The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 714: The Ripped Mission That Completed Itself

Chapter 714: The Ripped Mission That Completed Itself

[TN: Silver is Celecia’s ship’s name.]

When a crew member sincerely hoped to encounter someone, ‘Silver’ would never let them meet this person; when a crew member wished to take one more look at a certain place, ‘Silver’ would never pass by that location.

As long as the individual was on the boat, he was bound to miss the people he wanted to see and the places he wanted to go.

This was a curse known as “So Near Yet So Far”.

However, if it was used in reverse, it could also serve as a sanctuary.

For example, Arthur sincerely hoped that he could become Gold Rank and return to the family to seize power. Hence, the power of “Silver” would make him avoid his own people;

Centaur Lucia wanted to find her own kind and return to the centaurs’ secluded habitat. As long as she was still on the “Silver”, she would never encounter any centaur, and she would never enter the centaur’s secluded habitat.

When someone harbored a certain “impulsive desire” deep within, Silver would ensure they never had the chance to fulfill that wish.

For example, confessing to a girl who the individual knew didn’t like him, assassinating an undefeatable enemy, or a wanted person returning to his hometown to meet his family, etc.

This was something many people would have: [self-destructing wish].

Therefore, Celecia was very selective in her crew members.

All the crew members she chose were losers “with a strong desire to commit suicide.”

If they didn’t board Silver, the burning fire in their hearts would eventually destroy their lives.

As long as they were on “Silver”, they would never take the next step.

It was a hindrance and a restraint.

Celecia believed that it was also a kind of salvation.

The ship made them stay away from those “dangerous wishes”, lying dormant in the dark where no one could find them, quietly accumulating strength and honing their will.

In fact, even Celecia was one of the people saved by “Silver”.

Of course, Celecia wanted to see the teacher again from the bottom of her heart. This was her most sincere wish.

However, her rationality also told her clearly — What if she got to see him?

What was the point of meeting the teacher?

Did her teacher still need her?

She knew that her teacher was also a Gold Rank transcender, and even the former leader of Winter’s Hand, proficient in intelligence gathering and analysis. If he truly wanted to find her, the window of time when she arrived at each destination and left “Silver” would have been enough to make contact with her.

Since the teacher didn’t come to look for her, it meant that he didn’t need her.

—That was a rather optimistic guess.

Another thought that lurked in her heart was… she might have been abandoned.

In the Winter Insurgent’s plan so far, she seemed to have reached the end. All the roles Celecia could play have been exhausted. Even she herself didn’t know what else she could do for the teacher.

The teacher didn’t even give her a mission again.

Would it mean that she was no longer needed?

Even if she had become Gold Rank?

Even if she was no longer the weak and powerless Thoreau Nick?

Even if she had obtained such a beautiful body?

So, was her existence meaningless?

Once she delved deep into this issue, she couldn’t help but shudder—further contemplation could even shatter her entire worldview that she had held until now.

The reason why she was willing to accept “Silver’s” curse at that time was just because she wanted to deceive herself.

If she attributed her inability to see her teacher entirely to the “Silver,” it seemed to make the teacher appear less ruthless. She could also temporarily forget her wish—unattainable desires were meaningless.

However, it was only a fantasy.

But, things became different.

Perhaps it was because she was sucked into the nightmare of the Otherworldly Level that her connection with “Silver” was severed? Only then could she make contact with His Majesty Annan? Only then could she have the opportunity to fulfill her wish.

—No doubt? All of these were the arrangements of fate.

But with such thoughts, a nightmarish notion began to surface within her, irremovable from the depths of her heart:

Is it possible that the curse of this ship is really so strong that even the teacher can’t get around it? Maybe the teacher has been looking for me a long time ago? Was he stopped by the curse of this ship?

It was like that moment when a person unexpectedly realized, “Damn, when did my phone die?” followed by the sudden fear of, “Did I miss any important calls while it was dead?”—especially when that call was important, and the phone had been turned off for several years already.

What if that’s the case? Did I not miss the opportunity?

Even knowing that her reasoning was highly irresponsible — it was almost akin to actively abandoning her crew.

However, Celecia didn’t want to miss this opportunity either.

“Our Silver Brigade sails with ‘dreams’ as fuel and ‘dreams’ as the destination.”

Celecia said earnestly, “And now? I think… I’m close to my dream. I must go to the Austere-Winter Dukedom. If this trip goes smoothly, my wish will be fulfilled… But if it doesn’t go well, I probably won’t make it back alive.”

“If any of you still want to continue this ‘journey of chasing dreams’? I will transfer the captain’s position to him now.”

She was upfront with her intention.

No matter what, she wouldn’t be coming back.

Then, the Silver Brigade, which was united only by her charm, should be disbanded.

“—I’ll stay. Give me the ‘Silver’.”

Unexpectedly, the only one who spoke was Orpheus holding the golden harp amidst the silence.

At this moment, all the crew members — even Arthur looked over in surprise.

They all knew… among these crew members, in truth, only Orpheus had genuinely fallen in love with Celecia.

Arthur’s feelings for Celecia were almost like mutually supportive comrades-in-arms, while Euphemia’s affection for Celecia was that of friends who shared the same origins and paths, and Lucia’s was a kind of confidence and reliance on the captain.

But did Orpheus really abandon his right to inherit the throne? He secretly followed “Silver” and ran out — he was really here for Celecia.

But now, he chose to stay on “Silver”.

Orpheus silently strummed the harp strings a few times. This black-haired man with amber eyes then gazed at Ceresia with his gentle look.

“I’ll dock Silver underground in Austere-Winter. If, in the end, you… I’ll come to pick you up. When that time comes, I’ll hand the captain’s role back over to you.”

It sounded somewhat ominous and a little humble.

However, Celecia just looked at him and nodded slowly.

For the first time, a look of reluctance and confusion appeared in her eyes, “I’m sorry, Orpheus. I…”

“I understand.” Orpheus took a deep breath and interrupted her.

In his amber-colored pupils, there was no sadness. On the contrary, they were gentle and bright, “If I had such an opportunity, I would leave too.”

“I don’t think ‘So Near Yet So Far’ is a curse, it’s more like a trial. A trial that gives people the courage to give up everything and chase their dreams.”

“I don’t have that courage now, but I hope I will in the future.”

“…Then, I will stay with Orpheus.” The centaur girl lowered her head and said softly, “I don’t want to meet strangers…”

“I think I’ll leave.”

Arthur and Euphemia looked at each other and said without hesitation, “I will travel with Her Excellency Absolver until She finds Her pope, and then I will start building a Defiance Church for her.”

What he meant was clear.

Even if he couldn’t be a pope, he still wanted to be a cardinal.

Euphemia quickly understood what he meant and said quickly, “Me too.”

“But, I probably won’t be going back to Austere-Winter so soon…”

Absolver tilted her head in slight distress.

At this moment, Longjing Tea blurted, “Miss Celecia, if you want to go to the Austere-Winter Dukedom, you might as well come with us.”

“We are Annan Austere-Winter’s most trusted confidants. The reason why we came to Elegy Dukedom is because the Grand Duke wants to see you.”

Although he didn’t understand the complex love and hatred involved, he did grasp that Celecia wanted to see Annan.

—What the hell! Did the main mission come alive?

After leaving the mission aside, the “arrest” target comes forward on their own, asking to be arrested.

Did money start falling from the sky?

What is this called?

The ripped main mission that completes itself…

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