The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 132: Catching Shrimp

Chapter 132: Catching Shrimp

Not only the Mutant in the abandoned building heard it, but also the agents of the Sentry Secret Service.

Looking in the direction of the sound, they saw a truck rushing towards them like a mad cow, without any intention of slowing down at all. They couldn't help them to think too much, so they quickly dodged to the side to avoid the collision of the truck.

When Agent Turner saw the truck, he suddenly felt bad: "That's the truck that transports mutant criminals, why is it here?"

When the truck passed the detectives, the door suddenly opened, and several smoke bombs were thrown from inside, and the rising smoke obscured their view.

However, the few people inside the abandoned building could see that the truck suddenly flicked to a stop in front of the abandoned building, the door was opening facing them, and John was actually inside the car.

John staggered down from the car door and shouted to Lorna and the others: "Come up!"

"Four three seven" "It's John!" Sofia said pleasantly.

Seeing John's appearance, the people who were in despair were instantly excited. Marcos shouted: "John is here to save us, let's go!"

Lorna gave up trying decisively when she heard that, and followed the crowd out of the abandoned building. Under the cover of smoke, several people quickly ran into the truck. John held the door to greet the crowd. Sofia noticed that John was in a bad state, and said worriedly: "John, What's wrong with you, are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, just...a little dizzy."

John didn't have time to explain, so he led them into the car, and then others saw Lu Chuang sitting in the driver's seat, and Clarice tied up in the car seat, the two service agents had already been caught by Lu Chuang dropped.


Members of the Mutant underground are beaming.

When Clarice saw her companions, her pale face also showed a gleam of joy. Knowing that they were all here to save her, Clarice was quite touched and said weakly: "Sorry, it's me, let you take such a risk."

Seeing Clarice's appearance, Sofia obviously misunderstood, and said distressedly: "The Sentry Secret Service must have treated you very badly, it's all right, we are all here to save you, come, I will untie you ."

"No, don't, I think it's fine." Clarice shook her head quickly, as long as Lu Chuang didn't leave the driver's seat, she would not let go of the belt no matter what.

Lorna felt that she was a bit out of place with that side, and approached Lu Chuang subconsciously. Lu Chuang didn't remove the disguise, but Lorna knew that the other party was Lu Chuang. When Lorna found that Lu Chuang didn't start the truck immediately, Lorna couldn't help but reminded: "Get out of here, there are people outside. It's someone from the Sentry Secret Service."

"Not in a hurry."

Lu Chuang looked down for the radio button, but couldn't find it.

So he took out his mobile phone, turned on the music player and clicked on a piece of explosive music.

Under the dynamic rhythm, Lu Chuang's blood boiled, he turned his head and said to everyone in the car: "I will break through next, so the speed will be a little faster, remember to hurry up

Hearing this, the expressions of Clarice and John became stiff instantly.

John couldn't help but make his own suggestion: "Actually, you can drive slower..."

But before he could speak, he was interrupted by Marcus: "Say something stupid, definitely the sooner the better, if we are blocked by those bastards from the Sentry Secret Service, we will be in trouble.

"The sooner the better...I...understand."

Lu Chuang showed unprecedented seriousness on his face, and exuded a palpitating sense of oppression all over his body.

Even Marcus felt something was wrong, he seemed to release a monster...

The moment Lu Chuang held the steering wheel, everyone in the car could feel a terrifying aura that belonged to the strongest in the field, which originated from the survival instinct of creatures, driving them to grab the supports around them.

With a sad face, Clarice opened her mouth to request to get out of the car, but the door was closed tightly by Lu Chuang in the next second.

Mom, I want to get out of the car!

At the moment when the smoke was about to dissipate, Lu Chuang's eyes burst out, he stepped on the gas pedal suddenly, and the truck rushed out of the smoke and snow.

Seeing this, Agent Turner yelled, "Get in the car and chase after him!"

Obeying the order, all the agents of the Sentry Secret Service got into the car respectively, stepped on the accelerator and chased towards the truck. Lu Chuang glanced at the rearview mirror and found several Sentry Secret Service cars hanging behind him, his face remained calm: "They are coming after you, sit still and hold on, I'm going to speed up!"

Marcus looked at the buildings passing by the car quickly, a little dry-mouthed: "Dude, I suddenly feel that what John said is right, you can drive more slowly.

"How did you become so fast, didn't you say that the sooner the better?"

"But this is too fast..."

Marcus wanted to cry but had no tears, he felt that the car was about to float...

"Don't worry, I've never had an accident while driving." While driving, Lu Chuang freed up one hand and gave a thumbs up, posing a Goode pose to Marcos.


At this speed, if there is an accident, he will die on the spot, so there is no chance for the next time.

At this moment, Max widened his eyes, pointed to the front and said:

"Look ahead! Look ahead!!"

"Sheeeet, it's time to turn!"


Seeing the building less than ten meters away, everyone was frightened crazy, screams and howls sounded one after another, even Agent Turner, who was sitting in the passenger seat of a car behind, was surprised

At such a short distance, it is impossible for a truck at this speed to turn. Is the driver looking for death?

Seeing that it was a tragedy of a car crash, he saw the truck in front of him suddenly flicking its tail strangely. Under the action of centrifugal force, the whole body drifted laterally and flung into the corner without even touching the side of the car.

fast and Furious!?

Agent Turner's eyes widened, he had seen this scene before, it was in the movie!

Seeing this, Agent Turner yelled: "Drift and overtake, stop them in front!"

Agent in the driver's seat: ""

Police officer, maybe you are embarrassing for money.

Although the truck turned successfully, the speed still did not slow down. Lu Chuang has a super high school stuntman, but he can easily make all kinds of difficult 2.3-degree movements in any means of transportation, even if he is given a baby carriage. Soar on the road.

As the speed got faster and faster, the faces of everyone in the truck became paler. Even Lorna, who maintained a cold attitude, couldn't stand it any longer. She hugged the driver's seat tightly, and the last trace of stubbornness in her heart prevented her from shouting.

At the moment they finally understood why John and Clarice were in that half-dead state at the beginning, especially Clarice, who had experienced it twice, and now it was the third time, feeling that her soul had been taken away. Only the instinctive scream of the body remained.

But they have no chance to regret it, the door has been closed tightly, and it is difficult for them to get out of the car.

Although they don't know where Lu Chuang's limit is, they already know where their own limit is.

"No, I want to throw up!"

"Who can help me!"


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