The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 199: Hound Project

Chapter 199: Hound Project

After Lu Chuang got the wreckage of the Destroyer, he did not leave the headquarters of the Mutant underground base in a hurry, but took Clarice to the control room of the base, and found the sage who was in charge of monitoring the network communication.

"How did the things I ordered go?"

"Through the Trojan horse program, I have tracked down their intelligence system, ready to act at any time."

"Let's begin then."

Sage nodded, his fingers flicked on the keyboard, and he was manipulating several computers at the same time. A series of complex code data flashed on the screen in front of him, seemingly unclear.

Lu Chuang glanced at Sage's short hair.

Hmm... the hair is fairly thick.

In front of a sage who is comparable to a supercomputer, the firewall is useless.

Not long after, Lu Chuang saw Sage successfully hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D's intelligence system, and countless encrypted files appeared on the screen.

"Successful, you're right, this land strategy... um, it's a tongue-twisting name, in short, their intelligence system does store a lot of files, and you should be able to find the information you want here."

Lu Chuang said with satisfaction: "Well done, you are indeed the employee I admire the most, and I will give you a bonus!"

Clarice: "..."

Why does this sound familiar?

"First check if there is any X-Men information." Lu Chuang said.

It would be better to find out directly why the X-Men disappeared, so he can save himself a lot of trouble.

It's a pity that Sage searched the entire database, but in the end, he couldn't find any information about X-Men, even the most basic information. I don't know if there is really no data record, or if the data doesn't exist at all. Data Curry.

Still unwilling to give up, Lu Chuang asked Sage to search for information on Brotherhood, but still found nothing.

It's as if someone deliberately erased all relevant information.

Lu Chuang was a little disappointed. It seemed that this shortcut would not work, so he had to continue with the original plan and asked Sage to investigate the Essex Company instead.

Fortunately, this time it went smoothly.

Under Sage's search, she quickly retrieved an encrypted file from the data & send it to Curry for decoding.

When I opened it, it was full of information about the Essex company.

First of all, Essex Company is a huge group company with pharmaceuticals, military industry, food, etc. Its history can be traced back to the 19th century. It focuses on the field of biotechnology and has many invention patents in this field.

The flea collar that frightens all Mutants is one of Essex's products, which can suppress mutant genes in Mutants and temporarily disable their abilities. Therefore, Essex has a long-term cooperation with Sentry Secret Service relation.

It's just that the Essex company is relatively low-key, unlike a mustache who often appears in the media, the Essex company generally rarely appears in the public eye, and even the S.H.I.E.L.D data Curry's description of the Essex company Not comprehensive enough.

There is no record of where the headquarters of the Essex company was or who founded the company.

However, according to S.H.I.E.L.D's investigation records, Essex Corporation and Sentry Secret Service seem to have reached other cooperation behind the scenes, implementing a confidential project called "Project Hound Dog".

Regarding this plan, S.H.I.E.L.D data Curry has no detailed information, only a special list, which is full of Mutant criminals who were arrested by Sentry Secret Service illegally.


Clarice suddenly saw a familiar face on the list and exclaimed.

Lu Chuang raised his brows: "You mean the Ability last time was the Mutant that blocked the Mutant Ability?"

The words were a bit confusing, Clarice was stunned for a few seconds before reacting, and nodded quickly.

"Yes, that's him!"

Clarice was a little emotional.

"I saw Pulse at the Sentry Secret Service, but for some reason, he acted as if he didn't know me at that time, no matter what I said, he didn't respond, and... I found that Pulse was doing something for me. Sentry Secret Service worked, and when Sentry Secret Service was chasing me, he used Ability to stop me from escaping, which resulted in me being caught by Sentry Secret Service and sent to prison.

Lu Chuang rubbed his chin: "According to my experience, your companions are usually either controlled or brainwashed. I guess it has something to do with this hunting plan."

He distinctly recalls Sentry Agent Turner calling Pulse a hound weapon during the Clarice rescue operation.

Needless to say, Pulse must be one of the participants in this plan.

Sage said: "I found out, the Mutant criminals on this list, they were all sent to a laboratory under the name of the Essex company by the Sentry Secret Service."

"Send it there for what?"

"I don't know, there is no record in the data.

"Where is that laboratory!?"

At this moment, John suddenly broke into the control room and asked loudly.

Lu Chuang looked at John with strange eyes: "You have been eavesdropping outside just now?"

"No, it's because you guys were talking too loudly, I accidentally overheard you when I was passing by." John had a serious expression, saying that he didn't eavesdrop.

Fart, obviously the control room is at the innermost part of the base "How could it be possible to pass by!"

Lu Chuang was heartbroken. He didn't expect that John, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would learn to eavesdrop, and he didn't know which bastard he learned from.

"Back to the topic, just now I stole... overheard you talking about Pulse, and the Hound Project, we have to find out what they did to Pulse."

John also didn't believe that Pulse would betray them, so he very much agreed with Lu Chuang that there must be other reasons for Pulse to become like that.

"That laboratory is located in a very remote area of Ohio, and there is no information other than that, but I found this."

Sage pointed to a picture of a bar on the computer screen, and said: "I cross-contrasted the credit card records near the laboratory. This bar is usually taken care of by some male employees of the Essex company. Maybe we can get some information from them."

John nodded: "Very well, then I will go to investigate with Sofia."

Sofia's ability can not only modify other people's memories, but also steal part of other people's memories, which is most suitable for this kind of intelligence work.

"Getting information from men, what's the fun with you being a man?" Lu Chuang gave John a disgusted look.


John was speechless, it was really not suitable for him as a man to follow: "But Sofia has no fighting power, we need someone to protect her, but the problem is that we currently don't have any female members who are good at fighting."

Most of the female members of the Mutant underground organization are supportive types, such as Sage and Clarice. Although they are very supportive, they basically have no combat ability.

Lu Chuang waved his hand calmly: "Small problem, isn't there still me?"


John and the others looked Lu Chuang up and down, and their expressions instantly became weird.

"Don't think about it, I'm an upright man."

Lu Chuang explained: "I mean, my Ability can become anyone, like this."

After saying those words, Lu Chuang's image suddenly changed and became Clarice's appearance, both in appearance and the two lumps on his chest were exactly the same.

John thought that Lu Chuang's Ability could only transform into other men, but he didn't expect that he could play it so fancy. So, wouldn't Lu Chuang be able to transform into any woman?

This Ability is really enviable... Ah no, it's really amazing!

"So, you want to participate in this operation?"


Lu Chuang nodded.

The Essex company hides too deeply, and the useful clues in the data are very limited. If you want to investigate the truth about the disappearance of the X-Men, you need to find more key clues.

Therefore, Lu Chuang intends to start the investigation with the subordinate organizations of the Essex company first, to see if he can find any traces of cobweb horses.

John said pleasantly: "Okay, then I will trouble you!"

Although Lu Chuang looks very unreliable, but John has seen Lu Chuang's skill, which is much stronger than his veteran's, and his marksmanship is extremely accurate. It is natural that Lu Chuang is willing to help, at least Sofia's safety is guaranteed.

The most important thing is that this time Lu Chuang did not ask for a fee, which is equivalent to free prostitution!

"Leave it to me."

Lu Chuang patted his chest heavily, causing ripples, which made Clarice feel ashamed and angry.

Rogue, where is your hand!

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