The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1011

Chapter 1011: Emperor and Empress

A birthday event to go down in the annals of history. Igna’s half-hearted attempts at motivation would be a prophecy. Day broke, Hanna and Anna rushed around the castle, gathered retainers, and ordered the ballroom to be evacuated. Most of the daily proceedings moved to the office grounds, else known as the courtyard. Compared to older history, the latter, which would be used as a residential area, was swapped for offices.

“Nothing else to do,” said Elixia. “Master, why not head into town or meet with lady Syhton? She’s worried.”

“Elixia,” he rose, “-be straight,” a stern expression locked upon the room, “-is Hidros ready to be called a self-ruling nation?”

“Yeah,” she answered blankly, “-majesty, was this not the ultimate plan?”

“It was, I just feel empty. There’s nothing to do anymore, the world moves at a steady pace.”

“Right,” she firmed her tablet, “-majesty, you’ve done enough,” came a reassuring smile, “-allow us the honor.”

“Fair,” he threw on an overcoat, “-call me if anything comes up.”


“Will do,” the door shut on the king’s office. Elixia’s face slowly vanished as the locks came together. Hands in pocket and with spare time, he vaulted over the exposed walkway and headed for the dungeon. The scanner flickered; he entered the grimly old torture hall. Lashes and moans came from within.

“Tired,” Theon crawled, “-majesty,” he gasped, “-what are you doing here?”

Igna’s relaxed pace eventually overshadowed Theon’s restless breaths, “-the ground’s dirty, come on,” he held a helping hand.

“Thank you,” back on his feet, “-majesty, why are you here?”

“Came to pay a visit,” he turned, “-my, she looks to be doing well.”

“Yeah,” returned Theon, “-she’s needy alright.”

“Theon, go have a shower,” nodded Igna.

“Okay,” the man caught the hint, “-I will be back in a few hours, majesty.”

A mild duck underneath the archway gave into Theon’s master office. Cleopatra remained bound by chains with her legs spread and facing some weird contraption.

‘Him and his inventions,’ Igna pulled onto the lever, the vibrating member halted, he pushed the device aside and snapped, warm water drenched the bloodied mess of sweat. Another clap evaporated said liquid to clean clothes, “-wake up,” a few droplets fell into her mouth.

‘Not again, please,’ consciousness regained within a strange place, “-I’m clothed,” she scanned her arms and legs, “-no wounds... what’s happened?”

“Welcome to a pocket dimension.”

“...” a simple table rested under a big tree. The view through fields, shrubbery, and vegetation felt peaceful. A dull tone covered the skies – it seemed as if a painter forgot to detail the natural ceiling. The fragrance of tea and snakes laid upon the table, “-over here,” said Igna, her brain took time processing. A flash marked the readjustment, “-where am I, why are you here?”

“Cleopatra, poor ol’ Cleopatra. Have a moment’s rest,” he said, “-the pocket dimension is where the founder gains absolute control over its very essence. Consider it the lesser version of expanding a domain. Tell me,” he sipped, “-how were the few days?”

Her lips froze, her hands remained guarded, a weird shake of the jaw and legs – minute sound caught her attention, “-I’m good,” she blinked, “-I think?”

“Don’t be so modest,” he pushed the tea, “-have something to drink. On my name, there’s nothing to worry about. You won’t be physically harmed, is that okay?”

“...” reluctance, she pushed herself further.

“Listen,” he rested his cup and glared, “-listen to me else, this pocket dimension turns into a chamber worse than Theon’s.”

“Okay,” she trembled, “-what is it you n-need.”

“Good,” the terrifying presence subsided, “-tell me, why did you come to the mortal realm?”

“Why did I come?”

“Yes, Lixbin should have had a plan in mind. You know, like the time where thee betrayed Staxius, it’s a simple question.”

“Lixbin told me to come to reawaken old memories...”

“Is that all?”


“Fine,” he shrugged, “-Cleopatra, for being honest, I give you two choices. One door faces freedom and the second is the dungeon.”

“Letting me go free?” she blinked, “-are you sure?”

“Why, is it perhaps that you enjoy feeling Theon’s sadistic contraptions?” she rose, kept her glance at a lowered stance, and headed for the dungeon door, “-thank you for the tea,” it opened to her never-ending hell. *Thud,* it closed, Igna slammed the table, “-I knew it, I knew it! No one in their right minds would pick the dungeon. She’s here on purpose, she’s here as part of a greater scheme,” the dimension vanished to the flowery orchard.

“There you are.”

“Syhton, long time no see.”

“Don’t give me that.”

As for Cleopatra, her torture resumed. Igna’s suspicions seemed outrageous at first, however, contrary to what they thought – those of the higher realm held no moral compass. What was the pain and suffering of a pawn compared to their advance? She mumbled rough patches of words in-between instruments. “-speaking in tongue?” Theon shrugged, “-whatever, to each their own,” and when it happened, he’d usually brandish a hot iron onto her thigh or waist.

Reports of Alphian movement echoed on Minerva’s table, “-what are these?”

“Interceptions from their military,” returned Medusa dawning a military outfit, “-they’re on the move.”

“What type of movement?”

“Exact wording is being deciphered,” and as she reported, the interceptions lit the collective interface, “-Operation RedGuard is on route. Per orders of the newly crowned Emperor, the church and the noble faction have formed an under-the-table alliance. They’re to join forces and launch a war against the traitorous nation,” the document went into greater detail, leaving Minerva to crinkle her brow.

“I heard the report,” said Eira, “-what are we going to do?”

“I mean, looking at the current status – Alphia’s newly crowned Emperor’s pulling all the stop. The alliances probably involved the church gaining more influence in Alphia. The land and prestige practically fell on their laps.”

“I agree,” nodded Minerva, “-gaining influence. Empire cut back on funding for the church. They’re actively trying to lower their influence. The emperor’s shrewd, there’s been a shift in how they conduct themselves lately.”

“In any case, we can’t ignore the operation. Lady Eira, please have éclair leak the information. Let the emperor decide.”

“Understood,” she left.

“Medusa, contact Clarise, we need to quash their advance before it even starts.”

Sometime later in the coming afternoon, a silvery-white helicopter would enter the Rosespian skies and ask for permission to land. Panic flooded the castle, Igna and Syhton, having paid no heed to the arrival, continued their flirtatious gathering.

“Majesty, majesty, majesty,” Midne ran, “-where are you,” she horned onto Igna and leaped over ten meters, “-we need you in the castle, right now!”

“What’s the matter?”

“Majesty, don’t,” she frowned, “-put your game face on, right this moment.”

‘She’s serious. The castle feels quieter. Syhton,’ he pecked her cheeks, “-let’s resume this conversation later.” They left the orchard and took the long walkway, “-majesty,” Elixia waited in ambush just shy of the mound where he used to paint, “-the emperor of the Wracian Empire’s here for a visit.”


“You heard me right,” she straightened her expression, “-éclair and the other ministers are getting ready to tend to his imperial majesty.”

“We’ve finally caught the attention of the big boss,” he smiled, “-where are the others?”

“Private lounge.”

“Good,” he suddenly grabbed their hands and teleported, “-Hello my dear comrades!” thundered from a pool table.

“Majesty?” they narrowed, “-get off the table.”

“...” the air froze. “-Heed me,” he thundered, “-we’re Hidros. You need not worry about repercussions or anything of that matter. I know we’ve been at odds against the Wracian Empire for a long time, and yes, they’re powerful and influential. Hidros’ no ordinary kingdom, we may be small in comparison – our culture and resolve far outweigh theirs. Long years of painstaking work, long years of sacrifice, long years of effort – don’t let it be wasted. The Emperor’s come to visit, so I hear,” he skipped off the table, “-why the worry, why the hesitation. Let’s show him the pleasures of Hidros, most importantly, let’s show them the Hidrosian courtesy.”

“Praise the King!” cried a nobleman.

“Praise the king!” the ministers joined as did the retainers and officials.

“Right, shall we begin?”

“Yes, your majesty.”

A clutter of footwork escaped. Ela, éclair, Eira, and Minerva waited in a circle, “-good speech,” said éclair, “-majesty, what’s the plan of action?”

“What do you mean plan of action...?”

“Igna’s correct,” added Eira, “-Hidros was never the type to think before acting.”

“We act whilst we think,” chuckled éclair.

“Adaptability is one of our greatest strengths.”

Emperor Ernis Essin and Lia Essin were shown to a lavish lounge. Their entourage, officials from the Empire, were shown to another lounge where Hidros’ ministers waited to entertain their guests.

‘Behind there sits the emperor,’ Igna gathered his breath, Elixia stood at his side. They crossed glances and entered the battlefield. Retainers closed the adorned door behind. Emperor and Empress stood the moment the king entered, ‘-respectful,’ he blinked, and as to return their courtesy, “-it’s my pleasure to welcome his imperial majesty and the lovely empress,” he bowed, -”-we’ve never had the pleasure of a formal acquaintance before.”

“Sadly not,” the slender emperor walked over and gave a hearty handshake, “-King of Hidros, it’s an honor to stand here.”

“Emperor Ernis, please, I should be the one who’s deeply honored,” there, in the brief exchange, a feeling of sudden camaraderie ambered within Ernis’ innards. The emperor, against all odds, had a healthy frame, the grip told much in ways of training. He dawned short light-colored hair combed to one side, a straight nose, a sharp chin, and a well-built jawline. The dark-brown pupils watched, “-King Igna, I’m truly honored.”

“Oh, don’t mind it,” he nodded, “-please, have a seat, emperor.” Snacks and beverages arrived shortly after, “-emperor Ernis, I do apologize for the suddenness.”

“Ah, yes,” he lowered the cup, “-the reason for our visit?”

“Yes, it would seem Riaz’s not here either.”

“Well, you see,” he held Lia’s hands, “-the empire’s no longer a united front. Deal the council made to ally with Alphia has turned our unity into pure hatred. The factions split. I was forced to betray the King of Sadia to keep the palace united,” he kept staring at Elixia, “-the nature of our visit is... how can I put this, personal.”

“Elixia here is my secretary,” nodded Igna, “-if his imperial majesty would like,” he glanced at Elixia and turned to Lia, “-how about allowing us to show lady Lia Hidros’ hospitality. We are friends after all.”


“Igna, please,” she lowered her gaze.

“Understood,” firmed Essin, “-if it’s not much trouble.”

Emperor and King sat alone, “-tell me, emperor, what happened?”

“I had to come to ask the king for help,” he motioned as if he were to grovel, “-please, king Igna, I know our realms haven’t been on friendly terms, it’s understandable, however,” he dropped on his knees and lowered his head, “-I beg of you, king Igna, Wracia needs help.”

“Emperor Essin,” he laid into the chair, “-please raise your head. I’m not interested in begging or anything of the sort. Please, speak to me as an equal. Out of the various kingdoms and states, you chose Hidros, one governed by the Devil. My reputation isn’t one to easily ignore. Tell me, Emperor, if I were to help, how would it benefit me.”

“I’m afraid it wouldn’t,” narrowed the Emperor, “-Riaz had us go into hiding. My entourage consists of loyal members from the imperial faction. As we speak, the war’s broken within the capital. The church has staged a revolution. We have Hamer’s Inc. to thank for the escape. We were supposed to fly to the new continent and take shelter there... alas, another faction’s taken foothold of major cities and trade routes.”

“You picked Hidros instead?”

“Yes. Your reputation is one to admire and praise, majesty. I couldn’t think of anyone else.”

“Asking an old enemy to help,” he smiled, “-consider my interest piqued, Emperor. Make your case else,” he leaned, “-care to make a deal with the devil?”

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