The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 915

Chapter 915: Unlikely companion.

Raven’s elite; lady Kul, Mammon, and Starix, “-Asmo,” cried a disinterested voice, “-how was the minister’s wife?”

“Pardon?” rebutted Igna.

Mammon widen his eyes, Kul followed on noticing the change as did Starix eventually, “-master?” they breathed a collective ‘what?’

“Don’t bother,” returned Igna waltzing into prince Asmodeus’s large office, grabbing a seat on a nearby couch, “-how goes it, everyone?”

All wondered what had happened, they looked at one another for answers, answers they wished they knew but couldn’t find, “-master?” inquired Kul firming her curiosity, “-is that you or is it Vengeance?”

“Seriously?” he blinked, “-tis I, the King of Hidros,” before answering another question, a finger rose to a massive screen behind the three, “-what is that?” news read, *Tragic loss of Haania, famed up-and-coming starlet,* Igna threw his hand over the couch and judged, “-The Disappearance of Owny Rownder,” he mentioned, “-I hear about all the death of stars.”

“Master,” said Starix, “-the situation looks dire, case of Owny Rownder’s been settled. We’re waiting for a proper time to bury the case.”


“Now is as good a time as any,” he said, “-death of a starlet, one of blood to a noble family won’t be solved quickly. Tell me,” the posture swapped for him laying his elbows upon his knees and piercing the veil of which was the trio’s inability to think and process.

*Click,* door opened, “-hello, did I miss anything?” arrived the fresh prince, “-oh my,” he tiptoed inside and breathed, “-air’s frozen over, what’s the standoff about?”

“Nothing major,” explained Igna, “-I was stumped that’s all. Asking questions begot naught save empty, clueless stares. When in doubt, choose silence – a good enough option when faced by friends and family.”

The prince walked and soon stood above Igna, “-I see no reason to make a further announcement. Master Igna’s returned for a long trip – due to reasons unknown to us, and I’m sure it relates to the balance of life and death, or should I say, deaths – Lord Igna stands before us today as he stood so many years before, our leader and our friend.”

The king nodded in agreement, “-listen, Kul, Mammon, Starix, I’m not here to stop a well-oiled machine. Continue as thee would.”

“Easier said than done,” escaped Starix, “-master, do you not realize how intimidating thee are?”


“Well then,” shrugged Mammon, “-long as the master isn’t angry, I’m not one to interfere,” a glance at one of the screens caught the second prince’s attention, “-the casino,” he said, “-they’re getting ready,” noiseless chiming of chips viewed through the monitor sent chills, “-money,” he said and made for the door, “-brother Asmodeus will handle the intrigue,” he said to Igna, explaining the urgency, “-I need more money,” he smiled, “-more and more, more than everyone!” a flash of the outer corridor and the monolithic figure vanished to soon pass across monitors watching the many corridors and hallway.

There, Starix tied his hair in a bun and stood, “-don’t mind Mammon, sire, for he’s the reason why Raven’s able to keep heads in the cut-throat world of business. Speaking of business, suppose we should take care of the Haania matter.”

“On that,” voiced Kul, “-are you sure the starlet is even a noble? We assumed from what the papers and information said. Can never trust those bastards, they’ll do anything for a good viewership,” she leaned over her laptop, “-SSY, Deeper analysis on Haania’s identity and cause of death.” No slower than three seconds, a blast of notification lit her screen, “-I’ve got a lead,” she said closing her laptop, picking up a handbag, and loading a pistol, “-it was a pleasure to see you again, master. We speak later after the mess is settled.” Similarly, Starix took his phone and made it for the door.

“Where are you headed?”

“To cut the snake’s head,” he smirked, “-as the master said, now’s the best time to spring into action.”

Thus, the strong entourage emptied to Igna and Asmodeus sitting face to face, “-what’s SSY?” he inquired.

“A command, SSY stands for Sister-system Yui. Contrary to how you use Yui and éclair, we don’t require the human touch, similar to the many machines reliant on the sister system’s processing power and knowledge. SSY is a convenient way to get things done.”

“I see, tis like when I ask éclair for help. Anyway,” he looked at the screen, “-there’s no reason for me to get involved in Raven’s problem, yes?”

“Would you?” paused the sneaky Asmodeus.

“Would I?”

“Master, what the reason for thy visit?”

“To exchange a few words with my lovely sister. The Ayder bill,” he mentioned, “-I’m sure you’ve heard.”

“Yeah,” he sighed, “-one of the greater problems facing Hidros currently. With the town leadership in the pocket, Odgawoan is our playing field. Rivaling gangs have to answer to us – drug trade booms and anyone can partake. If they’re weak to survive, well, not uncommon to find long since decomposed bodies in the wild. Master,” he leaned into the desk, lowering the tone, “-how about we have some fun?”

“No,” returned Igna loudly, “-I do not care for the carnal bonding of flesh, not even with Odgawoan’s top.”

“Damn, how did you?”

“It’s you,” replied monotonously, “-what else is there.”

The prince closed his arms and smiled, “-master, there’s plenty to do. Here,” a bank card slid across the table, “-access to an account, think of it as the profit thee made by founding Raven.”

“I’d rather the money be invested in making the company bigger.”

“No humbleness,” narrowed the Prince, “-as the Devil,” he knowingly smirked, “-money is but one of those things that are there for the devil’s pleasure. Enjoy and don’t mind how much is gone – destroy the economy if that is what tickles thy whims, for I know and understand how rules don’t affect us, martyr of humanity’s sins. We’re demons by heart and will live to fulfill our desires.”

“What if I start a war?”

“Well, Devil,” he pressed his fingers together, “-twould be wise for the devil to clean his plate. A simple snap will suffice to bring down an army. Long are the days are gone when individuals had the strength to the rival opposing nation on their lonesome. The world’s weak, PMCs and weapons are what they call strength.”

“I get it, a harbinger of death and all,” he stood, “-have a car readied, I’m headed to the Empress’s home.”

“I’d strongly advise taking a jet.”

“Sure, have a bike readied when I land, yes?”

“As thee wish, master,” the thick door closed at his back, Igna glided down the stairs, passed the casino where Mammon stood peering over the customers holding a sadistic leer, no heed the prince’s intention, he made for the automatic door, nodded at the guards, a lavish car turned to where he stood, “-get on in, master,” cried a female voice, visage blocked by tainted windows. Doors shut, and the car sped to the gates and flew for the airfield.

Back at the casino, éclair’s forehead crinkled, “-shit. I forgot Medusa was here,” quick to change channels, “SSY, Location of Medusa?”

“On a route with the king to the airfield.”

“Damn,” he facepalmed, “-good luck, my king. Medusa is one of those people who does as she pleases. So much for bringing the definition of Femme fatale into the mortal realm. Oh well, she’s a good person, I think, I hope?” taps at the door followed by heels, “-oh hello,” added Asmo coyly, “-lady Astria, I see thee wish for more,” the shirt button opened.

“Asmodeus,” she wept liquid joy, “-the passion felt when we first met makes what my husband and I have shared for so many years, worthless. Please,” she ran into his arms, “-make me yours, I beg of you.”

“I will,” he whispered in her ears, “-you’re already mine,” the pupils flickered ominously.

Thirty minutes passed, “-there we are.”

Igna looked through the window and tightened his lips, “-we’re not at the airfield... instead,” he looked around, “-is this the red-light district?”

“No,” said the driver, “-we’re at the airfield. Look to the right on thy phone. Airfield’s just a short ten-minute rush away.”

“And why aren’t we there yet?” a division between front and back made it hard for the one-on-one awkwardly tense. A gentle aura rose through the car floor, “-I’ve wanted to see you for so long,” said an enamored voice, the division opened to a lady dressed in red slithering into the back, she had her hands resting on Igna’s thighs and a face few centimeters from his, “-tell me, master Igna, how are you?”

“Medusa,” he returned, “-I’m fine, lack a bit of fresh air but content since thee worn an obnoxiously soothing perfume.”

“Man,” she stepped away and dropped onto the empty seat, “-no one’s resisted my temptation before.”

“Taking a page out of Asmodeus’ book on how to get laid?”

Her side-glance told much, “-I digress,” added Igna, “-Medusa, tell me, were you not a priestess of Athena. I mean, some stories speak of thee being killed at the hand of Perseus, turned into a shield, and later given to Athena. I mean, I’ve seen Athena freeze over a horde of demons by wielding the very same shield.”

“I know,” she shrugged, “-I was beautiful before lady Athena’s curse. Just because I had intercourse with a god... well, the vow of celibacy isn’t mine to follow. I was granted another body on condition of taking on the name and soul of an ancient demon, which coincidently meant that I was to become a member of Asmodeus’ harem.”


“It’s fun,” she laughed, “-I do as I pleased and I’m freed from the curse.”

“Not to ruin the celebrations, Athena’s in the mortal realm. Have you met her?”

Medusa’s curly hair froze, she rose her pure and innocently pale visage towards him, glimmers of fear crossed, “-lady Athena’s in the mortal realm?” said a deep gulp.

“Yeah, though I wouldn’t be worried. Medusa, dear old Medusa – thou art beautiful, same to when thee lived the mentioned episode. What’s the plan now, what doth thee wish?”

“Well, before we spoke, I thought I’d enchant one of the more powerful beings, make him my puppet and exact my revenge, no not revenge, something, well, I don’t know, spite? Ok, I didn’t think, I just wanted to make thee mind for I’m confident I can tame anyone in bed, immortal or not.”

“How’s the attempt?”

“Gone to shit,” she laughed, “-well, King Igna, will you punish me for betraying thy trust?”

He shook his head and pulled her in a close hug, “-you idiot. No way I’m going to blame someone for trying to get to the top. Medusa, no matter what the stories say, the Medusa who stands here today is a friend, an ally of Asmodeus, and surely an ally of mine. I don’t care what happened in the past, consensual relation with Poseidon or not – the desecrated name of Medusa lives as a symbol of courage. I, truly, have but the utmost respect for people who take what is made available and turn it into an advantage.”

“Way to make me feel embarrassed now,” she tightened her loose dress, reached at the back for her heels, and tied her hair in an elven style, “-there, much better,” she smiled happily – in which Igna felt a warm sensation in his chest. “Medusa,’ he stared, “-you, my lady, are a mankiller,” he laughed, “-if it had been under any other circumstance, I would have fallen just as easily as those who came before.”

Her lovely eyes blinked in a coy-innocent, “-sorry?”

“Ignore me,” he exhaled, “-the airfield, we need to get going.”

“Right,” she pulled the handle, “-I’ll leave after you take-off.”

An impulse shot, “-Medusa,” he voiced as she placed one foot outside.

“Yeah?” she leaned and turned, “-anything I can do?”

“Why not come along,” he offered, “-I could use some visual candy to smooth over the negotiations.”

“Visual candy?” she stopped, “-sure,” said a loud cackle, “-master Igna, you truly are whimsical.”

“Why’s that?” he asked matching her laughter, she dropped into the driver’s seat and toggled, “-whatever I thought would happen was flipped over its head. Master Igna, it would be my pleasure to accompany thee.”

“The pleasure is mine, I assure you.”

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