The Royal Contract

Chapter 1032 - 1064 Chs

1064 Chs


1032 The real jungle

Finally, she felt relieved from the pain. Not only that but also from the knowledge that their child had joined them in this world. She would see her baby soon.

Suddenly, she was wary. She was supposed to hear a cry. At least, that was what she had seen in movies. But all she saw as she struggled to open her eyes were people moving fast as the doctor seemed to be giving instructions.

In her hazy mind and exhausted body, she tried to understand what was happening around her. Eventually, she looked up to see the concerned face of her husband. Was there something wrong with their baby?

“Alex,” She called to him, which had called his attention as he immediately looked down at her. His face contorted to a smile, erasing the frown on his forehead just a second ago.

Did she imagine it, or was he hiding something from her? She knew her body was battling fatigue as her eyes struggled to stay open, but she had to see her baby. She wanted to hold their baby in her arms before she succumbed to the darkness.

“How are you feeling?” Alex leaned closer to her, kissing her on the forehead as he moved the hair that clung to her face. Then with a towel in his hands, he tried to wipe the sweat that broke through her skin.

She pushed herself up to get a closer look. She could see several people on the other side of the room. That must be her baby. But what were they doing?

“Alex, is there something wrong with our baby?” She was afraid to ask, but she had to find out.

She gripped the linen sheet of her bed as she pushed herself to a sitting position. But the uniformed staff prevented her from seeing her child. Was this her worse fear coming true?


“Dani, they are just making sure our baby is ok.” Alex wrapped his arms around her as they waited for the doctor to tell them the situation. She wanted to believe him, but he sensed uncertainty in his voice.

“Doctor?” She could not even hear her voice anymore as fear rose to her throat.

“I think we have a courageous fighter in our hands.” The pediatric doctor finally announced in his big booming voice. “Sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Blackstone, for the delay, but the Prince has finally arrived.”

Their son did not cry like she expected he would. He stayed quiet the entire time that the doctors worked on him. Until the time her doctor carried him toward her and her husband to see him for the first time.

“Is he alright?” Alex asked, looking slightly wary. He seemed scared to touch him, terrified he might hurt such a delicate being.

She could not blame her husband since both of them had no experienced dealing with an infant. She had held a baby before but not as tiny and delicate as this one. She was scared she might drop, squash, or hurt him with her touch.

“He is. There is just a few minor complications but nothing that should worry you. In the meantime, enjoy your moment with your son because it may probably take a few hours before he can join you again.” The doctor placed the child in her arms.

Cradling her son in her arms seemed to wash away all her fatigue and worries as her heart was overwhelmed with joy. Looking at his tiny adorable face, she believed he was worth all her pain and sacrifices.

She felt her husband lean closer to her body as he gazed at the child in her arms. She could tell he would also like to take him in his arms, but fear prevented him from doing so.

“Have you thought of a name yet? But if you have not, that is ok. You can do it later.” The doctor asked as he waited.

She looked at her husband, who seemed lost as he stared deeply into their son’s eyes. Something clicked in her mind. A name that they never even considered including in their list.

It had something to do with what she heard the doctor say a while ago. It reminded her of the first thing she had thought when he first saw her husband. She named him after a greek god, Adonis, due to his masculine physique and other attributes.

“Ares...” She whispered into her son’s delicate ears. She knew Alex heard it, but his response was not what she wanted to see.

She watched her son’s face twitch into what her observation appeared to be a smile. Although, that was debatable. Still, her mother’s instinct kicked in, telling her that her son loved the name.

“I love it.” She heard her husband agree. “Ares,” Alex repeated. Then, “His name is Ares Ethaniel Hamilton Blackstone.” He proudly announced to the room for everyone to hear.

She could not believe her ears when she heard her father’s name as the second name of her child. Alex never mentioned that he planned to do that, and she was eternally grateful to him for bringing her father to life through their son.

They both knew why it was a fitting name for their son. From the moment he was conceived, he had fought for his life until she delivered him into this world. Their son would require courage like no other to survive in this world.

They could try to protect him as much as they could. But in the end, as the heir to their large empire, he would have to learn to fight his battle. Many would want his head on a plate even at an early age.

“Welcome to the world, young Prince Ares.” The doctor acknowledged while everybody clapped to join in the celebration.

Although he never lived in the palace, technically, he earned his birthright as one of the possible heirs to the throne.

Once again, she stared into his eyes as she tried to envelop him with love and protection. But she could not help but fear for his future. But just like her parents, she swore to do her best to safeguard him in the real jungle, which was the real world.

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