The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 916

Chapter 916: A game of Cluedo

Jet engines tore across the Alphia skies, scenery swapped from the upper plateau to a gentle descent onto the Scaican beaches. A smooth landing had the duo on the hard ground without much effort, same exchange, the pilots and air-hostess bid Medusa and Igna a warm goodbye. The black outline carefully taxied to one of the many hangars, most seemed to belong to other, richer families. As ordered, a bike was handed off by a confused-looking driver.

“Express delivery,” she added.

“I know,” Igna straddled, “-get on in.” Medusa flung her long legs over the seat, tightened her grip with Igna’s back, and cozily wore a pink helmet.

“Looks good,” he said through the mirror.

“Yeah, good for a princess,” she added sarcastically.

“Come on, there’s no need to be rude. It weirdly befits thee.”

She but turned her head and held a finger, “-no more,” said the gesture. Igna pulled on the throttle, tires skid and he blasted off. Roads were fairly empty and tight, difficult for a speed-crazed demon, and home to many accidents. Slopes barred with houses slowly faded into lines of trees which also turned to naught, thus shoving a lovely view of sand and sea over helmets.


“Master,” she called, “-is there a reason why we’re headed to the Empress’s manor?”

“Yeah, I thought I’d discuss politics. Why, is something the matter?”

“Yes, actually, I have my concerns. Seems to me the intent is to talk; who is to stay the guards won’t stop us, I mean, the empress is one of the more powerful people around the world.”

“Does it scare you?”

“Not so much scare as trouble. I prefer things going smoothly. Vengeance didn’t quite give a good reputation to the king, hell, during the ceremony of thy supposed death – none of the Alphian family showed their faces.”

“Trip too long, yes?” he justified.

“Ney,” her head shook, “-was hosted at the casino...”

“A publicity stunt?”

“No, we simply mourned the loss by granting more opportunities to the players.”

“Medusa,” he chuckled, “-take a look at the scenery and don’t worry about the fight for if it comes to that,” a gun summoned and tight across her exposed thigh, “-there’s a weapon, one shot and it’s able to take down a demi-god.”

She pressed upon the pistol, “-master, a gun taking down a demi-god...?”

“Don’t underestimate the devil. Call it the golden gun of Medusa,” he smiled, the coating of black turned to one white and gold as grew its weight, “-bullets feed off mana. Intent toggled it.” Such decreed the devil, a weapon able to defeat a divine placed in hands of a demon; responsibility, rage, and emotions – all guiding factors to its efficiency. Whilst she admired the new toy, Igna, lost in his thoughts had subconsciously created a trial, ‘-the gun’s deadliness if affected by her killing intent. If she truly wants someone dead, the golden pistol will kill said person. Similarly, if she pulled the trigger unwillingly, the projectile shan’t harm. A good little condition for usage, nothing brings out the best or worse of a person than the idea of absolute control.’

Roads ran along flat-land which led to a private beach – manors were cloaked in trees and walls, Igna’s destination stood upon a cliff in the distance. Imperial Manor, “-stop,” rose a checkpoint in the distance, “-you’re on private property,” explained the army man, “-turn back.”

Igna took off the helmet, silvery-white hair washed with the wind, “-my name’s Igna Haggard, and I’ve come to visit my sister, the empress.”

“Igna Haggard?” they looked at one another, “-sorry.”

“Already?” he mumbled, “-listen, I don’t much care for what you think, a little bloodshed to get my sister’s attention is fine. Who shall be the first to die?”

“HA-HA-HA-HA-HA,” machineguns rose from hidden tunnels, “-my friend, this is Alphia, we don’t care about rank or prestige. Our mission is our creed – take one more step and the machine will spray thy guts across the ground.”

*Sigh,* he leaned and touched the earpiece, “-éclair?”

“Yui on the line,” replied.

“Get me a direct channel with my sister.”

“I’ll try,” she said. Seconds turned into minutes, Medusa turned at the beach’s view and smiled, “-boys,” said Igna to the military personnel, “-bring us some beer, I’ll pay handsomely.”

Amused by the man’s nonchalant mien in front of death, the leader of the checkpoint brought a six-pack and vaulted across a red and white striped barrier, “-there you are,” he took one can a cheered with Igna and Medusa, “-majesty, I’m sorry about the procedure. Without authorization, us soldiers cannot act – such is the way of a growing military.”

The king nodded in amiably drank, “-must be difficult.”

“Yes,” he said, “-we’ve lost men in skirmishes around the property. Foreign lands don’t care about making a mess, often adding bounties and idiots taking said bounties.”

Eventually, another call rang, “-sir, it’s butler, says okay.”

“And there we are,” he rose the last can, “-a troublesome procedure to meet family,” exhaled Igna, Medusa hastily hopped onto the back, the barrier rose and Igna sped along, throwing a wave and a lot of money for the drinks.

Roads wined and soon entered manor grounds, the bike slowed to a stop, Igna rose his head at an open balcony on which stood a lady and a child. Sun’s flare, “-must me them,” commented Medusa.

“Must be,” he added, “-let’s go,” the king offered his arm, to which she accepted; both soon entered to be greeted by maids, the latter of which guided them to the living area. Refreshment quickly, “-the empress will be down shortly,” assured one.

“Minimalistic for an imperial family.”

“No, more along the lines of, ‘if they die, easier to clean.”


“Classic Haggard style,” he said, “-if negotiations don’t go your way, either force or simply remove the obstacle. No wonder we use red-ink to sign most documents.”

“Red as in signing deals with the enemy’s blood?” her blueish pupil mixed with flakes of green flapped.


A dangerously deep aura loomed at the door, the handle turned to have the guardian deity of Nexsolium framed by the doorway, “-brother,” she said, entering, “-why are you here?” her expression spoke much of her doubt.

“Well,” he rose for a formal greeting, “-to meet my sister, is that a problem?”

“No, it isn’t,” they exchanged embraces and settled, “-next time send me a message, the whole manor rang with alarms and sirens, I thought we were under attack, turns out Yui took the pleasure of waking everyone to mention thy return.”

“Oh dear,” he laughed, “-that’s Yui for you.”

“Who’s the companion,” rose a brow.

“Medusa,” she said, “-a friend to Igna?” her head tilted.

“Friend,” he returned, “-yes, a friend even though we met like a few hours ago. Her beauty’s reason enough to keep around, a wondrous piece for the bystanders to gawk and drool.”

Long fingers gestured retainers, “-tell me, brother, why are you here?”

“To take back what is rightfully mine,” he smiled, “-the crown.”

“The crown? Brother, I never took what was yours. The crown was handed to me by your people, prime minister éclair and the Hidrosian council is a mess. No one knows what’s happening, no one knows what to do, they but sit around and watch as Alphia direct them.”

“I see now,” he simply shook his chin, “-Empress Eira, I digress. Have a formal announcement of thee returning the crown to Hidros’s council.”


“Misheard me?”

“Yes, relinquishing the title... well.”

“Ah,” he chuckled, “-Empress, is it something to do with the Ayder bill?”

“Impressive, yes, it’s the bill, I must uphold the trust of my backers. Once the bill passes, Hidros can have their throne back.”

“I beg to differ, sister,” he narrowed, “-the bill passes and Hidros becomes a shell. I may have been gone for a while,” he rose a small coffin above the table; “-however, I have much more in store than you can ever imagine. Don’t forget, how we negotiate.”


“Correct, and her killer, Ziu Patek.”

“Igna...” the temperature lowered; “-don’t you dare!” she gritted.

“Dare what?” an equally dense presence pulsed, reaching a deadlock of raw power at the center, “-I don’t care for Alphia – why would I worry about thy prestige when thee’ve but watched as corruption and intrigue ruins my kingdom, the kingdom Queen Gallienne fought until her last breath to save. Tis known Queen Eia and I aren’t on good terms, hence the current separation. What the people don’t know is why, and surely; tying Loftha and Ziu to create an empire-wide scandal, I mean, it sounds fun!”

“Fine,” her icy cold aura vanished, “-take back the crown, I don’t much care for it.”

“Sister,” he laughed, “-keep the crown.”

“What the fuck?” she thrusted to hastily cover the mouth, “-pardon, slip of the tongue. What games are you playing?”

“A game of Cluedo,


“Testing the waters,” he explained, “-sister, I’ve read the reports already, éclair told me about the mutual deal made to preserve what Hidros has by giving it all to an ally who’s also a rival. A roundabout way of deceit that worked. I had to test the ground first, what better way than conflicting requests. I’m glad you’re here, sister – keep the crown until pieces are readied.”

“Igna,” she shook her head, “-I accepted the deal to further my power, not to save your bottom. Hidros’s crown is mine even if I abdicated the crown, I’m the eldest daughter. Eia, my sister, is worthless when it comes to politics – her emotions get the better of her action, a poor ruler.”

“Poor old her,” he said, “-she’s the victim in a war unknown to her. Alphia’s done more harm than good, and to save face internationally, Hidros’ had to bit their tongue and stay silent. I don’t care what happens in the future, nor do I care to find out – the present is mine to take and I tell you, if I want to take something, I’ll take it. Keep Hidros warm, sister – I know,” he smiled, “-I know, until the day comes, please, don’t do anything to put you or your family in harm,” he rose abruptly, looked at Medusa, and signal for them to leave.

Eira followed to the doorway and watched as her brother left, ‘-Igna,’ went across the mind, ‘-you, brother are an angel. What we spoke about made no sense,’ she grinned, ‘-words didn’t matter since we spoke through an exchange of mana, an ability bestowed by reaching the summit of knowledge. I have Nexsolium, he has Mantia; would be stupid for us to battle. My hands are tied, you know as well as I do – Alphia’s nobility has no say in political affairs lest the wealthy speak. The checkpoint,’ she narrowed, ‘-placed there by the same shadow rulers. We’re caged birds, cursed to watch everything burn...’

On the bike, a similar conversation sprouted, “-why are we leaving?”

“I have my answer, that’s why.”

“But... why?”

“Medusa, the Alphian nobility means nothing nowadays. They’re puppets in the greater picture, didn’t you notice the checkpoint, the retainers, all follow the lead of another faction, one I have an idea of who they are. Remember the bodies I summoned, Ziu and Loftha, she chose the former, thus, I knew who was responsible.”

“The Patek’s then?”

“Yes. The conglomerate has more information on the imperial family,” to which he tapped the earring, “-hello, Yui?”

“Yes, master.”

“What did you find out?”


“A lot, master, gaining access to their private servers, never expected said amount of intrigue for thee.”

“I know,” he smiled, “-a beer with military officers, I’m not daft, little did they know the money used was bugged.”

“Why are you grinning,” narrowed Medusa, “-talking alone is a sign of insanity.”

“The fresh salty air,” he rose a massive smile, “-what say you, let’s spend the night at a resort. ”

“If it’s on you, I’m all for it.”

“Of course it is.”

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