The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 200: I Am Not Very Good At Chatting

Chapter 200: I Am Not Very Good At Chatting

At night, according to the address provided by Sage, Lu Chuang and Sofia came to the bar.

At the moment Lu Chuang disguised himself as Daisy, the glasses girl next to Jane.

Originally, Lu Chuang planned to disguise himself as Clarice. After all, Clarice and Sofia were a bit similar, so their appearance would not be much different. However, Lu Chuang's disguise technique had a shortcoming, that is, the appearance of the designated target was 100% restored. In the image, and does not have the face pinching function.

Because the non-human features of Clarice's face were too conspicuous, Lu Chuang had to choose Daisy, who was also good-looking in his impression and had nothing to do with him~.

Lu Chuang and Sofia sat in front of the bar together, ordered two glasses of wine from the bartender, and began to search for targets.

Soon, the two saw a bald man drinking at the corner of the bar. The man was wearing a guard uniform with the English name of Essex printed on his chest.

Lu Chuang and Sofia exchanged glances, and immediately walked over with the wine.

The bald man stared straight at the two beauties walking towards this side, especially Daisy, who was disguised by Lu Chuang, the two headlights were really dazzling, like magnets, they were attracted. The bald man also stared.

"Is there anyone in this seat?"

Sofia gave the bald man a charming smile, a classic beauty trick.

However, the bald man didn't respond to her.

The bald man's eyes were fixed on Lu Chuang's chest, as if he had been hit by some extremely evil illusion.

Sofia's smile suddenly froze, feeling that her self-esteem had been hit like never before.

I actually lost to a man in terms of charm?

Lu Chuang was a little terrified by the idiot-like stare of the other party, and slapped the table suddenly.

"To ask you a question, is there anyone in the seat?"

"No... No one, you can sit wherever you want!"

Seeing the faintly cracked desktop, the bald man was startled, finally broke free from the illusion, and waved his hands quickly.

Hearing this, Lu Chuang and Sofia sat down unceremoniously.

After they sat down, the bald man spoke enthusiastically to the two of them. Sofia responded with a smile, while Lu Chuang sat next to him and drank, completely ignoring the bald man's intentions. It was Sofia's task to obtain information. He can't be allowed to play beauty tricks with another man by himself.

But it was Lu Chuang's indifferent attitude that aroused the bald man's interest even more.

After chatting with Sofia for a while, the bald man looked at Lu Chuang: "Why don't you talk?"

Lu Chuang glanced at him and shook his head: "I can't chat."

"for example?"

"Paralyze you!"

The bald man: "..."

It can be seen that they are really not good at chatting.

"Don't worry about her, she doesn't like to talk, we two continue to chat."

Seeing this, Sofia quickly smoothed things over, and asked the waiter for a few bottles of vodka. While chatting, she guided the bald man to drink non-stop, trying to get him drunk to facilitate subsequent actions, and the bald man didn't have any defenses, so he asked Sofia a few words. The words fascinated him so much that he unknowingly drank several bottles of vodka.

Unexpectedly, the bald man drank several bottles of vodka, plus the wine he drank before, but his face was not a little drunk.

Sofia was shocked at the time: "May I ask, where are you from?"

"I'm Russian, I immigrated from Russia to America a few years ago."

Why didn't you say it earlier!


Without saying a word, Lu Chuang raised his hand to the bald man.

Sofia's eyes widened: "What are you doing?"

"Your method is too slow. When he gets drunk, the bar will be off work. Don't worry, no one around will see you."

"But how do I make up his memory?"

Sofia looked at the bald man who passed out. Although she could fabricate memories, the pain would still hurt where it should.

"It's simple. You just make it up that he is drinking in a bar alone, and then suddenly thinks, if you hit your head on the table, will your head hurt more, or the table will hurt more. So he fell into a coma."

Sofia: "..."

Is this what people on earth can think of?

Lu Chuang urged: "Stop the ink, act quickly."

Sofia nodded helplessly, and exhaled a cloud of purple mist from his mouth to wrap the bald man's head. While extracting the memory of the other party, he modified the related memory of tonight to prevent their whereabouts from being exposed.

After finishing their work, the two quietly left the bar and returned to the headquarters of Mutant's underground organization.

"What did you find?"

After seeing the two come back, Marcos couldn't wait to ask.

Due to the high stakes of this operation, all important members of the Mutant underground organization were present.

Sofia looked solemn: "You are right, there are indeed many Mutants detained in that place, and they were injected with a special drug called Kik, which is extremely addictive, so they had to obey Laboratory orders act."

Moreover, this kind of drug can enhance the Mutant's Ability. It is through this kind of drug that the Essex Laboratory has cultivated mutant weapons that obey their orders.

"There is indeed a problem with the Hound Project, no wonder Pulse has become like that!"

John clenched his fists. Even though he was peaceful by nature, he couldn't help but hate the Essex laboratory when he heard those Mutant compatriots being treated so cruelly.

"Those bastards, we must expose their cruel plan to the outside world!" Clarice said angrily.

"It's useless, not to mention that we don't have any evidence, and in our capacity, no one will believe us."

John shook his head. He is very clear about the current situation of the Mutant underground organization. Human beings hate Mutant, and the Sentry Secret Service is targeting them again. In addition, the social status of the group of Neko who couldn't breathe has soared, so that now Mutant is almost reduced to At the bottom of society, no one cares about what they say.

John looked at Sofia: "How's the security situation there?"

"The place has been reinforced to prevent Mutant attacks. Motion sensors and infrared sensors are installed in the building, which are connected to large-caliber automatic machine guns scattered throughout the building. The defense is very tight."

Sage suddenly interjected: "I logged into the intranet of the Essex staff and found the information about the laboratory's power supply station. It is just a few kilometers away from the laboratory. If we cut off the power, we can enter the laboratory before the system is restored. Yes, but we only have three minutes, and after three minutes, the generator inside the laboratory will restore power."

"What can you do in three minutes?"

John frowned tightly, even if Clarice brought them in, they would not be able to do anything for only three minutes, and it was too dangerous to do so "there may be a risk of group destruction at any time.

Others also thought of this question and couldn't help but fell silent.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became gloomy.

Lu Chuang couldn't stand it any longer, and said in a tone of hatred: "You group of super-abilities, who clearly have abilities that surpass ordinary people, but think about being reckless all day long, can you learn from me? Sneaky robbing, never taking it openly, being a low-key person, low-key understand?"

Several Mutants present are speechless, and this is your highest profile.

John asked: "Then what good proposal do you have?"

Lu Chuang's face turned serious in no time: "definitely changed to a stealth plan, let me sneak into the laboratory alone, and you are responsible for the response outside, and leave immediately after I finish my work, without anyone noticing!"

"Um... I think we should think of other ways."

...asking for flowers...

"Why, is there something wrong with my plan?"

John hesitated to speak, last time you also talked about stealth, but it was exposed within a few seconds.

Definitely, not exactly exposed either.

Because Lu Chuang knocked out all the witnesses...

Seeing that John didn't speak, Lu Chuang took it as if the other party had no objections. As for other people's opinions, it was even more unimportant. Lu Chuang, who was eager to complete the task, didn't want to waste time. He immediately decided to start tomorrow and let him sneak into the Essex experiment room for investigation.

The following day, the Essex laboratory building.

A two-meter-high high-voltage power grid surrounds the perimeter of the building. Firepower points have been placed in several important locations. From time to time, many heavily armed guards can be seen patrolling back and forth.

Compared with a laboratory, it is more like a closely guarded military fortress.

Lu Chuang used disguise to turn into a bald man, and swaggered towards the main entrance.

A guard at the gate noticed Lu Chuang, with a puzzled expression: "Jera? I remember you were injured and asked for leave today?"

Lu Chuang said righteously: "How can a mere skin injury stop my determination to go to work? If I don't work hard, how can my boss afford a sports car and live a happy life!"

Guard: "..."

Damn, the capitalists will cry when they hear this.

Dispelling the guard's suspicion, Lu Chuang took out a forged certificate from his pocket according to the procedure in the bald man's memory, and then pretended to pass the verification device at the door, but actually secretly used the master key's Ability to unlock it.

Accompanied by the prompt sound of passing the verification, Lu Chuang walked into the laboratory building smoothly.

According to the memories that Sofia extracted from the bald man, the general manager of this laboratory is named Roderick Kan Bell, and this person is solely responsible for all research projects in the laboratory.

This time, Lu Chuang's target was Kan Bell's office.

Before that, Lu Chuang had memorized the route map provided by Sofia, and it didn't take long for him to find Bell's office.

Lu Chuang knocked on the door, but found no one inside responded.

So he took advantage of the gap of no one around, gently twisted the handle and slipped in.

Lu Chuang came to the desk, turned on the computer in front of him, and an account login interface popped up on the screen.

Lu Chuang had already prepared for this. He took out the USB flash drive that Sage gave him in advance and inserted it into the computer. After a series of dazzling codes flashed, he successfully logged into the computer desktop, and the USB flash drive began to automatically download the files in this computer. document.


After the download was complete, Lu Chuang immediately took out the USB flash drive and left the office, and the whole process went smoothly.

Just when Lu Chuang was about to leave the laboratory building, a guard suddenly appeared around the corner and blocked his way: "You came just in time, the injection work needs manpower. You and I will go there."

Lu Chuang is a bit of a pain in the ass, big brother, do you have to pull me to work overtime when I'm about to leave work?

"I'm in a hurry to pee, why don't you find someone else."

"Hold on first, injection work is more important, follow me quickly."

While speaking, the guard forcibly pulled Lu Chuang away and led him to a room similar to a prison cell.

There are many Mutants dressed as prisoners in the room. They all wear flea collars produced by Essex Company on their necks. Like a walking dead.

Apparently, these were victims of Project Hound.

Lu Chuang looked around curiously, wanting to see if there was any pulse of John's companion here.

Just as his eyes swept over one of the cells.

Suddenly, a prompt from the game system popped up in front of Lu Chuang.

[How many goals meet the conditions of "Big news"]

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