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