The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1012

Chapter 1012: World-War

“A deal?”

“You heard correctly. A deal with the devil.”

“What sort of deal? By Devil, do you speak of the devil, devil?”

“Devil, devil. Please don’t make me laugh,” Igna eased into his seat. Emperor, shocked at the proposition, held his tongue and breath. ‘Make a deal,’ crossed the mind, ‘-If I make a deal,’ the thoughts carried the eyes to rise at Igna, ‘-I might be playing into his hands. I came here to ask for help, I don’t have any excuse. The empire, I need to save it, no matter the cost. Such is my responsibility.’

“I see the mind is made up. Tell me, imperial majesty, what will it be?”

A rumble permeated throughout the castle, ‘-a spike in energy,’ he narrowed – various guardians materialized from the shadows, “-majesty, trouble,” reported one.

“I know,” he nodded, “-have Midne take care of the issue.”


“As you wish,” the cloaked figure disappeared.

“Who was that?”

“Guardians of the realm,” added Igna, “-though it’s none of our concern.”

The vibration, on investigation, led downward, “-what’s happened here?”

“Midne,” panted a guard, the hallway clamored with unrest, “-the dungeon,” he gasped, “-there’s been an explosion.”

“Fuck sakes,” violently escaped, “-SSY, Report.”

A monotonous voice answered, “-castle protection has been breached. A single intruder has been detected. Origin, unknown, name, unknown, threat level, unknown.”

“SSY, heightened security to Black,” she voiced and turned to her personnel, “-Issue an evacuation notice to envoys and emissaries. No time to waste, people,” her aura altered, the maid’s outfit shortened by the minute. She stood yet again with revolvers at the ready and a sword on her back.

“Order of the Nightwalkers, take care of our guests,” she narrowed in a secluded part of the castle.

Elixia came in running, the door barged, “-Midne, trouble.”

“I know,” she stood before a storeroom. Countless crates and ammunition depot laid at her feet, “-the guards and retainers are on high alert. Operations under Minerva’s control. Have a gun,” she flung over an assault rifle with her feet. More footsteps ran into the chamber, “-where’s my equipment?”

“Serene,” they turned, “-it’s over there.”

She skipped, “-what’s with her?” wondered Elixia.

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to,” they loaded their weapons, “-Elixia, you take care of the king. I’ll take care of the ministers and the castle. Serene, protect Julius and his family. Time to earn your pay, people.”

Prolonged chaos echoed. King Igna shuffled his way to a window during the conversation. Outlines spoke to him through the windows, ‘-evacuations in order,’ helicopters and military vehicles surrounded the castle perimeter. Dull silence settled in wake of the disturbance. Igna made no motion of entertaining the conversation. Emperor Essin, terrified by the situation, pulled his legs to his chest and locked himself in a state of muteness.

“Evacuation complete,” read the interface, “-all units, take position and guard the castle entrance. Those unassigned are to make way to the outpost.” The best of the best entered the battlefield.

‘Why did it come from the dungeon?’ curiosity had Elixia sneak into said area. Aftermath of what seemed an explosion lathered the ground in a thick layer of dust. Bare footsteps of a lady headed outward. Suffocating coughs and a hunched outline clambered to a stand. Another outline suddenly appeared and struck, “-another dead. Come on, let’s rejoin the team,” the shorter outlines sprinted, Elixia hid her breath and presence behind an old wooden barrel.

“Hey, Theon, are you okay?” she followed after the figures left. A few taps of the cheeks, “-you there?”

“Yeah,” he exhaled and gasped for air, “-I’m here,” he pointed inside the dungeon, “-healing scrolls and potions.” Elixia dashed inside with no other questions, “-master, new development. Cleopatra’s gone – seems her capture was planned.”

The message reached the chambers. Smoke puffed, “-I see now,” he turned at the emperor, “-Essin, you’re the real target.”


“Before I begin, do you believe in God?”

“What kind of question is that?”

“Answer, do you believe in entities situated higher in the hierarchy of life?”

A pause for reflection, the feet returned to the cold ground, “-I don’t know. I guess I do. How else would you explain the appearance of certain individuals in history, men and women of great skills and ability? I believe there’s more to what we know. Religion and various beliefs have muddled the truth somehow...” he rose his head, “-does this have anything with my death?”

“It does,” he smiled and sat, “-Lucifer, the current emperor of Alphia, is the patron god of your state religion. Iqeavea is the largest continent where most of the population pray to Lucifer. I’m sure the church has more information. It came to me suddenly,” the cigarette snuffed, “-this is all a ploy from the gods.”

The door barged opened, and a swarm of clockwork figures ran inward, “-my, I didn’t expect such a swift response,” returned Igna, “-I see you’re as devious as ever.”

“Had to do what I had to,” winked Cleopatra, “-I must say, part of me has been scarred. Congratulations, I’m no longer the same. Return Lucifer’s wings.”

“Return his wings?” he sighed; “-no can do.”

“Figured as much,” she snapped, the clockwork soldiers dislodged and merged into a small ominous box, “-absolution,” narrowed Cleopatra, “-Lucifer will regain his wings one day or the other. Had to ask,” she shrugged, “-Emperor Essin, I have a message from Riaz,” a display rose from the strange box. The gagged prime minister was tied and gagged. Amber blinders whispered a little light, “-emperor,” someone sliced the gag, “-you must not return. The empire has fallen,” he coughed, “-please escape, emperor, please escape,” another figure burst into frame and snatched the camera, “-dear ol’ Emperor, poor ol’ emperor. King Igna,” Lucifer entered the picture, “-as of this moment, the empire falls into the church’s hand. Don’t worry and stand still, I’ll come soon to claim my wings,” a loud bang followed, “-seems Riaz no longer stands,” the video ended, Cleopatra disappeared, the item locked on red, “-die.”

*I call upon thy strength. Stop all who dare oppose mine own will, Death Element: Magical Barrier, Pentagram Variant, Hell’s Gate.* Gunfire erupted throughout the castle. Yellow eyes drowned in a sea of black; Clockwork soldiers rushed from portals.

“Close one,” said Igna, “-it left a black smear on the carpet. Midne’s going to be mad.”

“Majesty?” shuddered the emperor, “-what happened?”

“Here’s the deal,” he flicked and the door closed, “-there are greater beings at play. The empire’s fallen, there are no questions about it. I’m sure news of your assassination will echo throughout the lands; the blame will fall on us. They underestimate Hidros. Any mention of the incident should be replaced by our coverage of the incident. Controlling information is how a country thrives.”

“How did this happen?”

“A scheme from the heavens. Best no to track down the origins,” he rose a finger, “-that should be the last of the clockwork soldiers,” silence returned. “A terrorist attack from the rebellion. Essin, as for nigh, thou art no longer the emperor. Our duties stop here,” he stood, “-what’s an emperor without his land. I strongly recommend starting a new life or plainly ending the current one,” a pistol flung across the table, “-there’s one shot. Back of the head should be easy.”

“Is this how the devil operates?”


“Leave the struggling behind and march onward towards a greater purpose. What about the empire, what about the sacrifices we made? I lost everything, even Riaz. I should have taken the throne earlier, I should have...” he looked at Igna, “-I lied. Lucifer is truly a god; he and his father were always busy masterminding ways to expand our influence. It’s as he said, Wracia needed a dagger, a role Lucifer took graciously. You’ve been a great help, majesty. I’ll rally the remainder of my followers and try to take back the capital.”

“Not going to work,” narrowed Igna, “-as it stands, you’re only options are either to ally with a foreign power to take back the empire or take control of the new continent.”


‘Cleopatra was the bait. She came here for a reason, to kill the emperor and blame the assassination on us. Stopping a scheme of that size is helpless. I realized it the moment Elixia sent her message. Adaptability is our greatest strength. Enough trying to outsmart Artanos and the heavenly faction. Targeting him won’t amount to much. I better focus on Zeus and his entourage. Hold that thought. Instead of challenging Artanos, I’ll let him do as he pleases. No matter the strike, I’ll make certain we have a way to use the situation to our advantage,’ an unsettling aura firm around Igna. Elixia arrived, “-perfect timing,” he smiled, “-call in a press conference, there are a few things I need to address to the world.”

“As you wish,” she blinked, the king extended a hand to Essin, “-come with me,” he said, “-allow us to be your sword.”


“No apologies, remain silent and follow me,” they left the room. Elixia gulped, ‘-I sensed it, I saw it, the terrifying entity residing inside the master. Serene always bragged about having seen the master’s true capabilities... if this is how it goes, I’m afraid the balance of the world is no longer an issue.’

An emergency audience was called. Ela, Minerva, éclair, and Eira waited impatiently.

“Glad you could make it.”

“...” they followed the king with a stern expression, “-as from now, General Minerva, our armies will rally. The air force is ready for deployment. Lucifer has overthrown the Empire and Alphia join the fray. It’s a repeat of Alphia, unlike them, this time, the subjugated nations will rally and fight for expansion. They’ll strip Iqeavea for what it’s worth and die holding onto the land.”

“Are the revolt a certitude?”

“Yes. Order of Nightwalkers has laid the groundwork for a bonfire.”

“We need a good reason to go to war.”

“Don’t worry, that much I’ll handle. Call in reinforcement from Arda, Easel Run Gard, and Marinda.”

“Aren’t we going overboard, what of the other nations? What about the threat of Maicite.”

“No need for concern, I have someone working on that problem just as we speak. Ministers, I want Hidros leading the war. Lucifer and the church think it’s easy to enter the mortal realm and ask demands, I think not. Here are details on military facilities scattered throughout Alphia and Iqeavea. Have preparation readied,” Elixia stood in the distance, “-I must address the populous.”

Camera flashes and antsy reporters covered the conference room. One simple step sufficed for utmost silence. The king took centerstage, “-good evening Hidros. Today was a hectic day. I’ll start by confirming news floating around the Arcanum. Emperor Essin and Empress Lia are in Hidros and as for the Wracian Empire, I’m sad to report, has fallen. Details are hard obtained and from our ambassador’s last report – the population has revolted against their fellow country. Emperor Essin came to us for help, and I say this with conviction, I’d have rejected the plea. However, the emperor’s life was endangered – some of Lucifer’s men snuck into our castle and detonated a bomb. Fortunately, our guardians made sure the matter was dealt with. Seeing a long rival fall... I suppose we should be happy, the great empire that held us back for decades, our eventual war for freedom, it’s all well and good, but,” he looked to the side, “-I can’t stomach the idea of such a country’s downfall. Our parties have relied on one another, a good rival forced our hands into evolution. Without their involvement, Hidros wouldn’t have gained such technological advancement. As monarch of Hidros, on request of Emperor Essin, hereby declare war on the revolutionist faction. To our comrades, to the independent nations, I open our doors for discussion. For balance to be kept, we must fight,” he smiled, “-and, there’s no greater nation who knows fighting better than us. My dear people of Hidros, time’s nigh for World War I.”

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