The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 920

Chapter 920: Justice always prevails

“Melmark’s Newsletter brings you news from the city of dreams, place of love, sex, and drugs, Lord Asmodeus of Raven is forced at the imperial court on suspicion of treason. A source of ours has confirmed the event – lack of public attraction has raised a few concerns; will the case be fought fairly or will the higher power duel the contest. Time is the only tell and you bet, our newsletter shall be first on the scene.”

“Marian’s Gossip; Lord Asmodeus, known for a lavish lifestyle and whimsical approach to business is without a doubt one of the reasons why the City of Dream has reached such a point in Alphian culture. We hear about the crime, the mob bosses, and the climb to the top – we’re secretly enamored by the brotherhood showcased in retelling and even more so by the ‘on the edge,’ lifestyle. The familias have been around for decades – and, without efforts from Asmodeus and his team, who knows how many more would have died. It’s not a secret the city’s overwhelmed by crime, yet, statistically speaking, fewer bodies are found and lesser people reported missing. Now, the truth comes in form of a decree by the imperial court – Raven is the main focus of the story, justice is the hero, and they’re the villain, such is the propagated idea. Good or evil, who are we to pass judgment?”

‘Andian’s Talkshow’, “-What are your thoughts on the decree? Comes to us by Maek from Djueon. Well, Maek, it’s interesting, everyone’s captivated by the idea of people controlling others from the shadows. Asmodeus is more or less the embodiment of the very idea – I have to take a neutral stance. Evidence and facts lead to conviction, part of my cynical side scoff at why the court would keep such a story under wraps, fear of publicity? I doubt it since the justice system’s proud of showing their cases to the public; for us to know transparency is the utmost focus. Add a high-profile figure, backed by a lot of clouts, politically and financially – bound to raise brows. Who knows,” said the host, “-one thing’s for sure, I’ve never seen something go viral so quickly. Who’s in the right or who’s in the wrong, we don’t know; let’s wait for the Imperial court’s statement.” Low, mid, and popular newsletters, talk shows, news broadcasts; name it and the sudden spark of mystery lit the populous’ mind ablaze with theories. Countless outspoken stars took to their social media, prompting debates on various subjects.

Minute hand ticked onto 13:00, an announcement went live at the imperial court’s side – “Raven, as well as the current Mayor of Odgawoan, have been ordered by the court on damning proof of alleged treason. We, of the imperial council, take the accusation of treason seriously, any possibility of harm to our empire must be snuffed. Seeing the delicate nature of the accusations, it was thought best to keep media coverage out of the courtroom. Selected news stations will be allowed into the courthouse as to uphold transparency.”

“What a morose statement,” yawned Igna, “-Diamon, my dear, would you like drinks or food?” he asked, glancing over.

“I’m good,” said the lady, “-thank you for the gesture.” A jet-black outline flew across the skies, passing mountains and farmlands until the apparition of lines of vertical rectangles, and a suspended railway soon whispered into sight, time read 13:30 – Raven landed.

“There you are,” hailed Raide in a navy-blue suit, beside whom stood Bleu Aizo and his team of smartly dressed associates.


“Did we take long?” inquired Asmo.

“No, you didn’t,” narrowed the lawyer, “-I’ve read the court order – it’s solid.”

“Not too fast,” interjected Igna, “-I present you our way out,” he smiled, “-please.”

A timid Diamon moved up front, and rose a perpetually tired look at the lawyer, “-my name’s Enia Punio, heir to a now broken dynasty.”

“-Pardon me,” stepped Bleu, “-how will she aid us?”

“She’s the target of the gang,” he smiled.

“And, what does that have to do?”

Raide rose his arm at Bleu, ‘-let him finish,’ said the gesture.

“Treason they said, I think not. We’ve gathered evidence on the attacker – Starix should be here with the masterminds.”

“Let us walk and talk,” suggested the lawyer, intrigued at what the devil suggested. Promenade turned drive, and drive soon landed at imperial court – a place that quickly put the royal court of Rosespire to shame. Opposite the battlefield lay a humbly quaint cottage-style eatery where Igna and Raven sat.

“I get what the master is coming at,” nodded Aizo, “-everything lines up for a win. It all depends on the prisoners and if Starix can capture them,” the moment he spoke, bells twinkled to five outlines, “-we’re here,” said a sadistically pleased demoness.

“We must ask of you to leave,” said one of the waiters.

“They’re with us,” said Asmo, returning from a toilet break, “-pay no heed to the outfits.” Unable to rival the prince’s comment, they walked past the stumped waiter.

“The party is here,” smiled Igna stretching his fingers at the captive, lines of white snapped at their head, to which they dropped.


“Don’t worry,” he said, “-was making sure they won’t lie.”

*Twinkle,* yet again – this time a slender man of pale complexion entered, “-Lord Asmodeus,” he knowingly moved at the table, “-tis a pleasure to make thy acquaintance.”

“Likewise, Lord Culstan, likewise. Care to join us for a meal?”

“I rather no,” he refused politely, “-its good manners to arrive at the court an hour before. I shall take my leave,” a smartly dressed lady walked into sight, “-my lawyer and lovely assistant Maya will take care of anything thee need,” the noble lord exited and a tall lady Maya sat at the table of dangerously infamous names. Raide and Aizo took the lead- Igna settled in his seat, allowing the heroes of said evening to take on a giant.

What followed was one of the greatest court hearings ever to take place in the Imperial court. “Both sides settled around 14:45 – Raven’s lawyers moved to the front and exchanged a few words with the prosecutors – renowned names in the judicial world of Alphia. Nature of the case was quite an arduous knot to untie; both sides carried big names; nobles and wealthy businessmen on Alphia’s side against Raven, whereat the King of Hidros personally attended the battle. Emperor Markus Sultria arrived at 15:00, begetting a standing welcome from either side. A brief description was read to him by a representative of the church. I’m obliged to say, witnessing such a trial is the highlight of my career. Raide Rosie gave a simple yet effective opening statement and thus began the trial. Prosecution was quick on facts, showing all the reasons why Odgawoan needed to be changed and how the mayor, not present for said hearing, was dismissed as a corrupted party. They slandered her reputation without caring for her prestige and heritage. Defendant took their inflammatory comments and scoffed; pushing a burst of laughter amidst the crowd, Bleu apologized for the comment and explained why he had laughed. Putting into question the intention of the prosecution. General Valentino is a hero of war, a man who’s protected the life of Alphian for decades – taking digs at her daughter, first Chief of Police, a woman of integrity, badly painted their canvas of character. At the sounding of the first-hour mark; a witness was called to the stand, one countess Eria Humdh – key advocate for the treachery charge; and I quote, “-I have been to Odgawoan many times, and I have seen the state of the city of dream. Let me say, tis the city of nightmares. Crime runs rampant, the rich get richer and the poor grow poorer. Alas, the reason why I stand here is to bring to light secrets kept by the Odgawoan elites. My butler was there,” she sniffled, “-a poor bystander, killed in cold blood by her!” she rose her fingers at Kul, “-I was there, I saw everything! she conjured magic and killed countless men without even batting an eye. She’s a devil, personification of evil,” tears carried down her cheeks, and evidence was brought into the fray, a missing fragment of a teleportation device. Without reports to back her claims – the idea of it having been wiped under the rug came into the forefront, truly placing blame on the chief’s character. Even more so, more credible nobles were called to the stand, showing proof and receipts of corruption and their under-the-table dealings. “-at the risk of being charged and humiliated, noble lords and dames have chosen justice and truth. Arrival of PMCs without a doubt the fault of Raven and the corrupted Odgawoan. Sadly, it’s not the only victim taken by the tragic environment – for we were contacted by the mother of Haania, a starlet with a bright future who was assaulted and killed by Lord Culstan,” damming post-mortem images flooded the courtroom, the emperor looked shocked and distressed – a shock factor which rattled the whole room. At the time, it looked as if there was no arguing the truth, Raven were traitors for having allowed enemies into the city. Level of corruption testified by the nobles greatly added to the veracity of said claims. Moreover, defendants silently watched as a massive case was built against them – we all knew it was over, there was no coming from said attack. The vocal prosecutor threw a smug grin, leaving Raide and Bleu exchanging confused glares. “Lord Raide and Bleu, is there something wrong?” I quote from one of the rare times the emperor spoke, “-the looks of confusion is troubling.”

“My lord,” rose Raide, “-we’re perplexed, who is Haania?” the crowd simultaneously clenched their lips, three little words, “-who is Haania?” foretold of a massive crash. Prosecution rose defiantly at the disrespectful tone Raide used, however, the defendant simply looked at the judge and jury, calmly gathered his thoughts, and said, “-Haania’s not a starlet, nor have there ever been reports of her existence. How easy was it to attack us not knowing the truth, Chief Jula being corrupt? How very disrespectful.”

Kul was brought to the stand, “-tell us, lady Kul, why were you there that night?”

“I was investigating a trafficking ring,” the answer and questions painted a narrative, one of true justice. Bleu joined to refute all of the previous arguments, giving rise to an empty battlefield, one where they fired shot after shot after shot. Treason? No, for it was a covert operation in clearing Odgawoan from ruffians. Haania? a sad story which lord Culstan refuted of never having met the lass – and the captives, two representatives of Cimier’s trafficking ring, were placed before the stand for all to see and question. There, it changed from righteous to a failure of the judicial system – many of the nobles who confessed wanted the trial to stop, and it led to widespread chaos of shouts and insults. Many rose their fingers at the emperor, “-end the trial for it has been corrupted, there is no justice here!” Seems the arrival of the captive truly sent echoes, many held terror in their faces. “Emperor Markus Sultria,” rose a thunderous voice, “-as King, I demand the trial be moved to Hidros. The level of corruption and ill-will displayed by the prosecution and the inability to enact justice has truly disappointed me, thus I question the existence of the Alrosian Council. My family has been placed on the stand and scrutinized on baseless rumors, not to mention the noble’s blatant lie and inconsistency. I wish for Alphian people to see where the corruption truly hides.”

“We of the defendant will countersue the state of Melmark for slander on behalf of Raven and the Chief of Police. Nothing’s more appalling than making a joke of justice. Our cause is right and fair – we shall take the matter and have a worthy judge, an apostle of Tharis to preside,” sounded the layers.

“I end the entry with a quote from King Igna, “-regardless of thy station – justice always prevail, no matter where one is.”

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