The Royal Contract

Chapter 1033 - 1033 Not him

1033 Not him

He should not care if she was with that man, doing God knows what. He should focus on the girl that had been eyeing him since he entered the restaurant. She looked stunning, attractive, fun, and, best of all, single.

He could have a good time with her during lunch and even spend some time with her afterward. But his mind kept picturing that man touching her hand, and he could feel his blood boil through his veins.

“Hi, there!” The woman finally took the initiative to approach him since he had never made a move. “I wonder if you like some company.”

The woman took the spare seat next to him without waiting for a reply, indicating that she was used to having her way. Under another circumstance, he would have entertained her bold move.

But at that moment, he seemed to be not in the mood for company. He stood up from his chair and never even forced a smile on his lips. “I am sorry, but I think I lost my appetite.”

He had no intention of directing his statement at her, but he did not care because only one thing was on his mind. He had to find her and save her from making a mistake with that man.

“This is crazy.” He silently reasoned. Nevertheless, he had gone beyond making sense since he bumped into her. His entire world had turned upside down since he got to know her.

Despite the few things he learned about her, it did not stop him from wanting her. If he was honest, it only intensified his respect for her. It made him desire her more.

Was this insanity? Maybe he had loosened a screw inside his head, but the heart wanted what it wanted. At least his heart would not stop beating erratically for her.


Was it love? He doubted, but he still intended to find out what it was since he could not forgive himself if he lost his opportunity to have her. But one thing he knew for sure, he had no intention of hurting her.

“Who do you think you are?” He thought that he had cleared of trouble, but he was mistaken as the woman stood before her, rage visible on her face. “Nobody walks away from me like I am a piece of trash.”

His assumption about her was correct. This young lady had never learned the word no in her life. He used to be like her, but it was clear that he had changed.

If he thought that was the end of it, he was wrong. A slap and red wine splashed across his face. He did not expect that, but he was not about to retaliate and add to the scene.

“Everybody had to experience it one way or another.” He answered her, giving her advice instead as he grabbed a napkin from a nearby table and dabbed it on his wet face.

He did not mind the slap. He believed he was getting used to it. However, he had no time to deal with a spoiled brat as he turned and left, striding faster since he had already lost valuable time.

“Where are you?” He mumbled loud enough for him to hear his words but not loud enough for the bystanders to notice him. “Where can I find Mr. Stark’s office?” He asked one of the staff of the hotel.

He did not know Mr. Stark, the son, but he generally knew men and mostly what they wanted from an innocent girl like her. He would not allow her to fall prey to another predator like him.

As far as he was concerned, this man had falsely pretended to look for him to get to her. But the son never took her to his father but took her elsewhere. Nonetheless, he would find them?

He could try his office. That was a start. Maybe he could charm his secretary to spill what she knew. Eventually, he began to concoct some ideas as he searched the building for her.

“Mr. Stark’s office is on the top floor.” The employee informed him. But he was just there a few moments ago.

“No, I mean his son.” He quickly corrected, but he could not tell him the name since he had forgotten when he had introduced himself earlier. Then, the uniformed man told him to take the express elevator to the upper floors.

It was just two floors down from the top floor, so he believed it was not hard to find. But the slow movement of the elevator was driving him crazy. It was like it was intentionally moving at a snail’s pace.

Usually, he would whistle as he waited inside the small box. But not today, as he could hardly breathe normally as his agitation increased as he neared his destination.

But his eyes widened when the metallic double doors slid open, and he witnessed her smiling at the man as he guided her outside his office. But that was not the worse part. He seemed to enjoy holding her hands as he said goodbye to her.

He moved toward them, but she seemed engrossed in their conversation to notice his presence. She still had her back to him as her face looked at the man before her while the other man watched her intensely, not even glancing his way.

“You are always welcome to visit us, Ria, and I also look forward to meeting Edison.” The man thoughtfully said as he raised her hand to his lips and kissed them, acting like a true gentleman.

But he knew what kind of man he was as he saw red. He was ready to attack the bull by his horn, luckily, his phone rang, and it somehow snapped him back to reality.

He was ready to blow this deal to smithereens just because this man kissed her hands and said a few words that hit him straight to his heart. But was it guilt that this stranger had accepted her despite having a son?

Suddenly, he felt he had no right to be with her. He abruptly turned around before anyone could notice him and rushed back inside the elevator.

He felt ashamed of his actions for the way he had treated her at the very start. He did not deserve to be with her. He believed she was better off with a more responsible man, not him.

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