The Royal Contract

Chapter 1031 - 1031 Perfect distraction

1031 Perfect distraction

He heard that their friends were in another hospital but for another reason. He wished he could join them. But he knew he could not rejoice with them until Rosella recovered from her condition.

They were expecting a new life, while he dreaded losing one.

Until now, the woman he had sworn to love and protect had remained unconscious in her hospital bed, still in a coma. The doctors still could not assure him of when she would wake up or her condition if she did.

However, he held on to whatever thin thread they had given him. He believed in the slim chance that she would come out of this alive. He could not accept the other possibility.

“Your next meeting called and notified us that he will be late by thirty minutes.” His secretary informed him as she stood before his desk. He did not even notice that she entered since his mind was elsewhere. “Will you need anything else, Sir David?”

Roseann had convinced him to leave her side and go back to work. She said that work would distract him from the current condition of her sister. Although he knew she was right, he still would like to stay by her side.

He was afraid that she might wake up and not see him there. Worst of all, something would happen to her, and he would miss his chance to see her for the last time. Even though he did not want to think about such a prospect, it was a possibility nonetheless.

He turned around from his chair and faced her, suddenly registering her words in his mind. Then, he suddenly thought that maybe he better concentrate on his work, just like Roseann said. Besides, she promised to call him as soon as there was an update.

“Yes, hold my calls for a few minutes. I need to go and see Evan.” He stood up from his desk and walked straight to the door.


He had been selfish for far too long. He had been thinking only of himself that other people had to put their lives on hold for him. If Rosella had learned about this, she would not like it.

“Yes, Sir.” He heard his secretary, but he continued walking down the hallway, determined to see his friend who had held the fort while he was away.

“Excuse me, do you have a minute?” David walked passed his friend’s secretary and knocked on his door. “I hope you are not busy.”

Of course, he knew he was busy since he had dumped most of his obligations on his friend’s table. But he would try to catch up and make up for his shortcomings.

“Come in, David. What is it?” Evan quickly asked as he closed the file he was working on and faced him. “Is this about Rosella? Is she ok? You know you don’t have to be here since I have it covered.”

He knew his friend was covering his clients and cases on top of his obligations. That was not the problem. He knew his partner could easily handle the task. Besides, they had competent people who could help him.

Nevertheless, there was another issue that he needed to address. He could guess that his friend did not want to open up on the topic because of his situation, but he could sense the urgency of it.

“No. Thank God! Rosella is stable.” He uttered with relief, still glad that it was not what he came here to discuss. “I am not here because of her. And this has nothing to do also with the company.”

He quickly added, but he could see the growing confusion on his friend’s face. Therefore, he did not prolong his wait as he explained the reason for his visit. “I am here to discuss your wedding.”

He might not have his wedding this year or soon, but he did not want his friend to delay his union either because of him. Before the accident, Evan had been talking about his wedding.

Honestly, he was envious that they were already planning theirs while Rosella was still stalling on theirs. Still, he was happy for his friend that he had finally met his match, a woman who had tamed his friend from his wild side.

If there was a man in their group they thought would never succumb to love, commitment, and marriage, it was their youngest member, Evan. But as always, love prevailed.

“What about it?” Evan leaned on his chair as he sat down on a chair. “We already agreed to delay it till next year.” He informed him.

That was what he was thinking. His friend was considering his situation, delaying his happiness because of his condition. But Evan did not have to do that. Who knew when Rosella would wake up?

The doctors had been honest with him from the start. Her condition had no timeframe. Some patients in similar cases woke up within a week or a month. Sadly, there are some instances where it took years.

But he would wait as long as it took him, wishing she would still wake up. He would not give up on her as long as there was hope. He would fight for her until the very end.

“I don’t think that is a good idea.” David seriously looked at his friend. “If you love her, you need to marry her soon.” He did not want him to waste his time waiting for the perfect moment.

From his experience, it might never come again. Therefore, he wished his friend would seize the moment and marry the person he loved as soon as he could arrange it.

“What is this all about?” Evan appeared concerned about him. He stood from his seat and transferred to the chair next to him. “Do you need to talk about Rosella?”

David could not blame him for misinterpreting his words. His friend had not experienced what he had gone through. His friend could not understand what losing was until he lost her and missed his opportunity.

“No, this is about you.” David continued. “Don’t worry about me. I think I have things under control around here. I know you need time to prepare for your wedding. Let me take over.” He suggested as his mind decided to focus on work.

The last thing he needed was for his mind to continue thinking of the worst things that could happen in his situation. He could not allow the negative thoughts to pester his mind.

“Are you sure?” His friend looked at him as if he had gone insane. At least, he seemed shocked about his proposal. “But I don’t want to dump everything in your lap while Rosella is still in the hospital.”

His friend probably expected that he would still fall apart with Rosella’s situation. However, he realized that she still needed him to stay strong. The only way he could do that was to continue living while he waited for her to wake up.

“No, I need the challenge of work to keep me from thinking of her condition. Besides, it will make me and Rosella very happy if you and Amelia would finally tie the knot.” He remembered his fiance had always expressed concern for Evan’s wayward ways.

She was one of the top supporters when Evan announced that he had finally proposed. And she was the one who encouraged him never to give up on Amelia.

She hugged Evan tightly when he announced that Amelia had accepted his ring. So, he knew Rosella would not want Evan to postpone building his life with the woman he loved just because of them.

“I will discuss this with Amelia, but I want you to know if you need anything from me. I am always here for you.” Evan told him as he tapped him on the shoulder, showing his support.

He did not need to say it because he had always known that his friends always had his back. But it was time that he showed them that he also had theirs.

“I guess I better get back to my office. My next meeting might be at my office by now. But think about it. I don’t want you to waste valuable time waiting to be with the woman you love.” David reiterated.

He was not saying the same situation would happen to his friend and fiance. He would not wish his condition on anyone else. It was a curse that nobody else should suffer.

He felt it was his punishment for all his wrongdoings. It was his wake-up call, telling him that he was not invincible. He only hoped he still had time to correct his mistakes, and Rosella would still witness how he had changed.

As he neared his office, he noticed that his next meeting had arrived and was sitting in the lounge. He quickly moved toward them, greeting them and excusing himself for making them wait.

“That is ok, Mr. Anderson. We are just glad that you squeezed us into your schedule.” The man leading the group stated as he took his hand for a firm shake.

“Why don’t you follow me inside my office.” He ushered them forward to his doors. “What can I do for you, Mr. Rosley?” He quickly asked once they were seated on his comfortable couch. He also offered them a drink which they declined.

“Business, of course.” The reputable businessman responded with a broad smile on his lips. “I want to bring some of my business to your firm. Do you think you handle it?” Mr. Rosley asked, using a challenging tone.

“Of course, we would like to have you on board,” David announced excitedly, knowing this man would bring big business for his firm.

He could only guess that his daughter’s association with one of his senior partners must be why he was here. But that was not important. He believed this was what he needed in the meantime.

More work, less time he would have to think about her. Not that he did not want to think about her. On the contrary, he only required the perfect distraction from his terrifying thoughts.

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