The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 919

Chapter 919: Mystery of Haania

“MASTER!” gasped a troubled Starix, “-I’m here,” he panted, exactly an hour passed and the man stood pressing files in-between his arms, “-the problem and solution, I have found them both.” Eleven read on the clock, and the trial was scheduled for three in the afternoon. Therein, Raven settled on couches and faced the weirdly excited Starix.

Holographic display lit, a presentation wrote across many slides. Igna sat beside a focused Kul – by how he had spoken earlier, the plot seemed very much tight and complex.

“Mystery of Haania,” read the title, “-and the involvement of PMCs and reported envoys from the Imperial court,” he said, focusing on the main points, “-my short investigation, and I base it on assumption and circumstance; everything is tied by a bigger player. Haven’t found a name for the latter, the trail dries after the starlet’s body is taken from the hospice. Let’s start with the starlet – she’s not known, hasn’t been featured in films or anything along the lines of stardom. I called a few contacts and they explained to have seen the starlet link with a certain someone, a familiar name I’d assume – Lord Culstan. Reputation as a deviant shines as high as the sun. Both were spotted exiting the lord’s estate while his wife was away. I followed that lead to reach the reporter and writer responsible for the article. The heading was apparently a misprint which resulted in the gazette selling more than ever before. Populous swallowed the lie, a spicy story of romance and abuse, especially with a child. Some people are sick in the head,” he cringed a little and flicked across many slides, “-there we stand. Involvement of PMCs, as I managed to dig out was to infiltrate Odgawoan via a teleportation device, how does it tie-up? Well, I don’t know since the attack feels random, and thee personally know that I disagree with events occurring randomly. Cause and effect are how life carries through the illusion of time. It must link somewhere, didn’t have much time to explore said avenue for I horned on a more interesting party; the name of those who voiced concern of Raven’s activities at the capital. Eira Haggard,” he said, “-the imperial family asked for Raven to be placed before the court, my little finger springs toward a political conflict between the king and empress. Perhaps the Ayder bill? Nonetheless, a solution to turn said event in our favor. I thought about it and with what little time we have available, I think there’s but one option, and tis the path of agonizing force. Diplomacy can only help so far – Empress Eira’s proven much too fickle, thus, I suggest we take lord Culstan to the court and have him take the fall for the assault of Haania. Playing on the narrative of a cheating husband, we can add the cliché of a jealous wife, who I mind you is daughter of one of the familia – Vermillion. Obviously, pushing her into the limelight will bring into question the family, thus, we have them casually throw the blame on clueless, nameless faces. The leeway it gives will suffice in turning attention at those who lie, thus exposing the City of Dreams for what it is. A thought which many, many affluent families won’t agree with,” final slide passed, she breathed and blinked at Igna for approval.

“Good,” he said, taking a few minutes to consider the options. Entourage looked at him for his thoughts. The Devil sprung into action by taking a seat where Starix stood, “-feedback,” he asked the observers.

“Don’t understand the whole of it, but hey, sounds like something master would come up with,” grinned Kul.

Asmodeus held his clean-shaven chin and thought, “-a few inconsistencies; we’ll take quite the risk if the assumption turns out wrong. My cynical side screams at the mention of an affluent family, what if they’re behind the plan, we’ll be undressing before them bare. A few more conservative moves such as not fully investing into a rebuttal would appease my heart.”

“Money,” added Mammon, “-brother, I could sway the affluent folk with a promise of gold and riches. Wealthy all want but one thing, and tis to get richer. What better way than to have me,” the monotonous speech rumbled, “-lure them into my domain.”


Medusa simply shrugged off the affair, “-not updated, I’ll bite my tongue.”

“For the timeframe given, Starix, the plan is good, but not excellent. Doesn’t have an inkling of foresight. I suppose the touch-and-go strategies work to some extent. In summary, I want you to try and change the way thee approach a problem. Kul,” he turned at her, “-I noticed you said it resembles one of my schemes, and you’re right, it does sound like me,” he looked at Starix warmly, “-good job. Intimidating me isn’t the way forward – I have loved to see more of the touch-and-go strategy, I know I said the latter needed to be changed. I agree it has to be changed but not in a way to alter the idea fundamentally. I digress,” he slowed, “-my turn I suppose. I’m sorry about this,” he looked at Starix, “-I’ve already readied a plan and it’s been put in motion. As we speak, Vengeance on way to the print,” he rose his phone that flashed, “-and here we are; the message.”

“Master, the press will issue an apology. Other agencies have taken to slander the misprint as an act of ill-faith.”

“Good,” he smiled, “-Haania’s death is related to Lord Culstan,” a video played over the display, “-there we see the lord’s servant beating on the poor lass shy off the camera. This, my friend, is what I call evidence. By all means, what happened is true for it occurred in a different time and place, the ultimate alteration of truth,” an orb of pure essence hovered above his palm, “-we won’t use said evidence. Instead, it’s been sent to the lord alongside a nice letter that reads-”

“Lord Culstan, it has come to our understanding that you have been involved in illicit acts pertaining to an underage girl. Our department has much in the ways of evidence, two eyewitness accounts, and video footage from thy surveillance system. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the department, the evidence has been sent to another party, one belonging to thy suppliers. We find it strange how they could backstab a loyal patron. Sources mention said clues to have been at the capital to pressure Raven and the whole of Odgawoan into giving to their capitalist greed. Thus, the police department has sought refuge with one of our backers, Raven. For more information, please contact Asmodeus,” signed, Chief of Police.

“-I called a favor, and she agreed to send the letter on condition it is wiped. A simple enough condition. Hence, we move to the next stage,” *incoming call: Raide,* answered on loudspeaker, “-POA!” he sighed, “-what have you done this time?”

“Nothing,” replied the prince, “-by the way, you’re on loudspeaker, keep the insult to a minimum.”

“Hello Raide, how was the teleportation?”

“Master Igna?”

“Yes, did you find the scroll nauseating at all?”

“No, no, it was a pleasant journey.”

“How’s the meeting?”

“The negotiation was a success – Lord Culstan’s agreed to testify. He was pleased by the opportunity to join Raven in our effort. Bleu and his team should be on their way, minister éclair said it’d take a few hours.”

“Understood,” said Igna, “-fly to the capital.”

Everyone watched cluelessly save one person, Starix – there laid ire in his gesture, “-don’t be angry,” voiced Igna, “-the contest starts now. We have two options, my actions till now were to level the battlefield. What path we take is up to you.”

“Master, what about your plan?”

“Oh, I don’t think my plan will work simply as we don’t have information on the traffickers. From what Kul retold – their gang has been massacred, I doubt the murde-” a moment of inspiration hit, “-Starix, what say we work as one?”


“Close the awe,” he laughed, “-take Kul and Mammon, I want thee to hunt down the faces she saw. Bring them to the capital. Use whatever method is needed, I don’t care, just bring them there. Mammon,” they locked eyes, “-you know what to do.”

“Yes sire,” he nodded and shortly hurried outside, leaving Medusa and Asmodeus.

“What’s happening?”

“Everything moving so fast.’

“Oh, nothing much,” hurried Igna, “-Raven’s won the battle,” quick on the fingers, *outgoing call: Odgar Codd.*

“Odgar Agency, how can I help?”


“Hello, who am I speaking to?”

“Igna Haggard.”

“Master Igna!” they choked.

“No time to chat, send the call to Odgar.”

“Right on,” the channel deviated, “-Odgar speaking.”

“Hey, Igna here, are you at the capital?”

“Yes, why the hurry?”

“Don’t ask questions. There’s going to be a massive case at the Imperial court. Here’s a transcript,” the message landed, “-send it to trusted reporters, I want the news spread across the capital. Can you do that?”

“I see,” he paused, “-relates Odgawoan, yes?”

“Yeah, we win and the town won’t be trifled with ever again.”

“Say no more.”

Glimpses of the exchange gave a brief idea, ‘-putting public attention on the trial means we won’t be fighting on foreign ground, but neutral ones. City of Dream has a good reputation for thrusting unknowns into stardom and turning the poor rich.’

“Master, where are we headed?” they jumped into Asmodeus’ car wherein Igna leaped out of the estate, “-surprise,” he smiled, *incoming message: Mammon*

Pass the casino, over the bridge, and there laid a Raven-owned hotel complex, “-why are we here?”

“Follow and don’t ask,” they climbed to the 9th floor and pushed open door numbered 91 into a somberly lit room. Flickers from television rose in the distance, “-who’s there?” asked a timid voice.

“Raven,” replied Igna flicking on the lights, “-Mammon must have spoken of our arrival?”

“Yes,” said a lovely lady bearing medium lengthen blond hair and a body described as slender, centimeter from starvation; her face didn’t strike much for it held familiar traits to people native of Iqeavea, “-my name’s Igna,” said he entering, “-and here are my companions.”

“Medusa,” waved the lass.

“Asmodeus,” bowed the prince.

Her mildly wrinkled cheeks rose at the mention of Asmodeus,” -leader of Raven,” her palms pressed in prayer, “-please, I need protection.”

“Diamon,” added Igna, “-please raise your head. We’re here as a friend, Kul spoke of how thee risked thy life to help her investigation.” The strangely alluring man walked and sat against her, “-help us once again and I’ll personally ensure any incurred debt is forgiven.”

“Really?” she blinked, and an amber lit blub hung over their heads, the breeze from the door swayed the source, “-what must I do?” her voice trembled.

“Diamon, let me ask this if you had a choice between forming a bond with an angel or make a pact with the devil, which would thee choose?”

Silence of reflection tied her lips, and she blinked, looking for answers in Igna’s bicolored pupils, “-I’ve prayed for my whole life, always begged for the gods to have mercy on my soul. I was taken from my home and thrown into slavery, my story’s the same as many others, we were taken before a god who simply watches from the heavens. I’m lucky I was sent to Odgawoan, grateful, I guess the gods answered my prayers somewhat – I met people with far worse stories than mine, and still, their smiles rendered mine to naught. Righteousness can only take one so far; I’m forever tainted, unable to escape the life of vice I follow. I don’t deserve an angel, instead, tis with the devil I’ll side.”

“Diamon,” he smirked, “-angels and demons are naught but morals rationalization, simple as that. I ask of your who, not why.”


“Great,” flickers of the purple cross his eyes, “-Lady Enia Punio of the Punio dynasty, doth thee wish to offer thy soul to I, the devil?”

“T-t-the d-d-devil?”

“Yes, the devil. Offer thineself for I promise all thy deepest wishes to come true.”

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