The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1000

Chapter 1000: X127; “Mutual Destruction, a path I’m willing to follow,”

“There rises Rosespire castle.”

“Bigger than I expected,” said a softer response, “-majesty, is it alright?”

“Yes, it’s perfectly okay,” he returned, “-consider the place home. I’ll grant access to the archives, and an arrangement for your office shall be made shortly. Take this time and head on to the manor, you’ll stay there after work hours. Can’t have you work too hard, or else the others will feel pressured not to take breaks. ”

“And whoever said majesty was heartless.”

Elixia’s sudden arrival was quite the talk.

“Have you heard of the secretary?” whispered around corners, inside elevators and behind closed doors, “-I heard the king chose her to be his direct aid.”

“Feel bad for the prime minister. Here we thought the man would remain the king’s right hand.”


“I mean, you did hear about the rumors, didn’t you?” such were the grapevine whispers, “-about the king’s sudden recruitment escapade?”

“Palace’s changing again.”

“A rehaul,” sighed another, “-best keep at work else we’re on the chopping block.”

The king’s office opened, “-you’ll work here for the time being,” voiced Igna, “-I have remaining business in Glenda. Should be able to take it from here, yes?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” she drew a seat, pulled various interfaces, and swiped, “-this will do nicely,” she smiled, “-worry not, my lord, I’ll be at thine beckoning call.”

“I’m fine,” he returned, “-keep the wheels turning. We’re on the precipice of another change,” well-based worries, “-strengthen ourselves.”

A snap swapped the office to the bedchamber at Glenda. He peered over his occupied bed, “-honestly,” the eyes narrowed, “-you could have chosen to hurl someplace else.”

“Not my fault,” whimpered Aurora, “...”

“Fine, fine,” the smell of blood and vomit permeated. There was no avoiding the stench. Hard as he was, Igna could but help to crinkle his forehead, “-stand up, we’ll get you to a shower.” Her fatigued body barely moved. A strained expression came as she tried to lift her head. Her hands paid no heed to the puddle of inner remnants as her palms carelessly splashed.

“Seriously,” he reached over the foot of the bed and pulled her ankles. The friction misplaced her top, exposing her stomach and curvature of her chest, “-no undergarments?” sighed, leaning over and taking her hand by force.

“Barely,” her lids slammed in pain, “-I c-c-can’t.”

“Well, you have too,” he forcibly took her by the waist and hauled the terribly ill Aurora over his shoulder.

“I’m no laundry...” returned an unimpressed comment.

Bedchambers changed for the blacksmith’s quarters. Workers rose their heads from flaming metals, pulling their goggles and wondering, ‘-what’s the lord doing here?’

“My lord...”

“There you are Skokdrag,” he stopped, “-say, where are the stables?”

“Down there,” returned the visiting craftsman, “-turn left at the cobblestone path.”

Aurora’s unconscious nap sought to bring unnecessary attention. Whispers fluttered, “-the king was spotted taking a lady to the stables,” it was there, amidst the chantry dedicated to the Haggard’s dynasty, a novice sprang on his feet and proclaimed, “-no, the king isn’t disposing of any normal lass,” the voice thundered across passing devotees and nearby brethren, “-our lord, after having enjoyed his meal, decided to end the lass’ life. She must have given much to his fancy. Here we are, watching as he is to burn her body into ash.”

“No, the lady’s Aurora from the blood-king’s faction,” said one of the wiser bystanders.

“EVEN WORSE!” he professed deeply.

“Enough!” came a rougher sound – the would-be crowd dispersed; “-you must keep your imagination in check. How many times must I scold – spreading false information will land you in serious trouble.” Alas, pieces were in motion. Igna was soon greeted by a mob, “-release the lass,” they said, “-majesty, grant her a proper burial, please.”

Stunned at the opposition, he simply laid Aurora on a flat bed of concrete, turned, and slashed the crowd with a glazed stare, “-I don’t get where this is coming from... are you people insane?”

Silence... speaking to the king – easy for those who’d kept company, was rather daunting. The instant he addressed the crowd; shoulders dropped and eyes lowered, “-you, boy carrying a flower basket, tell me, what is this about?”


“It was Steven,” they hurdled, “-he said that the king was going to dispose of a fair maiden after he had had his way.”

“Nonsense,” he hailed a passing guard, “-have this man Steven brought to my office later,” the baffled guard escaped a cough and hastily asked the crowd to disperse. More guards arrived – soon, the crowd vanished.

Aurora shivered in pain, *Raphael, Archangel of Restoration; thee who sits uninhibited by the flow of time, reach down and extend a helping hand to the miserable and manifest thineself, for I, Igna Haggard, demands so.*

Golden beam healed and restored the broken mess. Her energy returned. “-what happened?” she asked and sniffed, “-what’s the bad smell?”

“Aurora, my dear,” he kept a fair distance, “-you were reincarnated and suffered some complications. No need to worry for everything’s been handled. The mess is your vomit,” water dropped – drenching her head to bottom.


“YOU BETTER CLEAN YOURSELF,” he threw soap and sprayed water.

Time passed. An angrier Aurora waited beside the bed chambers only window. A guard held a robed novice in chains, “-are you, Steven?”

He nodded, ‘-am I going to die?’

“Speak when the king asks a question,” fired the guard, “-YES!” said a feminine screech, “-I’m STEVEN.”

“Steven, were you the one who spread the rumor earlier?”


“Well, I’d like to know more.”

“I heard whispers of you, his majesty, taking a lady into the stable,” he crossed his glance against Igna, “...” silence for the boy’s mouth locked, ‘-dry... my throat feels dry. I feel like I’m going to die... I’m going to die, he’s going to kill me, I’m going to die.’

“At ease,” said Igna, “-you’re not going to die. Take time, gather your breath and speak.”

“I imagined his majesty h-h-h-hauling... dead lady, I called the crowd a-a-and began to s-speak.”

“Enough. I’m disappointed,” he reached into his desk and pulled a random assortment of rocks, “-go out and sell these. Make them think it’s something unbelievable, I don’t care about the methods and only have one condition, do not use my name or bring the leadership into the question. Convince them and I will be more than generous to consider alleviating thy sentence.” The boy left shortly after.

“Was that necessary?”

“Yes, it was,” he turned and stared into the window, “-Aurora, the nightwalkers will continue experiencing the targeted attacks. The true progenitor’s blood flows through you – the status’ been raised to that equal of a demi-god. Long as the core is well-fed, there lay no limits to thy strength. As for the vampires – send word to the clan leaders; the Blood-King’s faction hereby decrees the birth of the Order of Nightwalkers.”

“Order of Nightwalkers,” she grinned, “-has a powerful sounding name. What will be the purpose of said Order?”

“To become Hidros’ dagger.”

“I understand. We’re to become the kingdom’s shadow?”

“Correct. Those who distinguish themselves will be awarded the title of Lecia. A group of individuals under your direct command.”

Aurora seemed pleased. Alta exchanged a few words with her monarch and thus came to an end the trip to Glenda.

‘A good leader has the ability to detect and neutralize problems before they even arise,’ Igna found himself at his office a few years later, a snap toggled the lights and he teleported.

After many inner conflicts and unsettled problems, the kingdom of Hidros managed to regain its peace. Alongside was international tension. Alphia and Elendor went dark. The powerful leadership and entourage ruled methodically – clever diplomacy and persuasion tactics saw the alliance of Marinda, Hidros, Arda, and Easel Run Gard compete equally against the falling Alphia and stagnant Empire. Growth of the new continent halted; the expansion was forced into the background. The rise of a new race, the Clockwork people, saw fit the new continent as their base of operation. Alphia’s cursed corruption sent ripples and cracked the empire’s earnest protection. Opportunity rose for Hidros to monopolize Maicite without repercussion. In an unlikely alliance – King Igna and King Ezel of Greenwhoot allowed for the free lords to access the power of Maicite. The trade agreement seemed to tie a knot around the Empire’s useless sword. They grew worthless, discrete aid and shipment of weapons under Hamer’s Inc gave the suppressed leaders option. Elendor’s lack of leadership allowed for an invasion from Old Cray’s faction. The defeated king, who many thought had perished, was found home living in hiding. With the infamy of the Order of Nightwalkers and the technological advancement brought by Phantom, there was no countering Hidros. As the world saw, Hidros’ king had the ability to see the future. Any move, discrete or open, was swiftly dealt with. Having supremacy of the air and structures to intercept and crack any influential code was too good to be true.

Thus, January X127, a whole decade later, marked the rise of Hidros as a powerhouse.

“-Elixia and the ministries have outperformed the other nations. We grew at an astounding speed. The future I envisioned is here. We’re rich, powerful, and unrivaled. Scholars who might have changed their kingdoms allied with our university. Rotherham’s the brain of Hidros as Rosespire grows to be its beating heart. It was a good idea to use Totrya for our industrial region. We’re small and powerful, and share strong relationships with the faster evolving Marinda – a kingdom reputed for its military might and magical prowess. Arda and Easel Run Gard, right and left hand. Guess this is the end, we’ve reached the pinnacle and completed what I sought out to do,” he stood peering over a stream that ran through Lei, buildings were tall and nature was present. A good balance made the scenery pleasant and homely.

A gentle wind swayed, ‘-I dedicated my life to Hidros. Gallienne, I wish you could see how Hidros has grown. You’d be proud to know, Hidros’ united. We bought back the Vigrant Archipelago and Dorchester’s coast. At last, I breathe easy.’

So, he thought. Where death walked, misfortune followed. The phone rang, showing éclair’s name, “-majesty, where are you?”

“A stroll, why, what’s the matter?”

“Alphia’s war has ended, new rulership’s taken the crown. Lady Amber Sultria has married Lucifer Dawnstar.”

‘I knew it,’ he smiled – the world toppled, ‘-he’s returned. ‘ Shadows appeared, “-Majesty, you’re needed immediately at the castle.”

“The heavenly realm has invaded the mortal world,” said one of the envoys, “-we are certain the Alphia rulership’s after Hidros,” they teleported into a council room. Hidros’ leadership waited, the ministers and fellow ambassadors from allied nations. Everyone waited for the king.

“Good evening,” he said aloud and passed the double doors. The room was well-lit, the guests lavishly dressed and the place taken straight from a movie.

“My lord.”


“Tonight’s emergency meeting was brought by this video,” the lights dimmed to a massive holographic display, “-to the king of Hidros, you’ve taken my wings, you’ve taken my pride and you’ve taken what was most important to me. Shudder, I will come for what’s mine. Believe me – I will destroy everything you hold dear, starting with that precious kingdom. If diplomacy can’t win,” dark cackles echoed, “-then, I’ll just have to destroy everything,” the video ended.

“Quite the message,” he added, “-have they launched?”

“Our sources have interjected multiple broadcasts of Maicite weapons being readied. What are your orders, majesty?” he turned to the crowd, “-Maicite weapons are fearsome,” he said, “-one well-placed strike and we can have an entire nation destroyed. Such power comes at the cost of the land. As Hidrosian, we know war far better than anyone, we know the pain of having everything destroyed, and we know the pain of losing someone. I’m the Devil,” he smiled, “-and as my title dictates, I don’t care for much save my interest. Therefore, if Alphia makes the mistake of launching those weapons at us, I will have no other option than to retaliate. As council members of the Hidrosian leadership, you have a right to voice thy concern. Fighting fire with fire, such is the way to mutual destruction. A path, I’m willing to follow.”

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