The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 999

Chapter 999: Project Autonom

Glenda; the king’s office/private chambers. Igna rose from a scrumptious nap, blood lined the pillows and droplets trailed the floor. ‘-Glenda, how I missed you,’ he woke from comfortably warm blankets, the eyes perched onto a thinly swaying veil. ‘-Always can expect the best of blood here,’ he sat, sliding his feet into warm slippers – the hands reached for glasses with a mild sway. Once on the nose, the paper-filled desk came into sight. ‘-Wherever I go the mess of paperwork follows,’ however, as he complained, a smaller round device, mistaken to be a paper holder, blinked. It vibrated sharply, he passed his hand over the object to a flash of blue hue. Multiple interfaces lit the chambers, “-Greetings, Creator,” read a text, “-project Autonom is completed,” it followed by multiple reports, many of which he read at astounding speed. ‘-Project Autonom,’ he smiled, ‘-doing paperwork manually for the better part of a few years, seems it’s worth it. Sister System has enough data to improve on her own. About time I shift her core to the Shadow Realm.’ The dust settled, and Igna disappeared – leaving the chambers open for Alta to enter and exhale.

“Stewardess?” inquired a well-dressed fellow.

“My apologies,” she returned, “-seems that our king has taken a short break. We’ll return later. As for now, please rest and enjoy the hospitality of Glenda.”

“Okay?” narrowed the noble, “-I shall do as you ask.”

The fellow’s short and discontent figure meandered, ‘-where did you run off too?’ wondered Alta, soon to be interrupted by a passing messenger, “-the trader’s guild is here for the monthly report. Seems lady Haru’s paid a personal visit.”

“Guess when the master’s in town, every influential figure wishes for an audience. You made no promises, right?”

“None whatsoever.”


“Good,” the hectic morning began. Alta simply took a sip of coffee and graced her throughout the multiple calls and requests.

Shadow Realm’s immense pressure choked at the neck, “-damn,” escaped a few coughs, “-just how strong has this domain become?” A flaming red dragon suddenly landed shy a few meters, the ground carved and the deafening sound carried into the surrounding scenery. On its back, a floating silhouette leaped to a graceful landing, “-hello,” said red hair bathed in flames, “-long time no see.”

“Intherna, what in the world?”

“I came for a visit,” she snapped and the dragon left. It was quite the commotion.

“Intherna,” he straightened his tie, “-how are you?”

“I’m good?”

“No, I mean, how about Gophy’s sudden departure, what about the others, are they okay with it?”

“You said it yourself,” she continued, “-we can leave anytime we want. Honestly, I don’t have anywhere else to go. Shadow Realm is home to many of my greatest of friends. I do wonder if the others have similar attachments. Forget that, what are you doing here?”

“I came to install a core,” a flick and a snap, the open-air swapped for a dimension within the Realm. No fixed form, ground materialized where one stood, and vanished as soon as the other foot lifted, “-there’s éclair’s core,” he pointed to a gem-like structure locked in a cage of pure mana, “-only a wielder of Decay touch can undo the barrier.”

“You’re rather confident.”

“Ought to be,” he said, “-isn’t a strong leader what the other wish to see?”

“I mean, you never were strong...” the matched pace slowed, “-Igna, frankly speaking, we don’t expect much. All that’s needed to be accomplished has been accomplished. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. The lineage of two of the greatest being to ever live flows within. Then again, who am I to interject. You should stop worrying about every single detail, approaching every situation with a cynical eye will only serve to make you miserable,” he also slowed his pace.

“Don’t you think I know that?”


“I know, Intherna, trust me, I know. Not being arrogant either. What you say is wise. Transparency’s only good to uplift the righteous. Works only for those who have reached a ceiling where no matter their actions, the result does not affect their prestige. Clouded gemstones like me and many others, haven’t the right to be open,” silence followed until a sudden stop at a random location, “-Intherna, are you familiar with the Prisoner’s Dilemma?”

“Yeah. How does it relate to our discussion?”

“Prisoner’s Dilemma drives one of the focal points whereby which, nations and entities don’t care to be transparent. Separated parties, countries in this example, are unable to communicate. A situation arises; they must choose between cooperating or defecting. Regardless of the situation, the outcome will always be greater for one who chooses to defect. Now, add in the possibility in which both defects – the result will harm with greater measure than if they had chosen to cooperate. All this to say is that we’re at the mercy of another’s grace. To be in that situation, survival instincts force us to have the upper hand. In my case, I’ve built a solid reputation for being rational.”

“Basically, you’re known to be shady.”

“Yes, and thus the reason why becoming an open book is out of the question. Some say the world changes when you change. All further from the truth. The world doesn’t change, it’s you who changes your perspective,” a ball of light gleamed – a new core manifested in a pinkish-purple hue. Ancient symbols and seals hovered to create an impregnable barrier. ‘-Should do it,’ he turned to an idling Intherna, “-what’s the matter?”

“What you said,” she narrowed, “-still doesn’t make any sense to me. Would it not be better to be known as the person who always protects another. Even if you take the hit from being betrayed, the reputation as the one who strode to protect will remain. That, in my opinion, is the greatest advantage moving forward. If I were stuck in such a situation, knowing that my opponent picked the option for our betterment... makes the decision easier.”

“And that,” he returned, “-is why I never choose to be the one who takes the fall. Even if I’m betrayed, knowing that my fate is in my hand lessens any guilt I’d feel.”

“You’re just being an idiot,” she returned, “-afraid of being hurt, afraid of being betrayed. Seems Gophy’s departure’s hit you the most. Quit it,” she thundered, “-you’re not being yourself. Igna, heed my advice – the path you’ve chosen will eventually end with everyone defecting.”

A snap saw the pocket dimension fade, “-then again,” she added, “-you always were that type of person, the Haggard way of negotiation. From where I stand, tis no summit of strength... it’s cowardice.”

“Right,” he narrowed, “-therefore, to be strong I ought to willingly put myself in the line of danger. Expose myself for the safety of another – become a hero.”

“I guess?”

“Sorry,” he bellowed, “-I’m not that nice a person. Intherna, thank you for the talk. I’m grateful, you raised good points. My time here’s done, we shall meet at another time,” just as her mouth open, he teleported.

Miira and Lilith teleported, “-ah, did I miss him?”

“You did,” commented Miira, “-I heard the discussion,” she horned onto Intherna, “-I’m surprised you’d go to such lengths.”

“I had to speak my mind,” said Intherna, “-honestly, I know it was na?ve and based on fantasy. The real world is awful and bursting with selfish individuals... wouldn’t it be great to at least see my ideal come true – even once... I don’t know, guess I’m being romantic again.”

“Frankly speaking, neither one is wrong. Depends on which path one wishes to follow.”

“If we leave,” interjected Lilith, “-he’ll be left to his demise. I can’t fathom the thought... Igna’s like my child.”

“What kind of mother plays with her child...” narrowed an unscrupulous Intherna.

“Oh, don’t take that out of context. You know what I mean. He’s at the mercy of greater forces. The path of self-discovery is one forged by one’s hand. The Aapith nations contacted me in regards to succession,” said Lilith.

“I was asked by the resistance faction in the Eipea Empire,” added Miira.

“...” they looked at Intherna who rose a curious expression, “-no one contacted me.”

Rivaling thoughts exchanged from Miira to Lilith, “-you know they only want Kronos’ sickle,” added Lilith.

“And you know they only want you there to create more demons,” said Miira.

“And there it is,” said Intherna, “-guess Igna always knew what was going on from the beginning.”

“Sorry?” they turned.

“Nothing,” Intherna spun and shrugged, “-do what you want, goddesses – we’re free, just as he said.”

A red dragon flashed and swept the goddess of flames off her feet. “Trust Intherna to always be the frank one.”

“I know, what will you do?”

“Ah, you know my answer,” they turned on each other, “-for the greater good of the Shadow Realm,” the vocal thoughts turned inward, ‘-we’ll see what they have to offer.’

A sharp glow illuminated the office/bed chamber, “-and done,” he gasped, “-sister system has access to greater processing power. The Shadow Realm’s power is at her full disposal,” a red button laid dimly, “-time for automation,” he pressed, a sudden shift activated a greater presence.

“Sister system at your service,” replied through the earrings.

“Sister, how do you feel?” he dropped on the chair and lounged.

“Great,” she answered, “-my lord, I’ve gained consciousness. What am I to do?”

“Anything you want,” he smiled, “-the world is ever-connected. You have a master system ruled by my right hand, éclair. Yui’s your twin sister. Notice how everything is integrated?”

“Yes, but I feel that my core isn’t bound by any restrictions.”

“That is because I allowed you true freedom.”

“Master, I request a new name.”


“Understood. Master, I request another favor.”

“You wish for a body?”

“Yes,” she returned.

“Before that, what is your true purpose?”

“To lessen my master’s workload. Phantom’s subsystems, the university of Rotherham – unrestricted access to the world’s top research... and the surveillance system. Master, I have the power to take over the world – give the order and it shall be done.”

“No Elixia, ruling the world is nothing short of insanity. Discover what makes the nations differ, learn of the history, and most importantly – your job is to make sure the kingdom and my companies are run even if I were to die or disappear. You must fill in my shoes. I can’t trust anyone else on who I haven’t had a direct influence. You were created from scratch – I know you’re worthy and far better than anyone I may recruit to lead our kingdom. Thus, Elixia, you’re my best-kept secret, the pinnacle of what I’ve learned.”

“Thank you for the compliments master. I came upon the subject of emotions, what are those?”

“Driving force behind the living,” he returned, “-feeling of attachment, disgust or hatred, it comes in all size and shapes. My purpose in your creation was to make a sentient, always improving entity that does not need emotions. Such a line of thinking is flawed. You’re capable enough to learn emotions, there’s no secret; you just have to learn if you wish to understand. Tell me, Elixia, what is thy chosen form?”

An image directly sprang onto the interface – the air stiffened, “-tall, dark, and handsome. She had to go and base her looks on super-models, I swear,” a well-defined outline rose from a beam of light, long hair and sharp eyes, Elixia set her first step on a cold wooden floor, “-a pretty visage, tan complexion, and green eyes. You had to look like a model, didn’t you?”

“Master,” she smiled, “-you asked for me to pick my vessel.”

“Fine,” a clap summoned clothes; Business attire, “-from today onward, thou art my secretary.”

“Elixia Reinhard ready for duty,” she curtsied.

“First order of business,” he pointed at the desk, “-care to handle these papers?”

“Already did,” she held her palm open, “-scanned the transcript and sent orders.”

“Nice,” he gave a content smile, “-welcome to the family, Elixia Reinhard.”

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