The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 713: The End Of The Silver Brigade

Chapter 713: The End Of The Silver Brigade

After the complete demise of “the Venerated Skeleton” at this very moment and place, a new deity named “Absolver” was born, inheriting His power.

The Defiance Deity was by no means a weak deity.

She served as the punisher of traitors and the guide for those who had awakened. This meant that within the “Defiance Realm”, there were divine powers capable of punishing sinners or enabling them to reform.

In this way, not only was it impossible for Her to become an evil deity, but the “Defiance Church” might even receive support from the upper echelons of various countries.

The divine ability to detect, stop, and punish traitors held significant meaning for those in power. Furthermore, the ability to guide those who had gone astray back to the right path ensured that the “Defiance Church” would hold extremely high prestige among the common people and in the gray areas of society.

This was a talent that even twelve upright deities would recruit.

However, it was still a mystery as to which upright deity She would serve…

Although She was born from the power of the Bone Burying Grandma, it seemed that Her power didn’t quite align with Bone Burying Grandma, nor did they pertain to adjacent realms. The Red Knight’s War Realm seemed to be compatible with the Defiance Realm, but they didn’t appear to be a perfect match either.

However, even if the Absolver did not become the subordinate deity of an upright deity, She would undoubtedly hold an exalted status.

At least for this moment, Arthur and Euphemia were indeed moved.

The entire crew of the ship “Silver” was brought together by Celecia’s charm. Of course, there was also a part of them who was lustful for her body… However, the biggest reason was the sense of belonging of “finding the same kind”.

People like them were able to detect it when they met similar people.

Everyone on this ship was a loser in life.

They all had some kind of passionate pursuit, but then they all failed for some reason.

Hidden beneath their gentle, arrogant, or withdrawn appearance was exactly the same sense of inferiority.

Now, they served as the secret keeper of the covenant. There was a high chance that the first pope of the new deity would be selected among them.

That would be taking one step to the peak.

If someone wished to embark on the path of the clergy… just one step forward, and they were at the finish line.

Even though they were just a pope of a false deity, the “Defiance Realm” under Absolver could grant them a lofty status close to that of rulers… This influence could even extend beyond national borders.

After possessing this power, there was a chance that their wishes that had completely failed before could be revived.

Arthur was about to speak.

“Your Excellency Absolver…”

“—Lord Absolver.”

But at this moment, Celecia’s voice came out, interrupting his words.

She walked forward slowly, looking directly at Absolver.

Seeing Celecia speaking out, Arthur and Euphemia hesitated for a moment, then closed their mouths. Despite being covered by the mask, Euphemia’s complexion became obviously darker… Arthur seemed a bit better, just slightly pursing his lips and quietly pondering.

It seems like it wouldn’t be bad if the captain were to serve as the pope of the new deity.

At the very least, we get to indirectly utilize this immense political influence…

If it goes well……

Before he could think deeper about it, Celecia’s words made them look over in surprise.

“Do you still have contact with the Austere-Winter’s Grand Duke? I would like to see him.”


“Lord Celecia?”

The golden harp wielder, Orpheus, and the centaur girl, Lucia, looked over in shock.

They all knew about Celecia’s past, especially Lucia. As a centaur who could see the threads of fate, she could even see everything about Celecia from “before she became Celecia”.

Everyone on this ship knew that their captain had been trying to search for “the Winter Insurgent”.

She seemed to be deeply in love with her teacher.

Her love was an outpouring of devotion, as steadfast as that of a loyal dog.

Whether she was a member of the Ice-shredders, or she only met the Winter Insurgent after he entered the underground world… Based on her feelings for “the Winter Insurgent”, there was no doubt that Celecia would become an enemy of the Austere-Winter Dukedom.

With her fierce and passionate personality, she did kill some spies sent underground by the Austere-Winter Dukedom. With the efficiency of the Austere-Winter Dukedom intelligence department, the “Silver Brigade” should have been on their blacklist.

And now, hearing what she said…

She wanted to meet with Austere-Winter’s Grand Duke voluntarily.

Wouldn’t this be walking into a trap?

“I have no intention of competing for the pope’s position.”

Celecia glanced at her crew members and replied seriously, “I never thought that what I wanted to pursue in the past is actually right in front of me…”

“Only that lord won’t lie to me because it is meaningless. He made me an offer that I cannot refuse. If everything goes well, I think… I will probably quit this journey.”

Celecia said seriously, “If things end here… Arthur, I will leave this ship to you.”

“I don’t want to.” Arthur’s face turned gloomy. His intimidating, lava-like eyes, reminiscent of a demon’s, fixed tightly on Celecia, “That kind of thing would only taint my purity.”

“Besides, if I could become Pope, I would also get off the ship, Captain.”

“I have to fight for this opportunity to become pope no matter what.”

At that moment, Euphemia, wearing an iron mask, looked at the Absolver and spoke devoutly, “If I cannot become the pope, I am willing to be your follower… because I really, really need your divine art.”

“Hey, hey, don’t be like this…” Orpheus smiled bitterly, “Are we going to disband?”

Miss Centaur beside her was tapping her hind hooves uneasily, timidly not daring to speak.

Before his eyes, strange conflicts broke out within the Silver Brigade.

However, Celecia had not been surprised by this.

What outsiders didn’t know was that the Silver Brigade’s recruitment of new members was not just based on “liking the look” of someone.

Their strange rule of “telling a story before taking one for the ride” was precisely because of the special requirements of the ship “Silver”.

In reality, rather than saying “Silver” was an obstacle that could traverse terrains, it was a ship that could travel to any place in the world.

It was more befitting to be called a living refuge…

It was a monster born to eat dreams.

There was nothing like fairy tales in this world.

Just like the Sporeggar Mill nightmare.

Beneath the fairy-tale facade of candy, the flesh was writhing.

“Silver” indeed consumed materials around its docking points, but this was actually just for self-repair. The energy provided for “traveling”, turning itself intangible, couldn’t possibly be sufficient from just consuming this bit of matter. What drove “Silver” was the “dreams” of the crew and passengers.

When someone urgently wished to go somewhere, only then could this living ship from the immaterial world journey in the immaterial world. These crew members yearned for something from the bottom of their hearts but were no longer in a hurry because their dreams were shattered. They were the energy charging the ship.

Naturally, the captain also possessed the power to use the desires of the crew and passengers as a source of energy.

The price was that the ship would never take the crew to the “destination”.

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